1. Describe the afterlife according to Mesopotamian thought?

Vampire – bird comes and takes the dead person to the underworld, the dead turns into a man-bird, the dead have to eat dust and mud and live in total darkness, they have to become servants for the gods of the underworld.

“The Epic of Gilgamesh”

  1. Why did the gods want to punish Gilgamesh?

He was a bad king and treated his people poorly

  1. What did the Gods create to punish Gilgamesh?


  1. Why did Enkidu have to die?

They killed the bull of heaven

  1. How did Gilgamesh learn about the afterlife?

Enkidu’s dream

  1. What is Gilgamesh’s first obstacle in his journey?

The lions

  1. What is Gilgamesh searching for on his journey?


  1. Why do the scorpion men allow Gilgamesh to pass?

His shows bravery

  1. What must Gilgamesh do in order to reach the land where Utnapishtim lives?

Walk 12 leagues in total darkness

  1. What did the Mesopotamians believe about Heaven and Hell?

Only hell no heaven

  1. After Gilgamesh crosses through the Mountains of Mashu, what does he have to cross next? Cross the sea of the dead
  1. What does Utnapishtim receive after the flood? immortality
  1. Why does Utnapishtim send Gilgamesh home? He did not stay awake for 6 days and 7 nights
  1. What does Utnapishtim give Gilgamesh before he leaves?

The plant that restores youth

  1. What is the theme of the epic?

They everything must change (mutability) or enjoy life while you are alive

  1. Who is Urshanabi? What is his role?

The ferryman that takes Gilgamesh across the ocean of death and takes him to Utnapishtim

  1. Who is Siduri? What is her title?

Maker of wine tells Gilgamesh to enjoy the pleasures of life

  1. What does Utnapishtim give Gilgamesh after he fails to stay awake for six days?

Plant that restores a man’s youth

  1. Who thought Gilgamesh was a felon?


  1. Who discusses the theme of mutability with Gilgamesh?


  1. Define legend

A story based on some historical fact but has been exaggerated

  1. define epic

a long narrative poem that tells the story of a hero

  1. define myth a story that is passed down orally that includes gods and goddesses
  1. define sacred literature – literature that deals with religions text
  1. define proverb – a short saying meant to teach a lesson
  1. define parable – a short tale that teaches one how to live or behave
  1. define folk tales – a story that involves ordinary people doing extraordinary things

Compare and Contrast the cultures we have studied?

  1. Where is Mesopotamia? Modern day Iraq
  1. What rivers are important in Mesopotamia? Tigris and Euphrates
  1. What is cuneiform? Writing in Mesopotamia
  1. What is a ziggurat? A temple in Mesopotamia
  1. Who is Sargon I? unified the city states
  1. Why is Hammurabi famous? Code of laws
  1. Why is King Ashurbanipal famous? world’s first library
  1. Why is Enheduanna famous? World’s first poet
  1. Why did the Egyptian build pyramids? Served as tombs
  1. Why is King Menes famous? created the first dynasty by unifying the city states
  1. Why is Hatshepsut famous? woman pharaoh
  1. Why is Akhenaten famous? made all the people worship the sun god Aten
  1. What are hieroglyphics? Egyptian writing
  1. What type of religion did the Mesopotamian and Egyptians have? Polytheistic
  1. Describe the afterlife according to Mesopotamian thought? See number 1
  1. Describe the afterlife according to Egyptian thought? happy