CHAPTER 10 ______



1. Industrial Revolution first began in GREAT BRITAIN country) in mid-1700’s. This was an important change in the way goods are produced (made). Goods prior to the “revolution” were made in _HOMES_, but after goods were now made in _FACTORIES_, or mills.

2. The Industrial Revolution first occurred in the United States in _NEW ENGLAND______(region/area).

The reasons why it occurred in this region are:

1. POOR SOIL - which made a workforce willing to work in factories

2. RUSHING RIVERS AND STREAMS- these were necessary to power the factories

3. OCEAN GOING PORTS - these would be necessary because both raw materials

finished products would pass through these.

3. The United States economic system is known as _CAPITALISM_. Capital is money used


The free enterprise system consisted of several elements like:

1. economic freedom


3. profit

4. private property

4. New machines that were used in the production of cloth because they spun thread into cloth


Eli Whitney was important because he invented the _COTTON _ GIN _ which made

the cleaning of cotton _FASTER _ and _Efficiently _. He also developed the idea of

“uniform/identical pieces” this is known as INTERCHANGABLE PARTS_. This

allowed for the mass production of goods and the reduction of prices of many goods.

Inventors like Whitney would receive exclusive rights & privileges to make profits from their

inventions this was known as a _PATENT.

5. Two men who were important in the development of factories in the United States were:

Samuel Slater – Memorize plans for machines he had seen in GREAT BRITAIN_. Then he moved to the United States and opened a mill in RHODE ISLAND (state)

Francis Cabot Lowell- was the first to …bring all steps of manufacturing under one roof……This would be known as the FACTORY SYSTEM.

6. Most Americans still lived on farms as of 1820, around _65_%. As a result of the Industrial Revolution cotton production in the South _increased _ .

7. Cities changed too as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Cities on rivers like the Ohio grew; examples of these types of cities were _PITTSBURGH, Louisville and CINCINNATI . Cities did have problems like _FIRES_, because most of the city was made of wood and there were not professional fire fighting companies. Also disease was a threat; the city of Philadelphia had thousands killed by MALARIA__


8. The census in 1790 showed that there roughly _4_ million people in the U.S. Most

lived…EAST OF THE APPALACHIANS By _1820 there were nearly

10 million people in the U.S. and almost 2 million west of the ………APPALACHIANS

Families (pioneers) would face hardships as families as they traveled west.

The first federally built road was the NATIONAL ROAD. It began _MARYLAND_( state)

And eventually stretched to as far west as Vandalia, ILLINOIS_.

9. River travel was preferred over travel in wagons because:

a. more comfortable

b. could carry large amounts of material on a single river barge.

There were definite disadvantages to river travel, these are :

a. rivers flowed in the wrong direction—pioneers needed rivers that flowed EAST to

WEST _, but most rivers in the Northeast flowed _NORTH to _SOUTH_.

b. strong currents were tough to go against

The steamboat was a major improvement in transportation. ROBERT FULTON was the man who created a steamboat powerful enough to fight the currents of most of the nations rivers. The name of his steamboat was the _CLERMONT , its first successful run went from New York City to _ALBANY_ in a little more than 30 hours.

Steamboats dramatically changed transportation. Now goods moved _FASTER_ and the cost of shipping DROPPED. Cities grew as well, new cities began to grow like _CINCINATTI _&

St. Louis.

10. The most famous canal would be in __NEW YORK (state)and would link the HUDSON_ River and Lake _ERIE. Its name is the ERIE CANAL, and was the work of _DE Witt _CLINTON_, a businessman and politician.

The canal was built by __IRISH_ immigrants during the 1820’s. The success of the canal led to a _DECREASE in the cost of shipping goods, and a _INCREASE in the amount of canal building throughout the United States.

4. New western states were admitted during the time period, they were:


2. VERMONT between 1791--1803





3. MISSISSIPPI between 1816-1821



Study your Enrichment Worksheet from 10-2 on Roads and Canals.

There will be question on the test that deal with the map p.318 on Canals 1820-1860.

Section 3 – Unity and Sectionalism

12. The Republican candidate who won the election of 1816 was _JAMES _ _MONROE_. He easily defeated the Federalists candidate and began a period of little political fighting known as the ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS

Leaders began to emerge from different regions or sections of the country. The three sections were:

1.NORTH - Daniel Webster spoke for this section interests.

2.WEST - Henry Clay spoke for this section interests.

3. SOUTH- John C. Calhoun spoke for this section interests.

13. Daniel Webster supported :

-__TARIFFS__- which taxed imports and protected the industries of the Northeast.

- the Union over section interests, he famously said “Liberty and UNION_ , now &


Henry Clay supported:

- was famous because he tried to settle disputes by _COMPROMISE_.

- the most famous compromise he worked on was the MISSOURI COMPROMISE_,

that was worked out in 1820. The specific parts of it were:

1._MAINE_- would enter the Union as a free state

2._MISSOURI_- would enter the Union as a slave state

3._36 30 _-would be the line of latitude that slavery would be banned

north of.

Clay also proposed the American System. This was a idea of a program made up of several parts to strengthen the entire country. The parts are:

1. _TARIFFS_- which would protect industries in the North

2. _INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS_- which would improve the movement of goods throughout the country.

3._NATIONAL BANK_- this would help strengthen the country’s economy.

John C. Calhoun supported:

1. _TARIFFS _ which he thought were good for the South but eventually opposed

them because they made goods more expensive.

2. state sovereignty- which the belief that states had certain powers over the federal


He opposed :

Tariff of 1816 and internal improvements.

14. The U. S. also negotiated several treaties during this time period. Here are the treaties and the importance of each.

RUSH- BAGOT—year negotiated --_1817__

1.  dealt with disarmament on the GREAT LAKES body of water)

2.  this treaty was with GREAT BRITAIN (country).

CONVENTION OF 1818----year negotiated—1818.

1.  set the boundary (at the site of the Louisiana Territory) of the U.S. with Canada

at the __49_th parallel.

2.  created a _DEMILITARIZIED _ border, which means there was a lack of military .

3.  opened up the OREGON COUNTRY to U.S. settlement.

ADAMS-ONIS TREATY----year negotiated__1819_.

1.  this treaty was negotiated with SPAIN (country)

2.  Americans had already taken parts of _WEST Florida in 1810 & 1812.

3.  ANDREW JACKSON was an American general who

Invaded _EAST_ Florida because he was chasing raiding _SEMINOLE__(Indian tribe) Indians. The foreign minister from
Spain called for the U.S. officer’s, _COURT MARTIAL_ or military court trial.

4.  The U.S. also began to try and establish itself internationally during this period.

In 1823- President Monroe issued the MONROE DOCTRINE. This was a statement to Europe that said…THE AMERICAS WERE CLOSED TO ANY FUTHER COLONIZATION ……………………………………………

The events that triggered this was the attempt by the Quadruple Alliance (made up of FRANCE, AUSTRIA, RUSSIA, PRUSSIA to put

down revolutions in SOUTH AMERICA