AUGUST 13, 2012

7:00 P. M.

Mayor Weller called the regular meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Colby Shuck; Brad Jorgensen, Ryan Willert, and Kieth Prang. Members absent: Dick Stolley and Micki Word. Others present: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer; Jackie Stilwell; Ronda Dennis; Nancy Totton; Rex Totton; Forrest Davis; Glenn Freeman; Rich Bendt; Dale Christenson; Kelly O’Connell; Eileen Stolley; Bob Fugate; Ken Wilmarth; JoBeth Uhlir; Patrick Solon; Nathan Riggins; Cindy Willert; Jim Willert; Stephen Riggins; Rusty Olney; and Cindy VanderMay. Mike Groven arrived at 7:05 and Cindy Wilmarth arrived at 7:22

Willert made Motion 12-08-13:81 to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 2012 and the special meeting of July 23, 2012. The motion was seconded by Shuck, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

The bills were presented for approval. After review by all council members, Shuck made Motion 12-08-13:82 to approve the bills as submitted. The motion was seconded by Jorgensen. A roll call vote was taken, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

(insert bills here)

The financial statement, along with a report listing the breakdown of revenue, expenses, and bank balances for the month of July was distributed. After a review of the information, Shuck made Motion 12-08-13-83 to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

(insert financial statement here)

Citizen Input:

Cindy Willert addressed the council and stated that she had written a letter regarding the state of disrepair at the former Harvest States Elevator property. She also had pictures of the property and requested that Harvest States be notified that the job of removing the elevator property be completed.

Bob Fugate addressed the council and stated that as a clarification to something said at the previous city council meeting, people are not using scare tactics when they are merely stating their opinion on the subject of the comprehensive plan. He also requested that the street superintendent look at the state of the street in front of his home on Chestnut Street.

Glenn Freeman thanked the council for making the repairs on Locust Street.

Comprehensive Plan:

Mayor Weller stated that he had heard enough discussion on the comprehensive plan and would like to proceed with a vote.

Eileen Stolley stated that a member who was absent from the meeting should be allowed to participate in the discussion via telephone.

Glenn Freeman stated that he would like to see the vote held by a full council, not just a quorum of members.

Bob Fugate asked what happens with the vote if it is delayed until the September meeting and there still is not a full council present.

Mayor Weller then made the decision to postpone the vote on the comprehensive plan until the September 10, 2012 meeting.


A. Building Permit/Bill Murphy: A building permit was submitted by Bill Murphy for approval. After review, Shuck made Motion 12-08-13:84 to approve the building permit as submitted. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

B. Insurance: The city’s insurance policy, including workman’s compensation insurance, is due to be renewed and information was presented by Bank West Insurance detailing the premium quote and a comparison to the previous five year’s premiums. In addition, a premium quote for workman’s compensation insurance was presented by the SDML Workers Compensation Fund. After review, Willert made Motion 12-08-13:85 to accept the insurance policy as presented by Bank West Insurance. The motion was seconded by Prang. A roll call vote was taken, with all members present voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.


A. Water/Sewer: Jackie Stilwell is compiling information on water rates and will have it ready for review at the September meeting; in addition, 2 water leaks have been repaired recently.

B. Streets: Solon will check the area of Chestnut Street located near the Bob Fugate residence to determine what necessary repairs are required. Jorgensen stated that he had discussed the sidewalk in front of the fire hall with Rich Hildebrand and will obtain preliminary information regarding the repairs and estimated cost. The sidewalk in front of the Masonic Temple is also in need of repairs and that would be done at the expense of the property owner.

C. Solid Waste: no report

D. Liquor: JoBeth Uhlir stated that she would like to have either karaoke or a dance the last weekend of September. The cost would be $450.00 for karaoke and $600.00 for a dance. The funds are in the current budget. Jorgensen also stated that he had talked to Rich Hildebrand about the repairs to the sidewalk in front of the bar.

E. Auditorium/Park: The auditorium is now open for school practices and events; the swimming pool will be closing on August 16, 2012.

F. Public Safety: The monthly report was distributed.

G. Mayor’s Report: There will be a special council meeting on August 22, 2012, beginning at 5:00 with employee reviews, followed by the final budget meeting.

Willert made Motion 12-08-13:86 to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Prang, with all members present voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Finance Officer Mayor

Published once at the approximate cost of