Account Particulars / Property Particulars
Appointed Entity: / BOCBEACIMBDBSFEBOCBCUOBSALSIFMBB / Transaction File Ref:
(Maximum 16 alphanumeric characters, punctuation omitted;
please use CPF property reference for Conveyancing (CPF) Accounts)
Property Address
(Include unit no., name of development, or
Mukim/town subdivision & lot no., if applicable)
Account Name:
(Please tick only one and fill in name of Singapore law practice) / -CVY
Account No.:
Counter-Signatory’s Particulars
Counter-signatory’s File Ref:
Please tick only one
Name of Singapore law practice acting for
[please choose one]purchaser(s)vendor(s)landlord(s)tenant(s)borrower(s)mortgagor(s)lender(s)mortgagee(s)
Central Provident Fund Board
Housing & Development Board
Self-represented^[please choose one]purchaser(s)vendor(s)landlord(s)tenant(s)borrower(s)mortgagor(s)lender(s)mortgagee(s)
Name(s) and NRIC No(s).
Collection of Bank Draft(s)
Expected date of collection:
(dd / mmm / yyyy, e.g. 1 Jan 2011)
Please fax and present original form to collect bank drafts
Status of Transaction
Revised Payment Schedule
Category B Payees
The payees under this category include CPF Board, HDB, Town Councils, MCSTs, Purchaser(s) or Vendor(s), Mortgagee(s)), Official Assignee and Official Receiver, Landlord(s) or Tenant(s); please fill in one cashier’s order payee per line / Please tick only one
This is an interim payment. Please prepare payment according to the payment schedule and hold the transaction balance pending further instruction.
This is the final payment. No further deposit for this property transaction will be made. Please prepare payment according to the payment schedule and pay all remaining funds to a Category B payee indicated here:
Name of one (1) Category B payee
Type of Payee / Payee Name / Amount Payable (S$)
CPF Board / Central Provident Fund Board
Category C Payees
Payee Name / Amount Payable (S$)
Additional Information for Appointed Entity
(e.g. collection branch, currency denomination, bank draft requests, etc.) / Amendments
Please tick as applicable
This pay-out form supersedes a preceding pay-out form (photocopy enclosed).
Bank drafts have been collected. Please cancel the affected bank drafts(originals enclosed) listed below.
Bank Draft No(s).:
(Originals of affected bank drafts must be presented in-person with this form prior to processing by bank)
Account Holder Singapore Law Practice
Authorised Name(s) for Account HolderSignature(s) as per bank recordsDate
Authorised Name for Counter-signatorySignature as per bank recordsDate
^ Counter-parties who are counter-signatories must present themselves at the Bank to verify their signatures and identity. *Please delete accordingly.

Version 3.0