Public Relations and Education Committee (PREC)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Present: Amie Dugan, Gerri Walters, Kelly Coffey, Laura Gremelsbacker, Mark Buerger, Darcie Henderson, Margaret Larsen, Marlene Mitchell, Bronwyn-Schaefer Pope, Rick McCarty, Kathy Meagher, Sarah Leeth, Kirsten Seckler

Absent: Jim Balamaci, Jill Ward, Tracy DeVries, Chris Smith, Kim Widdess

1.  Call to Order – Margaret Larsen 3:00 p.m.

2.  Margaret Larsen

January 21, 2009 PREC Meeting Minutes

Motion / To approve January 21, 2009 PREC meeting minutes as presented.
Made / Rick McCarty
Second / Kathy Meagher
Vote / Passed Unanimously

·  Protective Behaviors Program Guide for Parents & Care Providers

Amie Dugan reported that she has no new information regarding the Guide since the last PREC call. The Guide is being reviewed by American Specialty with recommendations that have previously been submitted.

·  June PREC Conference

The cost for hotel stays is estimated at $139 per night and there is also a $200 registration fee for the conference. Laura Gremelsbacker reported that the majority of states responded that they will not be able to attend the PR Conference. 27 states have responded NO, 7 states have responded with YES and couple of maybes if their budget permits.

Discussion to cancel the PR Conference due to lack of interest, support and budget constraints. Kathy Meagher proposed having a one day PR meeting the day before the LETR registration begins which is November 10th. The Torch Run Council and Executive Council would need to vote to approve the meeting. Laura and Kirsten will give us an update in about one week on the response regarding the PR meeting. It was decided to postpone cancelling the PR Conference until we hear back from LETR.

·  CEO calls – Potential dates (June 22 and November 5)…topics needed

Everyone agreed that June 22nd and November 5th are good dates for CEO calls. Suggestions of having a webinar for the CEO calls.

It was decided for the June 22nd CEO call that social media and research will be the topics of discussion since 80% of answers submitted from the questions list were for those topics. On the November 5th call, we will discuss the outcomes from the June 22nd call and any additional items on the list.

Darcie Henderson mentioned that she had attended a Blackbaud webinar for social media. She will be checking to see about them hosting a webinar for PREC and give Margaret feedback on this.

Kirsten Seckler mentioned that they have relations with a few “web gurus”. She will see if they are willing to work with us.

3.  2009 PREC Priorities – Margaret Larsen

·  Host one Public Relations Conference in June 2009 and host two informational conference calls for U.S. CEOs.

·  Provide support to U.S. Programs/Campaigns such as “Be A Fan”, World and National Games.

·  Establish a national communications partner in cooperation with the Public Relations Department of Special Olympics International.

4.  Online Task Team – Chris Smith (on-going)

Darcie Henderson reported the online survey results were sent out from Chris Smith. He has asked that we keep survey results confidential at this time. The survey created a lot of questions and ideas. A report will be generated that will be presented at the U.S. Business Meeting in Florida, February 24-27. Ideas to be discussed are event management, fund raising tools, best practices, email marketing and integrated services.

5.  Kirsten Seckler

·  World Games recap and available assets

Congratulations to Michelle Henson and Mandy Neuer with Team USA for doing an incredible job with Team USA during the Games.

The Global Youth Activation Summit had 120 in attendance. Youth from all 50 states and 22 countries attended.

The youth came together after the February 9th show of the O’Reilly Factor was aired. Dick Morris who was being interviewed used the word “retarded.” The youth wrote letters to the show and created their own PSA stating that they were not pleased with what Dick Morris said during his interview. Bill O’Reilly admitted that they were wrong. This was a great testament the power the youth have. It was decided that March 31st is the “End the R-word Day.”

·  Be a fan customization update

Updates on R-Word campaign:

We have done presentations at ACLU, NAACP, GLAD and a few other organizations. The only negative feedback received was from GLAD who did not like using the “f” word.

Youth presented PSAs during youth rally. Five successful PSAs were created to the end the R Word Day action kit.

6.  Sarah Leeth

·  National Games

·  Operational / Strategic Plans

Margaret asked that Sarah Leeth send a copy of strategic plans for the games. She is meeting with Kirsten on March 5th to discuss the plans.

7.  Regional Questions – Laura Gremelsbacker

·  Updated Regions List

·  Regional Questions

Please review your section of the updated regions list. Please be aware some sections and contact information have changed.

Jill Ward is no longer with Special Olympics Washington. We will need to re-assign her regions.

We have not heard from Jim Balamaci. We may need to re-assign his regions.

Vanessa Walsh is no longer with Special Olympics Michigan

Gerri Walters will cover the Laura’s states while she is out on maternity leave.

It was requested of Kirsten to not send any PREC information to the North America contacts before she sends to the actual PREC Committee.

8.  New Business

9.  Next Call – April 15, 2009

10.  Adjournment

Motion / To adjourn PREC meeting.
Made / Rick McCarty
Second / Amie Dugan
Vote / Passed unanimously

Calendar Dates:

The 2009 PREC Conference Call dates are as follows:

April 15, June 10, August 12, September 30, & November 3. All PREC calls are scheduled for 3 p.m. EST.