ACF Certification Candidate,

This template was created for your use in order to present a professional Certification Evaluator Packet. It is a suggested optional choice that offers more than what is required to turn into the ACF Evaluators at the time of your practical. You need to determine your individual needs and if this template is the right choice for you.

You are more than welcome to use this template on how you see fit. Edit, add, and /or subtract items or pages to fit your requirements, needs, and professional standard.

ALWAYS be sure to read and verify the current ACF Certification Guidelines and Handbooks for your particular ACF Certification Level. Items and Criteria change over time and this template could be out of date to the current requirements of the ACF and the Practical Exam level you are trying to obtain.

AGAIN – Verify Your Practical Requirements, Rules, and Guidelines and compared to this template at:

The Texas Chefs Association looks forward to your success and wishes you all the best of luck in your endeavor to become an American Culinary Federation Certified Culinarian or Chef. Be sure to access our current ACF Certification Chair with any questions or needs along the way.

Certification Practical Exam

Certified Chef de Cuisine

Candidate Name

Certified Chef de Cuisine


Consommé Title

Menu Description

Fish Course Title

Menu Description

Main Course Title

Menu Description

Certified Chef de Cuisine

Practical Exam Skill Sets(3 Hours)

Chicken Consommé

Prepare 60 ounces of chicken consommé, using ground chicken for the raft, to be served with agarnish of the candidate’s choice derived from a classical preparation

  • un-clarified stocks may be brought in

Mother Sauces

Prepare 1 quart of Velouté sauce

Prepare 1 quart of Espagnole

  • strain for final presentation (un-clarified stock may be brought in

Fish Course

Whole flat fish butcherymust be demonstrated (Dover sole or flounder)

Prepare 2 portions of one first course using part of the Dover sole or flounder (and one of the other seafood basket components from the ACF CCC Practical handbook

  • List which basket component you chose

Main Course

Fabricate One Whole Chicken (2.5 – 3.5 pounds)

Prepare 2 portions of the fabricated chickenfor a main course using at least 2 cuts of the bird withappropriate accompaniments.

Certified Chef de Cuisine

Recipes & Nutritional Information

List recipes here by title and then have each recipe sheet behind this page.

Include Nutritional Information with each recipe or as whole on separate sheet.

Certified Chef de Cuisine

Practical Exam Time Line(3 Hours)

7:30amSet Station / Prepare for Start

7:55am Wash Hand


Practical Time Begins













Practical Time Ends

Await ACF Evaluator Critique and Review

Certified Chef de Cuisine

Evaluation Notes
