Jubilee Conference

40 years of the University of The Third Age in the University of Wrocław


scientific conference

“Seniors for culture”

Internet site of the conference: http://utw.wroclaw.pl/konferencja

The University of the Third Age in Wroclaw, on the occasion of its 40th Jubilee, is organizing an International Scientific Conference entitled “Seniors for Culture”. The conference will take place on July 4th to 6th , 2016.

The aim of the conference – whose topics will fit into the project planned by the European Union for the year 2016 called “Wroclaw – European Capital of Culture” – will present the role and importance of older people in the cultural life of our society. Seniors characterized by the natural feature of their increased sensitivity at culture’s heart, the values of goodness, beauty and truth are not only grateful recipients of culture but they also have their own, direct contribution in the development of culture. Oftentimes they are its authors and ambassadors, and in everyday life they fulfill a generative mission, which consists of the care for the tradition and transmission of its values to the younger generations.

Appreciating the role of seniors in culture, we want to discuss the following issues:

•  1. Creative activity of seniors in various fields of culture, for example in art, literature, science, religious life, education, politics, sport, etc.

•  2. Creative activity of seniors in everyday life.

•  3. The presence of seniors in the great works of the masters.

•  4. Seniors - the recipients of culture.

The inauguration of the jubilee conference will take place in the Aula Leopoldina in the main building of the University of Wroclaw on July 4th 2016, from 15:00 to 19:00. The scientific part, workshops, poster sessions and exhibitions have been scheduled for July 5th and 6th 2016, from 10:00 to 16:00 in the University of the Third Age, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Wroclaw.

Please submit your proposals for speeches and articles for publishing, up to January 15th 2016 to the email address:

Submitted papers will be externally reviewed and in the case of positive review, they will be published in Polish Journal “Gerontologia Polska” (“Polish Gerontology”) or in English in the semi-annual journal “Journal of Education Culture and Society” (www.jecs.pl) in issue 1/2016 before the conference. “Journal of Education Culture and Society” is listed on the Polish ministerial list of scientific journals – part B (4 points) and is indexed in numerous international databases.

We hope that the conference will be a significant event in world gerontology. We anticipate more than 200 participants from the whole of Europe and beyond. The main section will include specially-invited honourary guests from Germany, Italy, Spain, Holland, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Iran.
Types of attendance:

1.  Participant with full payment 120,- EUR

The fee covers:

 participant’s speech or poster (max. 2 presentations per participant),

 peer-reviewed publications (in case of positive review) in the “Journal of Education, Culture and Society” (max. 1 publication per participant),

 printed issue of “Journal of Education, Culture and Society” containing the positively reviewed papers submitted by the participants,

 full access to all sessions, lectures and workshops,

 admission to the opening ceremony,

 certificate of attendence (to be received at the conference personally),

 conference materials,

 coffee breaks,

 solemn supper,

 cultural events,

 guided Wroclaw city tour

2.  Participant with reduced payment 60,- EUR

The fee covers:

3.  participant’s speech or poster (max. 2 presentations per participant),

publications (in case of positive review) in the “Gerontologia Współczesna - Alter Ego Seniora”,

 printed issue of “Gerontologia Współczesna - Alter Ego Seniora”

 full access to all sessions and lectures,

 admission to the opening ceremony,

 certificate of attendence (to be received at the conference personally),

 coffee breaks,

 solemn supper,

 cultural events,

 guided Wroclaw city tour

4.  Non registered participant- without conference fee

 full access to all sessions and lectures,

 admission to the opening ceremony,

Datas for payment:

Owner: University of Wrocław

From Poland in zlotys

PLN 71 1090 2503 0000 0006 3000 0004 for Conference No 12/N/2016

From abroad in EUR


EUR PL 49 1090 2398 0000 0006 0800 5079 Conference No 12/N/2016

The Scientific sponsorship of the conference is made under the auspices of the Polish Society of Gerontology, Department in Wroclaw.

Dr Aleksander Kobylarek

president of the initiating committee,

manager of the university of the third age


Applying for the conference 15.01.2016

Conference fee 30.01.2016

Submitting paper for the JECS 30.01.2016

Conference in Wrocław 4-7.07.2016

The Journal issue will be printed in September 2016 for the conference meeting.

International Academic Conference
"Seniors for Culture” 2016
4th-6th July 2016
University of Wroclaw
University of the Third Age (Poland)

Fields marked with * are obligatory.

General information:

First Name*:
Last Name*:
University (institution)*:
Academic degree*:
Postal address*:
Phone number (including country and region codes)*:

Preliminary information on the paper

1. Primary author (full name)
2. Co-authors (full names, separated by ';')
3. Preliminary title
4. Keywords
5. Abstract (max. 150 words).

Preliminary information on presentations at the symposium (max. 2 presentations per 1 participant)*

1P. Form of presentation (mark with an “x”) / Verbal presentation
1P. Primary author (full name)
1P. Co-authors (full names, separated by ';')
1P. Preliminary title
1P. Keywords

Regarding solemn dinner, please mark with an “x” your choice of culinary preference*

Muslim (no pork, no alcohol, no marinade)

In case of any other religious or cultural issues regarding the dinner, please let us know.

Invoice for the conference fee (please mark your choice with an “x”)*

I don’t need an invoice.
I need a scan of the invoice sent to my e-mail adress.
I need a printed invoice sent to the following adress:
I need a printed invoice and I will collect it during the conference

Data for the invoice (fill out only if you need an invoice)


Invitation for the conference (necessary for obtaining a visa)*

I don’t need an invitation.
I need a scan of the invitation sent to my e-mail adress.
I need a printed invitation sent to the following adress:
*I hereby agree for processing the following personal information strictly for the purposes registration at International Academic Conference “Education, Culture and Society 2016”. The in accordance with the regulation for the protection of personal data passed on the following day: 29.08.97r. Dz.U. Nr 133 poz. 883.
Date Signature
……… …………. ………………………………………………….

The form should be mailed to

You will receive a confirmation of acceptance of your application