Dear All

Congratulations on making it to MDI, Gurgaon.

As the joining date approaches, you are required to undertake a small exercise.

List down all your achievements, small or big, from childhood up till now; do not leave out any achievement, even if you feel it is not that big in magnitude. This will serve as the repository from which you will have to shortlist points for your CV. Hence, it is imperative that you capture all your achievements. Take the help of your family/friends if need be.

Once you have written this down, start thinking on how you can maximize the impact of each of these achievements. For example, mentioning that you were among the top 5% students of your class in an examination makes more impact if you can mention the class size along with this.

You also have to validate each of these lines. For example, if you mention the class size in the instance stated above, you will need proof for both your position in the class and the class size. Similarly, if you mention the budget of any festival/event that you organized, there must be a proof for it. Proofs can be in the form of certificates, official websites, newspaper clippings, letter/ mail from the organizers (with their contact information), conference/event proceedings, letter/ mail from a professor etc.

You are required to start collecting the proofs that you do not have with you already. These would be essential at the time of the CV verification process post joining the campus.

Placement Committee

MDI, Gurgaon

CV Guidelines

All students are required to start preparing their CV according to the templates uploaded on the website. The CV will be a single page document. You are not required to submit the CV at this stage, but keep it ready as CV verification would begin soon after joining. No queries regarding the CV will be entertained at this stage.

·  Throughout the document, the headers/titles are required to be mentioned as in the template.

·  Do not change the title of any sub-header in the CV. In case a header like Professional Qualifications/Academic Achievements is not applicable, delete the entire section as per the guidelines below.

·  The font style for the entire CV (including header and footer) is Garamond.

·  The font size for the entire CV should be uniform. Acceptable font sizes are in the range 10 to 12.

·  Filled circular bullets are to be used, as indicated. Sub-bullets are also to be filled bullets, of a smaller size, as in the template.

·  Check the PDF version of the file before submitting, so as to check for any potential alignment errors.

1.  Header

a.  Insert your name, course name and age (in years, as on 31.08.2011) in the respective tags.

b.  The name should be written with only the first letters capitalized. e.g. Shemal Gandhi

c.  Do not alter the position of any of the tags, or of the MDI logo

2.  Professional Experience

a.  Replace <Total # of Months> with the completed no. of months across all organizations.

b.  In reverse chronological order, mention the different organizations you have worked at, with the city name, your last held designation, and a brief about your roles, responsibilities, and achievements at the workplace. You are advised to use action words for indicating responsibilities.

e.g. “Responsible for leading a team of 5” may be re-phrased as “Led a team of 5 co-workers in XYZ project”

c.  Specify clearly the joining date and leaving date for each organization. Also indicate the total no. of months in the organization.

3.  Education

a.  Clearly mention the academic record in reverse chronological order (The post graduation column does not have to include MDI).

b.  All percentages and CGPAs are to be indicated up to two decimal places. While indicating CGPA, mention the maximum CGPA obtainable.
e.g. 4.36/5, or 9.23/10. In case of percentages do not add the % sign. e.g. 93.54

c.  In case you studied in an institute deemed as a university, mention the institute name in the University and Institute columns. Do not write “Deemed University”

d.  Under Academic Achievements, mention relevant achievements during your academic career. Do not mention awards etc. at the workplace.
In case you do not wish to put any academic achievements, remove the section from the CV.

e.  Under Professional Certifications, mention any professional certifications you may have earned. Examples include CFA, CA, NCFM, SCJP, etc.
In case you do not wish to put any certifications, remove the section from the CV.

4.  Internship/Live Projects

a.  Mention your Live Projects/Internship(s) in this section.

Live projects are the projects taken up at an organization in conjunction with academic coursework, and are different from academic projects done at the institution as part of the curriculum.

b.  For each entry, mention the organization, start date and completion date, along with the duration of the internship/project.

c.  Clearly mention the type of work as follows, within parentheses, after the organization name :

i.  Graduation Internship(s) : Summer Training

ii. Live Projects : Live Project

d.  Replace <Title of the project> with the project title. Provide a brief description in the next line.

e.  A maximum of 6 completed Live Projects can be included in this section

5.  Academic Projects

a.  Mention academic projects and “Live Projects in Progress” in this section, as indicated in the CV.

b.  “Live Projects in Progress” are to be clearly demarcated as indicated in the CV. All Live Projects that have not yet been completed will come under this header and would be moved to the section of ‘Internships/Live Projects’ only after completion.

c.  Mention the course name and the team size in each case. In case of individual projects/term papers, replace “Team Size: ” by “Individual”.

d.  For projects done during graduation/post-graduation, you may mention the name of the course

e.  A maximum total 6 academic projects/Live Projects in Progress can be included in this section.

6.  Positions of Responsibility(PoR)

a.  This section should contain details about PoRs held during academic record.

b.  Club memberships at MDI would be indicated under this header.

c.  Mention the title of the responsibility, along with the club/society, provided that the club/society is part of a larger organization. This should be followed by the name of the institute/organization and the year/duration in which the PoR was held. e.g. Core Team Member, Illumina, MDI Gurgaon, 2010-2011

d.  You can also provide a list of responsibilities associated with the PoR, if required.

7.  Extra-Curricular Activities

a.  Mention your extra-curricular achievements in this section. (Name of the activity, Duration/Year). e.g. Outstanding Event Manager, MDI Gurgaon, 2010-2011

b.  Co-Curricular achievements are to be included in this section. Such activities include demonstrated achievement in any academics-related competition, such as winning/participating in case study competitions, etc.

8.  Key Interests

a.  Indicate your hobbies, and key areas of interest, preferably with any examples of activities related to the interest.

e.g. An interest in “Poetry” may be indicated by highlighting that your poems have been published in magazines, or appreciated on your blog.

b.  If the student has proof of achievement in the field of interest like poetry, it can be moved to the section on ‘Extra-Curricular Activities’.

9.  Footer

a.  Indicate your MDI roll no in the mentioned space (when provided). Do not change any other details in the footer.