Barry County Board of Commissioners - Committee of the Whole

March 7, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Commission Chambers


Members Present: Commissioners Vivian Conner, Ben Geiger, Howard Gibson, Jon Smelker, David Jackson, and Heather Wing. Absent: Dan Parker. Clerk Pam Palmer was also present.

Others present: Michael Brown, Luella Dennison, Amy Kinyon, Dep. Zach Drake, Jack Miner, John Resseguie, Rick Moore, Dave Shinavier, Sharon Zebrowski, Jim Brown, Don Hunt, Brian Reynolds, Jim & Teri Enrietti, Mike Chamberlain, Larry Bass, Rose Anger, Arinn Wing & Olivia Wing.

Chair Geiger called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Those present stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance.


-  Jim Brown read a letter to the commissioners concerning a county wide recycling coordinator position and the collaboration of the townships regarding the feasibility of a recycling center.

-  Sharon Zebrowski described the general store at Charlton Park.

ROSE ANGER & BRIAN REYNOLDS – Remonumentation Program Update

ROSE ANGER - 1) 2017 Peer Review Appointments & Contracts

Moved by Smelker, seconded by Conner to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval to appoint Robert Carr, Michael Pratt, Ken Vierzen, Steven Koerber, Randall Jonker and John Bueche to the Barry County Recomumentation Peer Review Board and to authorize the Chairperson to sign the attached peer review agreements for state reimbursements. Discussion. All ayes. Motion carried.

2) 2017 Monumentation Surveyor Agreements

Moved by Gibson, seconded by Wing to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval of the Monumentation Surveyor Agreements between the County of Barry and Brian Reynolds (dba: Reynolds Land Surveying & Mapping P.C.), Arrow Land Survey, Pathfinder Engineering Inc., Crane Land Survey, Carr & Associates LLC, Exxel Engineering, and Jonker Land Surveys PC for the 2017 year. Discusssion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Barry County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners – March 7, 2017

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-  Jim Enrietti commented on self-funding for the airport and suggested that Charlton Park does not seem to be heading in the right direction of achieving a self-sustaining entity & encouraged the board to perhaps ask the Airport Board & Charlton Park Board to collaborate & make Charlton Park a paying entity on behalf of the taxpayers.

-  Jim Brown commented that Irving Charlton collection is to remind us of the past, but not get stuck in the past. Rather than bringing up the old, we should look to the future. He also commented on the extension of the airport runway that will bring in new business to our community.

-  Rick Moore commented that there is only 1 self-supporting park in the United States, and he feels that it is unlikely that Charlton Park will become the second self-funding park in the United States. He further commented that we all need to make Charlton Park a better place.

-  Brian Reynolds commented that the Airport budget also provides a State contribution, so the idea that it is operating without tax money is not true.

-  Sharon Zebrowski commented that we need to decide what we want Charlton Park to be – Barry County or a Disneyland. Let’s make it Barry County history and let’s make it better.

ADJOURNMENT: at 9:40 am.


Ben Geiger, Chair

Barry County Board of Commissioners


Pamela A. Palmer

Barry County Clerk

Approved: __3/14/2017 PPalmer______

Date & Initial when approved

Barry County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners – March 7, 2017

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