WASC 2013

Valley High School

Santa Ana Unified School District




Table of Contents

Introduction / …………………………………………………………… / i-xvi
Chapter A / Student/Community Profile
A.1 / General Description of the School……………………… / 1
A.2 / Faculty/Staff Demographics……………………………. / 4
A.3 / Student Demographics………………………………….. / 7
Chapter B / Significant Developments………………………………. / 45
Chapter C / Process and Procedures for Follow-Up………………… / 53
Chapter D / Progress Report…………………………………………. / 55
Chapter E / Schoolwide Action Plan/Critical Areas for Follow-Up… / 69




Members of the Visiting Committee

Dr. Richard J. Chavez

WASC Chair

Director of Operations,

Partnership for Los Angeles Schools

Mr. Hagop Eulmessekian

Assistant Principal,

Herbert Hoover High School

Santa Ana Unified School District

Board of Education

Vision Statement

We will work collaboratively and comprehensively with staff, parents, and community to strengthen a learning environment focused on raising the achievement of all students and preparing them for success in college and career.

Mission Statement

We assure well-rounded learning experiences, which prepare our students for success in college and career. We engage, inspire, and challenge all of our students to become productive citizens, ethical leaders, and positive contributors to our community, country and a global society

Board Members

Mr. José Alfredo Hernández, J.D.


Mr. Rob Richardson

Vice President

Dr. Audrey Yamagata-Noji


Mr. John Palacio


Ms. Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias


Santa Ana Unified School District

District Administration

1601 East Chestnut Avenue

Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322

Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana, Ph.D.


Cathie Olsky, Ed.D.

Deputy Superintendent

Stefanie Phillips, CBO

Deputy Superintendent, Operation

Herman Mendez

Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Education

Dawn Miller

Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education

Doreen Lohnes

Assistant Superintendent, Support Services

Joe Dixon

Assistant Superintendent, Facilities & Governmental Relations

Chad Hammitt

Associate Superintendent, Human Resources

Deidra Powell

Public Relations Officer

Heather Griggs, Ed.D.

Director of School Renewal

Art Jimenez

Director of Constituency Services

Valley High School Administration

Patrick D. Yrarrázaval-Correa (Mr. Patrick)


Jeffrey Rozema

School Operations Administrator

Budget, technology, logistics, facilities, master schedule

Patrick Cornforth

Learning Director

Learning and teaching, staff development, master schedule, WASC

Jimmy Bruhl

Assistant Principal

Parent and community support, discipline, PBIS, ASB, ELAC

Anne E. Harper

Assistant Principal

Higher Education, counseling, Coordination of Services Team

Gabriel Moreno

Assistant Principal

Attendance, security, emergency preparedness, expulsions, discipline, PBIS






As of October 30, 2012, the members of our ILT are:


Position: Name: Position: Name:

ELA Damien Corradino Principal Patrick

Math Carolyn Ruff Learning Director Patrick Cornforth

Science Richard Oberreuter SOA Jeff Rozema

Social Studies Linn Lee Focus Coordinator Jose Luis Pedroza

PE Kathi Hagan Foreign Language Jo Ann Silva

Special Education Lorena Alvarez CTE Monica Aguilar

Counseling Javier Valdez Outreach Consultant Ortencia Sell

At-Large (VAPA) Karen Bluel Literacy Coach Anastasia Filipek

At-Large (AVID) Michael Collins ELD Coordinator Laura Pickrell

At-Large (Athletics) Terry Orabona Special Education Robert Gabaldan

At-Large (ELA) Erik Terwilliger ASB Advisor Frank Cortez

For complete description of ILT form and function see page 67.

Valley High School

Certificated Staff

Banderas, Andrew
Barham, Britney
Bartholio, Mark
Cascella, Caitlin
Coronel, Ismael
Corradino, Damian
Crewe, Dominic
Dhenin, Maleah
Duong, Karen
Echaves, Michael
Hollenbeck, Robin
Humphrey, Geraldine
Leung, Nancy
Lopez, Veronica
Pederson, Judith
Quach, Linh
Terwilliger, Erik
Wright, Janet
World Languages
Aguirre, Nicolas
Dreyer, Claire
Garcia-Ortiz, Gloria
Garcia-Parada, Elizabeth
Hernandez, Annabel
Landrian, Ana
Landrian, Olga
Ortega, Alfredo
Silva, JoAnn
P.E. Department
Hagan, Kathy
Orabona, Terry
Sanchez, Jose
Stancil, Ken / Social Science Department
Berger, Michael
Herrera, Claudia
Lee, Roselinn
Kucera, Jennifer
Madrid, Albert
Orozco, Mayra
Rodriguez III, Michael
Sanchez, Cathleen
Shimasaki, Darren
Stevens, Kelly
Vazquez, Benjamin
Special Education
Alvarez, Lorena
Cesnar, Carrie
Cortez, Francisco
Delgado, Gabriel
Gabaldon, Robert
Gomez-Pedroza, Laura
Hernandez, Robert
Lopez, Adolfo
Mohr, Lawrence
Ortiz, Brenda
Rodriguez, Leslie
Sanchez, Caren
Schlensker, Nicholas
Smith, Blake
Tarnow, Paula
Yu, Sueying
Collins, Michael
Ross, Tajara / Science
Donahue, Cynthia
Estes, Cheryl
Fitch, James
Garcia, Reuben
Jara, Ricardo
Kirchberg, John
Lammers, Frederick
Muzic, Renee
Oberreuter, Richard
Richardson, Craig
Bashar, Tahmina
Bueno-Ramirez, Cristian
Cavazos, Teresa
Conover, Matthew
Esaki, Aime
Hennemuth, Mark
Hruby, Jeff
Knobbe, Christine
Lutack, Ian
Mohammadi, Mehdi
Morris, Matthew
Risk, Heather
Scanlon, Brian
Su, Jennifer
Vazquez, Joseph
Pereyra, Jose
Valdez, Javier
Perez, Sandra
Sanchez, Robert
Moss, Michael
Gibbs, April / VAPA
Ayon, William
Bluel, Karen
Cardenas, Marisol
Hernandez, Joaquin
Holland, Cynthia
Walker, Rick
Aguilar, Monica
Carson, Gerald
Dervis, Nancy
Fe, Helen
Fischer, Charlene
Katz, David
Onaga, Joyce
Ungar, William
Vu, Minh
Zook, Daniel
ELA: Filipek, Ana
Math: Ruff, Carolyn
Pedroza, Jose Luis
Pickrell, Laura
Frenz, William Clayton
Zermeno, Summer
Welcome Academy
Belida, Ryan
Mejia, Juan Carlos
Walshe, Robbie

Valley High School

Classified Staff

Office Manager
Santos, Connie
Attendance Clerk
Ramirez-Burtnett, Juana
School Accounts Clerk
Sanchez, Maribel
Site Clerks
Carbajal, Sara
Parra-Vega, Maria
Ybarra, Adriana
School Office Assistant
Martinez, Imelda
Avalos, Matilda
Lopez, Guillermina
Computer Technician
Prado, Luis
Stage Manager
Lopez, Eddie
Library Media Tech
Hatchett, Jean
Community & Family
Outreach Liaison
Padilla, Lizbeth / ROP Technician
Jones, Judith
T.P.P./ Workability
Alva, Petra
Athletic Equipment
Berrett, Levelle
Athletic Trainer
Borrell, Jennifer
Cafeteria Manager
Rodriguez, Ana / Groundskeeper
Auxier, Tracy D.
Custodial Day Staff
Guerrero, Manuel
Rojas, Adam
Custodial Night Staff
Herrera, Elias
Hill, Richard
Luna, Gregory
Villagomez, Jesus
Viramontes, Esteban
Zamarripa, Ildefonso
District Safety Officers
Karratti, Matthew
Martinez, Gilbert
Oviedo, Frankie
Peña, Rudy
Outreach Consultants
Sell, Ortencia
Palomino, Dana / Special Education
Instructional Assistants
Bin, Suleiman
Calderon, Carlo
Harlan, Jeffrey
Iwaki, Gloria
Lopez, Diana
Lopez, Jesus
Munoz, Adriana
Palomino, Veronica
Pulido, Anna
Ramos, Maria G.
Rios-Olivar, Claudia
Sandoval, Nancy
Shambaris, Theodore
Torres, Arlett
Torres-Guillen, Juana
Tran, Calvin
Werdel, Cecilia
Zook, Jeanette

Valley High School

WASC Leadership Team

Patrick D. Yrarrázaval-Correa (Mr. Patrick), Principal

Patrick Cornforth, Lead WASC Coordinator

Mayra Orozco, Teacher

Reuben Garcia, Teacher

Focus Group Leaders

Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources

Britney Barham, English Teacher

Michael Echaves, English Teacher

Standards-Based Learning: Curriculum

Jennifer Kucera, Social Science Teacher

Linh Quach, English Teacher

Standards-Based Learning: Instruction

Jeff Hruby, Math Teacher

Roselinn Lee, Social Science Teacher

Standards-Based Learning: Assessment

Jose Luis Pedroza, Focus Coordinator

Laura Pickrell, Teacher on Special Assignment

School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth

Michael Moss, Counselor

Darren Shimasaki, Social Science Teacher

Focus Group A: Organization

Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources

Focus Group Leaders

Britney Barham, English Department

Michale Echaves, English Department


Jeffrey Rozema, School Operations Administrator

Name / Department
Aguilar, Monica
Ayon, William
Banderas, Andrew
Bartholio, Mark
Berger, Michael
Carson, Gerald
Cascella, Cailtin
Collins, Michael
Filipek, Ana
Holland, Cynthia
Humphrey, Geraldine
Lammers, Frederick
Leung, Nancy
Mohr, Lawrence
Stancil, Ken
Valdez, Javier
Vazquez, Benjamin / Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
Visual and Performing Arts
English Language Arts/Advancement Via Individual Determination
English Language Arts
Social Science
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
English Language Arts
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Literacy Coach/Teacher on Special Assignment
Visual and Performing Arts
English Language Arts
English Language Arts
Special Education
Physical Education
Social Science

Focus Group B: Curriculum

Focus Group Leaders

Jennifer Kucera, Social Science Department

Linh Quach, English Department


Gabriel Moreno, Assistant Principal

Name / Department
Alvarez, Lorena
Corradino, Damian
Crewe, Dominic
Dhenin, Maleah
Estes, Cheryl
Fitch, James
Frenz, William Clayton
Herrera, Claudia
Morris, Matthew
Ortega, Alfredo
Richardson, Craig
Risk, Heather
Rodriguez, Leslie
Rodriguez III, Michael
Sanchez, Cathleen
Sanchez, Robert
Silva, JoAnn
Stevens, Kelly
Su, Jennifer
Terwilliger, Erik
Ungar, William
Vazquez, Jose / Special Education
English Language Arts
English Language Arts
English Language Arts
Social Science
World Languages
Special Education
Social Science
Social Science
World Languages
Social Science
English Language Arts
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program

Focus Group C: Instruction

Focus Group Leaders

Jeff Hruby, Math Department

Roselinn Lee, Social Science Department


Patrick Cornforth, Learning Director

Name / Department
Bueno, Cristian
Cavazos, Teresa
Coronel, Ismael
Dreyer, Claire
Fe, Helen
Fisher, Charlene
Garcia, Reuben
Garcia-Parada, Elizabeth
Gomez-Pedroza, Laura
Hagan, Kathy
Hernandez, Annabel
Jara, Ricardo
Katz, David
Kirchberg, John
Mejia, Carlos
Pereyra, Jose
Ruff, Carolyn
Sanchez, Caren
Smith, Blake
Tarnow, Paula
Vu, Minh
Walsh, Robbie / Math
English Language Arts
World Languages
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
World Languages
Special Education
Physical Education
World Languages
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program
Teacher on Special Assignment
Special Education
Special Education
Career and Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program Special Education
English Language Development

Focus Group D: Assessment and Accountability

Focus Group Leaders

Jose Luis Pedroza, Focus Coordinator

Laura Pickrell, Teacher on Special Assignment


Anne E. Harper, Assistant Principal Guidance

Name / Department
Belida, Ryan
Bluel, Karen
Cardenas, Marisol
Conover, Matthew
Esaki, Aimee
Delgado, Gabriel
Gabaldon, Robert
Hennemuth, Mark
Hernandez, Joaquin
Hollenbeck, Robin
Knobbe, Christine
Landrian, Olga
Lopez, Adolfo
Lutack, Ian
Madrid, Albert
Muzic, Renee
Pederson, Judith
Scanlon, Brian
Schlensker, Nicholas
Sell, Ortencia
Hernandez, Robert / Science
Visual and Performing Arts
Special Education
Special Education
Visual and Performing Arts
English Language Arts
World Languages
Special Education
Social Sciences
English Language Arts
Special Education
Outreach Consultant
Special Education

Focus Group E:

School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth

Focus Group Leaders

Michael Moss, Counseling Department

Darren Shimasaki, Special Education & Social Science Departments


Jimmy Bruhl, Assistant Principal

Name / Department
Cesner, Carrie
Cortez, Francisco
Dervis, Nancy
Donohue, Cynthia
Duong, Karen
Garcia-Ortiz, Gloria
Gibbs, April
Landrian, Ana
Lopez, Veronica
Mohammadi, Mehdi
Oberreuter, Richard
Onaga, Joyce
Orabona, Terry
Orozco, Mayra
Ortiz, Brenda
Perez, Sandra
Sanchez, Jose
Walker, Rick
Wright, Janet
Yu, Sueying
Zermeno, Summer
Zook, Daniel / Special Education
Special Education
Career Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program Science
English Language Arts
World Languages
High Education Coordinator/Counseling
World Languages
English Language Arts
Physical Education
Physical Education
Social Science
Special Education
Physical Education
Visual and Performing Arts
English Language Arts
Special Education
Career Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program

Valley High School

Our Vision

Students graduate with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable their successful transition to chosen college and career paths. They are empowered to become productive members of the local and global community.

Our Mission

In order to realize the vision of Valley High School, we commit to:

  1. Building a school culture where all adults respond positively to high expectations for professional responsibility and accountability
  2. Supporting students to meet the school’s expectations for behavior, conduct and attitudes, and holding them to account regarding these expectations
  3. Developing effective leadership that guides and manages school wide structures, systems and practices that enable effective learning and teaching.
  4. Developing highly functional small learning communities where well designed curriculum is fully responsive to students’ needs and interests, capitalizing on the opportunities provided through the High School Inc. Academies
  5. Providing the necessary support to ensure teachers are empowered and confident to promote effective learning in all lessons
  6. Listening to students’ ideas and suggestions, and supporting them to plan and implement strategies for our school’s continual development and improvement
  7. Making effective use of review, assessment and evaluation to monitor our progress
  8. Providing consistent, regular, timely feedback to increase the rigor of development and improvement
  9. Involving parents in meaningful ways that develop their understanding of the vital role they play in supporting teaching and learning, and help them to be advocates for their children

10. Working productively with the local community and external partners to enhance learning

and teaching

Valley High School

Expected Schoolwide Learning Results


Valley High School graduates will be:

…effective communicators who:

·  write in a coherent, focused manner to convey a well-defined and supported point of view.

·  listen, interpret and respond appropriately and critically to verbal and nonverbal communication.

·  articulate ideas using a variety of media responding to varying demands of audience, task and purpose.

·  use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.

… critical thinkers who:

·  read, analyze and comprehend complex material.

·  evaluate evidence, arguments, and claims and draw conclusions based on informed analysis.

·  reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.

·  apply learning to real life situations.

… self directed learners who:

·  creatively generate original ideas.

·  evaluate priorities, set goals, and create a plan for achievement in high school, post secondary education and a career.

·  exhibit productive study habits and behaviors that facilitate success.

·  demonstrate self-motivation and self-discipline.

… responsible community members who:

·  demonstrate respect and tolerance for individual differences, cultures and beliefs.

·  learn from and work collaboratively with others.

·  take responsibility for individual actions and affect positive change in the community.


Chapter A:




Valley High School opened in 1959 as the second comprehensive high school in the school district. We are bordered by an elementary school, an intermediate school, School District Pupil Support Services, housing developments, commercial properties, and apartments in every direction. There are also two comprehensive Santa Ana Unified School District fundamental high schools within a two-mile radius of our campus.

Valley High School is now one of six comprehensive high schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District. Valley High School is located in Santa Ana, California, approximately 40 miles south of Los Angeles in Southern California’s Orange County. The city of Santa Ana has a total population of 324,528 (2010 Census), with Latinos representing the largest ethnic population at 78.2%, 9.2% White, 10.4% Asian, 1.0% African American, 1.3% other. However, many city leaders believe that the census is inaccurate due to the high water consumption. City leaders predict the actual population is close to 500,000, as opposed to 350,000. This is due to a high number of undocumented individuals who probably did not register during the census. The city is bordered by Orange, Tustin, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Westminster, and Garden Grove. There are seven community colleges within the area, two California State University Campuses (Long Beach and Fullerton) and the University of California, Irvine. In addition, there are several private universities and colleges within a short commute such as Vanguard, Concordia, Phoenix, Corinthian, Chapman, Art Institute of California-Orange County, SOKA, National, USC, and Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM).