This is where the breed has the best of the hybrid world and makes up a large part toward the uniqueness that is the Napoleon. The Munchkin Breed Group has contributed a comical, outgoing, and active kittenish personality combined with the Persian, Himalayan, and Exotic Breed Group that contributed the lovingly sweet, laid back, hands on lap cat that enjoys petting and snuggling. The breed is attentive to its human’s needs and easily adapts accordingly. They are not overly vocal or demanding. They adjust well to people and other animals. They are just as content with a single person as they are in family situation and can bond to more than just one person. Napoleons are often referred to as the puppy of the cat world. The Napoleon will greet their humans at the door to welcome them home and follow after them around the home. The Napoleon has an air of dignity, generosity, and grace about them, which is most apparent when they take on a caretaker role. They welcome co-parenting and easily adopt other babies. They recognize special needs in humans and animals alike and act accordingly. They are highly intelligent and easily trained. They are inquisitive and have great ingenuity. Their personalities are a constant source of surprise, laughter,comfort, and joy for their humans.
Physical Traits:
Again, this particular hybrid took the best traits from the parent breeds. The Napoleon enjoys robust health thanks to the Munchkin influence coming straight out of the stray cat community in years past, with hardy immune systems. The Munchkin provides an endless array of coat colors and patterns. The Munchkin also provides the short legs. Anyone who owns a Napoleon knows that the short legs do not hamper its ability to climb, jump, run, hunt, or any other physical attribute necessary to survival. The Napoleon also comes in regular length legs. The other parent breeds gift the Napoleon with its extraordinary beauty, luxurious coat textures, and the dignity that comes with impressive pedigrees.
The Munchkin coat has had a wonderful effect on taming the often high maintenance Persian coat. The Long Haired Napoleon coatshould have less undercoat than the Persian, and not as cottony, but still impressive causing the coat to stand slightly away from the body. The coat is soft, flowing, and full of life. The coat is not easily matted and only requires minimal grooming and maintenance. The Short Haired Napoleon enjoys a slightly longer coat than the normal short haired cat, with a plush, soft texture. Another difference from the Persian coat is that the tail should be in proportion to the cat's body, reaching to the neck, with a flowing plumed tail on the long haired cats.
The Napoleon is known for being round. It should appear round from every angle starting with a round head, a round forehead that flows into a round face and chin. The eyes should be large, round, and expressive; set apart. The eyes should not have a bug eyed look or excessive tearing. The nose should have adequate leather with nares that are easy to breathe out of. The nose has a slight change of direction often referred to as a ski jump nose meaning it tips up ever so slightly at the end. The top of the nose leather should not reach the bottom eye lid, adding to the sweet open expression. This look is often associated with the ‘baby doll’ face of the Persian of past eras. There should never be a break. The facial structure of the Napoleon should be healthy with adequate eye orbits, correctly aligned jaws, and good tooth occlusion. The ears should be medium to small with rounded tips offset on the head with furnishings.
The body should be semi-cobby to moderately long and well rounded. The back should be straight from front to back. However, the legs may be longer in the back on the short legged cats presenting a slight rise to the rump. Napoleons are a medium sized sturdy cat. The boning should be medium to heavy, with allowances for the lighter boning of the Silvers.