Sonnet Review

World Lit. Spring 2014


by Petrarch

Form of Poem: Petrarchan (Italian)

Structural Characteristics: Octave & Sestet

Theme or subject: Love

What is a different variation of the theme: Desire

What is the question: n/a

What is the problem: Laura loved someone else & she has is now aging.

How is the problem solved: It is not, Petrarch still loves her.

Explain the concluding statement: Laura is older and can’t love Petrarch, but he still loves her.


Petrarch is blinded by love. Despite the fact that Laura will never love Petrarch, he will always love her.

The White Doe

by Petrarch

Form of Poem: Petrarchan (Italian)

Structural Characteristics: Octave & Sestet

Theme or subject: Forbidden Love

What is a different variation of the theme:

What is the question: n/a

What is the problem: n/a

How is the problem solved: n/a

Explain the concluding statement: n/a

Figurative Language: Heavy on the use of imagery (sight) and similes.


This poem is an allegory. While it appears to talk about a white deer that appears in the glade, it is actually about a woman. The poet is comparing the hunt for this woman like the hunt to an elusive deer.


by Petrarch

Form of Poem: Petrarchan (Italian)

Structural Characteristics: Octave & Sestet

Theme or subject:Winter Turning toSpring

What is a different variation of the theme: devastated by not having the “one” love.

What is the question: How do you find the one?

What is the problem: Man is depressed b/c spring is for love & his girl left him.

How is the problem solved: Not solved.

Explain the concluding statement: All of the single people are still searching for the “one”


The octave (first 8 lines) is filled with images of spring. They have the often-used language of fertility woven through them. As expected, things change in the sestet (final 6 lines). The speaker says that *his* spring is not returning. Considering the opening lines, we could easily guess (correctly) that this is because the woman referred to indirectly in the opening has gone away. He now feels that all these descriptions of spring are just empty words--as empty as death itself.

To Helene

byPierre de Ronsard

Form of Poem: Petrarchan (Italian)

Structural Characteristics: Octave & Sestet

Theme or subject:Aging

What is a different variation of the theme:

What is the question: n/a

What is the problem: She is aging and nearing death.

How is the problem solved: She will love on in his memory and through his love.

Explain the concluding statement: n/a


The poem describes advice for young Helene as she grows older. The first verse ask you to picture an old woman sitting be the fireside knitting. He tells young Helene that by that time it will be to late to truly live. He encourages her to do as much “living” as she can right now.


byPierre de Ronsard

Form of Poem: Petrarchan (Italian)

Structural Characteristics: Octave & Sestet

Theme or subject:Dealing with death.

What is a different variation of the theme: n/a

What is the question: n/a

What is the problem: n/a

How is the problem solved: n/a

Explain the concluding statement: n/a


It's a poem of seduction, whose basic argument is that we should enjoy life and love while we are still young and beautiful, because time flies, and before you know it you'll be old, and dead in the grave soon after. The rose is an ancient poetic symbol of the transience of youth and life, because it is gorgeous when it blooms but it's very sensitive and fades very fast. Ronsard is using the example of a wreath of roses, which withers the next day, to convince the lady that her beauty is like that flower, and they should make love while they can.

Sonnet 29

byWilliam Shakespeare

Form of Poem: Shakespearean (English)

Structural Characteristics: 3 Quatrains & a Couplet.

Theme or subject:Thinking about his love takes him out of his depression.

What is a different variation of the theme: n/a

What is the question: n/a

What is the problem: He compares himself to other men, but forgets about it when he is with her.

How is the problem solved: By being with her.

Explain the concluding statement: n/a
