Office of School Innovation


2012 Charter School Application Review

Confidentiality Agreement

I, ______, in order to protect the integrity of the review process instituted by the Board of Regents for the review of applications for a charter school, as well as to ensure that such process is fair to all potential applicants, hereby agree as follows:

1.  I will not provide, or otherwise make available to any person, other than officers, employees or affiliates of the Office of School Innovation—Charter Schools Office (OSI-CSO), any information regarding a charter school application or applicant that I have received from the OSI-CSO, or disclose any of the contents in whole or in part.

2.  I will not at any time disclose any portion of the any charter school application or information regarding any charter school applicant that I have received from the OSI-CSO; but I will instead refer any requests for such information to the OSI-CSO for handling by the Freedom Of Information Law (FOIL) Officer for the Board of Regents.

3.  I will not discuss with or otherwise reveal to any person or organization, with the exception of officers, employees or affiliates of the OSI-CSO and other members of the application review team, the deliberation, discussions, findings, recommendations, or conclusions of the application review team or the officers, employees, or affiliates of the OSI-CSO.

4.  Upon request, I will return to the OSI-CSO all documents relating to the review of charter school applications, including but not limited to copies of charter applications provided to me by the OSI-CSO, application review sheets, and reviewer notes.

5.  I will have no financial involvement or any other involvement with the preparation or outcome of the applications I will review and score for the Federal Charter School Program, NCLB Title V, Part B.

______(electronic signature acceptable)

Signature Date