Kudos_and_Social_Updates / Saturday, October 27, 2018

Slide 3 - Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Release 10

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Welcome to training for Release 10. In this session we will talk what’s coming in Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud related to Oracle Fusion Network at Work.


Slide 4 - Agenda

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For the enhancements covered in this training, I’ll give an overview, then explain how to use the features. I'll then cover the business value provided by the features, and give a demonstration. We'll conclude with some information about setting up and implementing the features.


Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

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The theme for this release is to continue the transition to Oracle Social Network for social capabilities. This builds upon what we started in release 8, by removing older social-related features.

We made changes to both kudos and social features in support of this direction.

We’ve replaced the kudos feature, and added kudos notifications. We’ve also removed the spaces integration.


Slide 6 - New Kudos Feature

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In release 10 we have replaced the kudos component. It was previously built upon a WebCenter structure that will be deprecated from Fusion in the future. So we have replaced it with our own Fusion HCM component. The functionality is nearly identical, though you may notice some cosmetic differences.

As before, you can give kudos to another worker on his public portrait, as well as view your own kudos within the My Portrait page.

Kudos will also continue to display within the performance document, talent review meeting dashboard and succession plan.


Slide 7 - Kudos Notifications

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While our main focus this release was on replacing existing functionality, we took the opportunity to add a new feature as well. We now have notifications available for kudos. The worker and the manager can optionally receive a notification when a worker receives kudos.


Slide 8 - Space Integration Removed

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Because Network at Work is now integrated with Oracle Social Network, we began deprecating older social related features in a previous release. Continuing with that theme, in this release we have removed the remaining integration between Spaces and Network at Work. You will no longer see a list of your spaces in your Activities and Interests card in Portrait. Users are encouraged to use Oracle Social Network for collaboration, rather than Spaces.

The lower screenshot shows the spaces region as it existed in previous releases. Spaces you have created here will still exist in Release 10, you will just no longer be able to navigate to them from your Portrait, nor will you be able to see a list of spaces when viewing other worker’s portraits. When you have new collaboration needs, you are encouraged to instead use Oracle Social Network Conversations, as shown in the top screenshot on this slide.


Slide 9 - Kudos and Social Updates

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In this release we’ve made changes to kudos and social features which are key components of the Oracle Fusion Network at Work solution.

1. Capturing informal kudos is a great way to provide real-time feedback to the workforce. And the historical data is available for managers to review as part of the performance process, during talent reviews, and as input to succession planning.

2. Oracle Social Network continues to increase employee productivity by allowing collaboration among the members of diverse teams.


Slide 98 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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Here is the summary of the features I’ve talked about today.

First, I showed you the new kudos feature which is essentially a replacement of the existing feature, with some cosmetic differences. Workers can still add and view their kudos in Portrait. And the kudos component continues to be integrated to Performance Management, Talent Review and Succession Planning.

Next we talked about the new kudos notifications. Both the worker and manager can be notified when a worker receives kudos. The notifications can be enabled or disabled in Functional Setup Manager.

And finally we touched on the deprecation of the spaces integration. This change was made in support of using Oracle Social Network for collaboration.


Slide 99 - Implementation Advice

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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 100 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training.

The New Kudos feature is automatically available but there is some optional setup available.

Kudos notifications need to be enabled in order to be available.

And spaces integration will be removed after upgrade, this happens automatically with no need to take action.

I’ll go into more detail about setup options in the following slides.


Slide 101 - Setup Summary

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The setup for Kudos and Social Updates are contained in the Workforce Deployment Offering.

The kudos feature is enabled as a feature choice within the Network at Work functional area. With this release, we’ve added additional items to the feature options.

The kudos notifications are enabled in the Manage Talent Notifications task.


Slide 102 - New Kudos Feature Setup Detail

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Here is the feature choice page within the Network at Work functional area. Kudos are enabled here by default. In this release we’ve added two options to the feature choices. (These options were previously available in the WebCenter configuration settings)

1. The user has the ability to hide kudos he has received. When this option is enabled, the user will see a checkbox labeled “Private” which allows him to set any individual kudos entry so that no one else can see it. This includes all users such as his manager and HR Specialists. In previous releases this feature was called Hide and Show and the user had toggle between the two values. It has been renamed and changed to a checkbox to improve usability.

2. A user also has the ability to delete kudos that he has given to others. When this option is enabled, the user will see a delete icon on any kudos entry that he has written for another worker.

Both kudos options are set to ‘yes’ which is considered the best practice for allowing users to have maximum control over data that is about them or created by them.


Slide 103 - Kudos Notifications Setup Detail

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Kudos notifications are enabled in the Manage Talent Notifications task. The kudos items are available in the Profile Management tab.

1. When ‘Kudos notification to manager’ is enabled, the worker’s manager will receive a notification when the worker receives kudos.

2. When ‘Kudos notification to worker’ is enabled, the worker will receive a notification when she receives kudos.


Slide 104 - Setup Best Practices

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In addition to the setup described in previous slides, there are other product areas which have setup options related to Kudos.

Kudos is one of several Portrait cards that are controlled by the Edit Public Settings task. This task allows users to define which cards display and in what order. If you are using kudos in your organization you will want to make sure the kudos card is enabled here for display.

Kudos can optionally display within a performance document. The kudos section should be enabled within the performance template definition if you would like kudos to display in the performance document.


Slide 135 - Job Roles

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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.

There is no change to the role access for the new kudos feature. It continues to be available to the employee and contingent worker roles.

The kudos notifications setup is accessible to the Human Capital Management Application Administrator.

The kudos notifications themselves are accessible to the Employee, Contingent Worker, and Line Manager.


Slide 136 - Business Process Model Information

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The business processes associated with the new capabilities covered in this training are detailed here.

The high level business process is Manage Workforce Records with activity Manage Social profile. The included tasks are Manage Kudos and View Social Profile.


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