Learning Activity: Module 2 Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Development

Part 1: Complete sections one and two below. Be sure to consider students with mild to significant disabilities and note any accommodations you may need to make to support their learning.

Section 1: The Curriculum Framework Components
Big Idea(s)
Essential question(s)
Section 2: The Cycle of Effective Instruction Components
Compelling Concept Presentation
Describe how you will present the concept.
How will you present the concept in an engaging and compelling manner?
How will you activate students’ prior knowledge during this part of the lesson?
Which design questions could support your instructional decision making during this part of the lesson?
What resources/materials will you use?
Teaching and Modeling
How will you provide explicit instruction?
How will you demonstrate or model the concepts/skills to be learned?
What examples will you provide to help students connect to the concept or skill?
How could you use metacognition during this part of the lesson?
Which design questions could support your instructional decision making during this part of the lesson?
Which effective instructional strategies will you use during this part of the lesson?
How will you scaffold the strategies so they build upon each other?
What activities will the students do as a team?
What rationale will you use to group students into teams?
How will you provide for individual and group accountability during teamwork?
Which design questions could support your instructional decision making during this part of the lesson?
Which effective instructional strategies will you use during this part of the lesson?
At what points during the lesson will you assess for learning?
What questions will you ask to gauge student learning?
Which design questions could support your instructional decision making during this part of the lesson?
What formative assessment activity will you use to close the lesson?

Part 2: Answer the following questions and prompts.

How you will address the needs of students with mild to significant disabilities?

Describe the impact your colleague's feedback had on your lesson.

Part 3: Answer the following questions and prompts.

What portions of the lesson were successful?

What challenges did you face in implementing the lesson?

What portions of the lesson could be improved? What do you need to do to make these improvements?

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