The Legacy River Company

Benefits of Raised Diners

A common question:

“We like the way the Legacy River™Diner adds to our décor. We no longer need to hide the feeding location for our dog (or cat), and the diner helps keep the area cleaner. But, are your diners really better for our dog (or cat)?”

Absolutely, yes!

On our website and in our literature, we state that The Legacy River™ Collection of Diners provides a tasteful blending of form and function. Because the above question is so common, it seems a number of pet owners have not learned about the “function” part of the equation. The function we reference is not only the convenience to pet owners but also the health benefits to our pets.

Almost universally, veterinary doctors recommend the use of raised feeding stations for dogs and cats. This is especially true for medium and larger breeds. Some of the key benefits are:

  • Reduces gulping. Dogs by nature seem to gulp their food and water. When they bend over to eat, this virtually forces them to gulp. When they gulp their food, dogs tend to swallow air leading to gas. Relief of this gas is not only a comfort to the dog but everyone in the household. A raised diner reduces this gulping.
  • Larger breed dogs are more likely to get bloat from swallowing air. This can be a serious problem, even life-threatening. This is why veterinary doctors especially recommend the usage of raised feeding stations for larger breeds.
  • Older dogs and cats are more likely to have arthritis. This makes it uncomfortable or even painful to bend over for food and water. We also find that older dogs and cats often tend to eat less. This can impact their nutrition. The use of a raised feeding station not only makes older pets more comfortable but also can enhance their nutrition.

The height design of The Legacy River™Collection of Diners reflects work with and input from actual pet, veterinary, and high-end retail owners. The standard dimensions are the most frequently requested. The Legacy River Companyis happy to meet the custom design needs for different sizes.Contact us at , and we will work with you to meet any special needs.

Thank you for your interest in The Legacy River™Collection of Diners and the health of our dogs and cats.