ASCC General Meeting

January 13th, 2009

Members in attendance: 13


President: Brian Jarvis

Vice President: Jason Smith

Treasurer: Colin Wilmshurst (Absent)

Secretary: Gordon Sleigh


Rally: Bill Anwylll

Race: Debbie Miller

Solo: Jason Smith

Members at large: George Sheppard, Umberto Lopresti (Absent), Bill Anwyll

Meeting called to order at: 7:31pm

Presidents Report

This is the first meeting of the new executive so Brian Jarvis dusted off the Executive gavel to keep everyone in line.

Brian recapped notes from last week’s executive meeting:

  • The new executive will meet at CIBC this week to handle the transfer of accounts
  • An electronic version of the club constitution is now available with Brian and amendments will be made and it will be posted to the club website, all major changes will be submitted for approval 3 months prior to the next AGM in December
  • The executive ratified the director positions as indicated above
  • A request from a member to investigate the eligibility of ASCC to be used for the Nova Scotia Healthy Lifestyle tax credit. The application was denied based on several criteria. If anyone would like to carry the investigation any further Brian will pass along the required information.
  • The domain has been renewed for a 5 year period to simplify future website maintenance
  • Umberto LoPresti has disposed of some outdated hardware no longer required by ASCC.


11 members on the books so far for 2009 (Not counting grandfathered memberships)

Questions concerning club policies around Day memberships, specifically concerning rally organization. Representatives of both BAC and ASCC will be present at the Gold Hills Rally. Day memberships offer less ‘sticker shock’ for tentative entrants.


No treasurer report was provided.


Jason is contacting Dave Hull for more information on possibly holding the national SoloSprint competition locally for 2009.

The suggestion was made by Brian to hold a Solo-oriented meeting in February in place of the regular Executive meeting.

Jason indicated that a 7 event Solo season is planned for 2009 with co-organized events with MMSC at the Coliseum possible.

Bill will be investigating the potential use of Trenton airport as discussed at the Executive meeting.

Debbie inquired about contact with Shearwater which Jason indicated has been examined and discarded due to unusable pavement, unfortunately.

Tim Dine brought up the possibility of organizing a club championship trophy or award for groups, teams and organizations within Slalom events. Bill indicated that this won’t require a motion and that if Tim wants to organize and manage this it has the support of the club. Brian has a collection of old trophies which can be repurposed for the award.


As the new Rally Director, Bill Anwyll defers notification of national and international event news to those who are more qualified and informed.

At Tall Pines Pat Richard won and Ken Block rolled into a ditch.

A RallyCross event is being held this Sunday at AMP with some wild weather promised.

On Saturday the 24th the largest and most exciting regional rally ever held by ASCC (Bill’s words) will be held, organized by ASCC’s legendary Ian and John Pearce and Maria Driscoll.

Updates were provided on Dakar and Targa, though they are not ASN/FIA Sanctioned events.


George mentioned there has been interest in the race and driving schools already, the date will be solidified shortly and posted on the website and elsewhere.

The race Rulebook for 2009 has been completed and vetted and will be posted soon.

Stories from Frank McCarthy

Frank told us some car stories concerning his vacation in Florida where he named a pair of albino tiger cubs. Frank then read AutoWeek’s obituary to Paul Newman.

Swap Shop

George has several items available

  • 4x Used Azenis 205/50/15 Tires
  • 2x 195/50/15 Summer tires
  • Front springs for a Ford Focus or Mazda
  • Honda Civic Haynes manual (Yoinked by Kevin Partridge)
  • Several Car related hats
  • And a wooden knob!

Brian Jarvis has a set of 225/50/15 RA1s available. Previously only used for one driving school.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:57pm