NHBB A 2014-2015
Extra Questions Sheet

This man successfully negotiated his opponents’ evacuation of Chippenham in the Treaty of Wedmore. This man, who made the first English editions of Pastoral Care and The (+)ConsolationofPhilosophy,was the subject of a biography by Asser. This victor at Edington established the limits of the (*) Danelaw by defeating Guthrum. For 10 points, name this King of Wessex whose erudition and successful defense against Vikings made him the first person known as “King of England” and only one called “the Great.”

ANSWER: Alfred the Great

This man was the Prime Minister under whom the M’Naghten rules for insanity defenses were developed, following Daniel M’Naghten’s murder of this man’s private secretary Edward Drummond. This man precipitated the (+)Bedchamber Crisis when he demanded the removal of Whigs from Queen Victoria’s personal retinue. His Tamworth Manifesto organized the (*) Conservative Party, and he attempted to use the Irish potato famine as a reason to repeal the Corn Laws. For 10 points, name this British Prime Minister who lends his first name to the London police force.

ANSWER: Robert Peel

This man commissioned a thousand-page white paper intended to prove that the U.S. had no hope of successful military intervention in China, which was perceived as an attempt to deflect criticism for “losing China” to the Communists during his time as (+) Secretary. This man was accused of running a "cowardly college of Communist (*)containment" by Richard Nixon and of overseeing a spy-riddled State Department by Joseph McCarthy. For 10 points, name this much-maligned Secretary of State who served under the second Truman administration until 1953.
ANSWER: DeanAcheson

One of the first times this group flexed its political muscle was when it torpedoed A.T. Stewart’s nomination as Treasury Secretary. Leading opponents of this faction included Carl Schurz and William Robertson. This group, which was led by Thomas Platt and Roscoe (+) Conkling, was detested by the Half-Breeds and Mugwumps, and Charles Guiteau proclaimed membership in this faction after shooting (*) James Garfield. For 10 points, name this this group of pro-spoils system Republicans based in New York.

ANSWER: Stalwarts

This man had no choice but to prop up his competitor, the Tennessee Coal and Iron company, in order to prevent the failure of the Moore and Schley broker house. This man lent crucial money to the federal government during both the Panic of (+) 1893 and the Panic of 1907. This man amalgamated Thomas Edison’s firm into General Electric in 1892, in practice for his largest combination which involved Andrew (*) Carnegie and other magnates. For 10 points, name this creator of U.S. Steel, a financier who named a long-running twentieth-century bank.

ANSWER: J.P. Morgan [John Pierpont Morgan]