Student Learning Profile



A major goal of this project is to help your teachers to better understand you as a person and a learner. This project will help us to work effectively with you this year. Others objectives of the project are to help you to better understand how you learn and to help you to set specific learning goals for the year.


Below is a list of the topics you should discussion in your writing. Give a clear and thorough answer to each topic or question. Someone should be able to get a full understanding of your ideas from reading the words you put on the page.

You will be able to do this better if you use a critical thinking tool that helps to develop “clarity” of explanation. You should follow “the four steps to achieve clarity”whenever you can in this paper . To explain your ideas clearly to the reader you must: 1, state your ideas 2, elaborate with explanation, and 3, either illustrate with a metaphor or exemplify with a specific example.

Write down the number and topic of each section and then give your answer. Write in complete sentences and construct solid paragraphs. Type with double-spacing.

The Student Learning Profile, Topics and Questions

  1. Personal Information

Help me understand who you are. Tell me some interesting things to know about you.

  1. Family

Help me understand your family so that I can work with you effectively this year. Give me some basic facts, such as who is in your family and who I will be speaking with when I talk to your family. Discuss whatever you think is important for me to know in order to better understand you.

  1. You as a Learner
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses as a Learner. What are your strengths and your challenges or areas of relative weakness? You do not need to address every topic listed here. Consider various aspects of learning such as:
  3. spelling
  4. grammar and mechanics
  5. vocabulary
  6. reading
  7. writing
  8. speaking: explaining ideas effectively
  9. listening; following conversations
  10. critical thinking: being able to think through challenging questions
  11. organization
  12. concentration, focus, and attention
  13. test taking and memorization skills
  14. note taking, in class and from readings
  15. motivation and effort: your energy and enthusiasm for learning; how hard you try and how much perseverance you have
  1. Strengths and Weaknesses in Specific Subjects. Explain how you learn in the different subject areas. Write about the subjects that you think are important for you to discuss; you do not need to discuss each subject separately. Consider questions such as: Do you have relative strengths or weaknesses in any specific subject area? Is learning very easy or very hard for you in any subject areas? Do you especially love or dislike a subject? Why are you successful or not successful in a particular subject area?
  2. mathematics
  3. science
  4. English
  5. social studies
  6. foreign language
  7. art
  8. music
  9. physical education
  1. Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic Learner. Are you a visual learner? Do you like drawings, charts, etc. Are you an auditory learner? Do you like to learn through discussions? Are you a kinesthetic learner, one who likes to physically do things to learn. Do you benefit from working with a topic from a number of these different approaches?
  1. Participation. Do you like to volunteer frequently or do you let other people volunteer? Why?
  1. Emotions or Affect. How do your emotions or moods affect your learning? Do you get nervous or afraid in class or when faced with certain assignments? Are you at ease about learning? Do you get bored and hate your work? Do you love it and always enjoy it? Are you confident about your work or do you often doubt it is good and worry about what you have done?
  1. Homework Workspace and Approach. Consider your homework workspace and issues of time and focus. What is your physical work space like? Is it conducive to focused, uninterrupted attention or does it make it unlikely that you will be able to concentrate deeply? How do you typically approach your homework? How do you organize your homework time? What time of the day do you it? What kind of breaks do you take? Do you frequently have interruptions while you are working?

Learning Goals for the Year

Now that you have completed a thorough reflection on your learning strengths and weaknesses, you will determine your learning goals for the year. We will use a spreadsheet file to record your goals and update your progress at the end of each quarter.

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