CURRICULUM VITAE for Permanent Record and the Appointments and Promotions Committee ~ Page XXX



Date Prepared: 01 Auguast 2010

James K. DeOrio, M.D.

Primary academic appointment: Orthopedics

Primary academic department: Orthopedic Surgery

Present academic rank and title: Associate Professor of Orthopedics, Duke University Medical Center, Associate Professor Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor - F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland

Date and rank of first Duke faculty appointment: 2007

Specialty certification(s) and dates: American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 22, 1983

Date of birth: 25 June 1948 Place: Detroit, Michigan USA Citizen of: USA

Visa Status: N/A

Education: Institution Date (Year) Degree

High School: Dearborn High School, Dearborn, Michigan 1966 HS Diploma

College: United States Air Force Academy, Colorado 1970 BS Degree

Professional: George Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. 1977 M.D.

Professional Societies : American Foot and Ankle Society, American Academy or Orthopedic Surgeons, Mayo Alumni Assoication, , Society of Miitary Orthopedic Surgeons, The Doctors Mayo Society, Air Force Clinical Surgeons, Association of Graduates United States Air Force Academy

Professional training and academic career:

Institution Position/Title Dates

USAF, Active Duty USAF, Hanscom Field AFB, Massachusetts, June 1970- July 1973

George Washington Medical School, Washington D.C., Medical Student, August 1973 – May 1977

Wilford Hall Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Surgical Internship, June 1977-June 1978

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, Orthopedic Resident, June 1978- June 1982

Travis AFB,California, Active Duty, Orthopedic Surgeon, July 1982 - August 1986

Fellowship: Association for the Study of Internal Fixation, Kantonhospital, Switzerland Jan-Feb 1983, Dr. Thomas Ruedi

Mayo Clinic, , Jacksonville, Florida, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, September 1986-2007

Duke University Medical Center: Co-Director Foot and Ankle Fellowship Program 2007-Present

Publications: Refereed journals:

1. DeOrio JK, Bianco AJ Jr. Lumbar disc excision in children and adolescents. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1982 Sep; 64(7):991-6.

2. DeOrio JK, Cofield RH. Results of a second attempt at surgical repair of a failed initial rotator-cuff repair. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984 Apr; 66(4):563-7.

3. DeOrio JK, Ware AW. Single absorbable polydioxanone pin fixation for distal chevron bunion osteotomies. Foot Ankle Int 2001 Oct; 22(10):832-835.

4. DeOrio JK. Surgical templates for orthopedic operative reports. Orthopedics 2002 Jun; 25(6):639-42.

5. *Hort KR, DeOrio JK. Residual bacterial contamination after surgical preparation of the foot or ankle with or without alcohol. Foot & Ankle International 2002 Oct; 23(10):946-8.

6. *Hort KR, DeOrio JK. Adjacent interdigital nerve irritation: Single incision surgical treatment. Foot & Ankle International 2002 Nov; 23(11):1026-30.

7. DeOrio JK, Ware AW. Salvage technique for treatment of periplafond tibial fractures: The modified fibula-pro-tibia procedure. Foot Ankle Int 2003 Mar; 24(3):228-32.

8. *Boyer ML, DeOrio JK. Bunionette deformity correction with distal chevron osteotomy and single absorbable pin fixation. Foot & Ankle International 2003 Nov; 24(11):834-7.

9. *Boyer ML, DeOrio JK. Metatarsal neck osteotomy with proximal interphalangeal joint resection fixed with a single temporary pin. Foot & Ankle International 2004 Mar; 25(3):144-8.

10. DeOrio JK, Peden JP. Accuracy of haptic assessment of patellar symmetry in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 2004 Aug; 19(5):629-34.

11. DeOrio JK. Axial screw fixation in lateral column lengthening of the calcaneus. Techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery 2004 Dec; 3(4):226-30.

12. DeOrio JK, Farber DC. Morbidity associated with anterior iliac crest bone grafting in foot and ankle surgery. Foot & Ankle International 2005 Feb; 26(2):147-51.

13. *Farber DC, DeOrio JK, Steel MW. Goniometric versus computerized angle measurement in assessing hallux valgus. Foot & Ankle International 2005 Mar; 26(3):234-8.

14. DeOrio JK. Extending the width of an operating table using armboards. Orthopedics 2005 Apr; 28(4):367.

15. *Gallentine JW, DeOrio JK. Removal of the second toe for severe hammertoe deformity in elderly patients. Foot & Ankle International 2005 May; 26(5):353-8.

16. DeOrio JK. Intraoperative evaluation of limb length in hip arthroplasty using a single AP radiograph. Hip International 2005 Oct-Dec; 15(4):199-205.

17. DeOrio JK. Autologous bone from hip or knee replacement in simultaneous foot or ankle arthrodeses. Am J Orthop (Chatham, Nj) 2005 Nov; 34(11):539-43.

18. Beaman FD, Bancroft LW, Peterson JJ, Kransdorf MJ, Menke DM, DeOrio JK. Imaging characteristics of bone graft materials. RadioGraphics 2006 Mar; 26(2):373-88.

19. Farber, DC; DeOrio, JK. Anterior Iliac Crest Bone Grafting in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Techniques in Foot and

Ankle, 2006 Sep, 5(3); 184-189

20. DeOrio, JK. Focus on total ankle arthroplasty. Orthopedics. 2006 Nov;29(11):978-80.

21. Steel MW; DeOrio JK. Peroneal Tendon Tears: Return to Sports After Operative Treatment. Foot & Ankle

International 2007 Jan; 27(1): 49-54

22. Gallentine, JW, DeOrio, JK, DeOrio, MJ. Bunion Surgery Using Locking-Plate Fixation of Proximal Metatarsal

Chevon Osteotomies. . Foot & Ankle International 2007 Mar; 28(3): 361-8.

23. Boyer, ML; DeOrio, J.K. Transfer of the Flexor Ditorum Longus for Lesser Toe Deformities. Foot and Ankle International, 2007 Apr; 28 (4): 422-30.

24. DeOrio JK. Technique Tip: Dorsal Wedge Resection (Uniplanar) in the Chevron Osteotomy for High Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle BunionsFoot and Ankle International, 2007 May; 28 (5): 642-22.

25. DeOrio JK. Technique Tip: Arthrodesis of the First Metatarsal Joint-- Prevention of Excessive Dorsiflexion. Foot and Ankle International, 2007 June; 28 (6): 746-7.

26. Steel MW; DeOrio JK. Foot Amputation with Limb Revascularation: The Effects of Amputation Timing and Wound Closure on the Peripheral Vascular Bypass Graft Site. Foot and Ankle International, 2007 June; 28(6):690-4.

27. Bestic JM, Peterson JJ, DeOrio JK, Bancroft LW, Berquist TH, Kransdorf MJ. Postoperative evaluation of the total

ankle arthroplasty. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008, Apr;190(4):1112-23. Review.

28. DeOrio JK, Easley M. Total ankle arthroplasty. Instr Course Lect. 2008;57:383-413.

29. A Cracchiolo, III, M.D. and J. K. DeOrio, M.D. Design Features of Current Total Ankle Replacements: Implants

and Instrumentation. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2008 Sep;16(9):530-40.

30. DeOrio JK, Leaseburg, JT, Shapiro, S. Subtalar Distraction Arthroplasy. Foot and Ankle International, 2008

December 10: 1189-1194

31. Saltzman C, Mann R, Coughlin M, DeOrio, JK, et al. Prospective Controlled Trial of STAR Total Ankle Replacement Versus Ankle Fusion: Initial Results, 2009 July 07: 579-596.

32. Caputo AM, Lee JY, Spritzer CE, Easley ME, DeOrio JK, Nunley JA 2nd, DeFrate LE.Am J Sports Med. In vivo kinematics of the tibiotalar joint after lateral ankle instability. 2009 Nov;37(11):2241-8. Epub 2009 Jul 21.

33. Leaseburg, JL, DeOrio, JK, Shapiro, SA.,.Variability of Hallux MP Fusion With Fixed-Angle Plate, 2009 Sep;30(9): 873-6

34. Farber DC, DeOrio JK. Oxygen tensiometry as a predictor of wound healing in total ankle arthroplasty.

Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2009 Nov-Dec;43(5):381-5. English, Turkish.

35. Aaron T.Scott, James K.DeOrio, Harvey E.Montijo, Richard R.Glisson. Biomechanical comparison of hallux valgus correction using the proximal chevron osteotomy fixed with a medial locking plate and the Ludloff osteotomy fixed with two screws. Clinical Biomechanics. Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2010 Pages 271-276

36. Coetzee JC, DeOrio JK,. Total Ankle Replacement Systems Available in theUnited States. Instr Course Lect. 2010;59.

37. DeOrio, JK. INBONE Ankle Replacement, S. Raikin, Ed., Seminars in Arthroplaty In press

38. DeOrio, JK Subtalar arthrodesis with Total Ankle Arthroplasty, Techniques in Foot and Ankle, B. Hintermann, ed In press

Papers in press/progress:

1. DeOrio JK, Usuelli, F., Montijo, H. Exposure of the posterior medial talus through an anterior approach with deltoid

release. Presented at EOA June 2009

2. Darwish, HH, DeOrio, JK: Syndesmotic fixation strenth with lagged 4.5 mm screws vs. 3.5 mm non-lagged screws.

3. Ellis, Scott and DeOrio, J.K. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics Volume Unk, Issue Unk,2010, Pages INBONE Total Ankle Replacement

2. Non-refereed publications:

1. DeOrio JK. Tricks to diagnosing aching feet and ankles. Mayo Medical Update Summer 1996.

2. DeOrio JK. Caring for the achilles tendon. Jacksonville Sports 1996 June.

3. Boyer ML, DeOrio JK. Freiberg’s Disease. EMedicine Journal [serial online] Available at: 2002.

4. DeOrio JK. Claw toe. EMedicine Journal [serial online] Available at: 2002.

5. DeOrio MJ, DeOrio JK. Blounts disease. EMedicine Journal [serial online] 2002.

6. Hort K, DeOrio JK. Peroneal tendon pathology. EMedicine Journal [serial online] 2002.

7. DeOrio, JK. You Mean You Can Replace the Ankle Joint? Northeast Florida Medicine, Vol. 57, No. 3,


3. Chapters in books:

1. DeOrio JK, Blasser KE. Indications and patient selection. In: Morrey BF, editor. Joint Replacement Arthroplasty. Churchill Livingstone; 1991. p. 547-559.

2. Berquist TH, Deorio JK. Soft tissue injuries. In: Berquist TH, editor. Imaging of Orthopedic Trauma. 2nd Edition. New York: Raven Press; 1992. p. 83-91.

3. Berquist TH, Deorio JK. The shoulder. In: Berquist TH, editor. Imaging Atlas of Orthopedic Appliances and Prostheses. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 661-727.

4. DeOrio JK. Midfoot reconstruction. In: Morrey BF, editor. Reconstructive Surgery of the Joints. Second Edition. Volume 2. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996. p. 1789-810.

5. Berquist TH, DeOrio JK. Reconstructive procedures: preoperative and postoperative imaging. In: Berquist TH, editor. Radiology of the Foot and Ankle. Second Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000. p. 479-526.

6. DeOrio JK, Coughlin MN. Toenail abnormalities. In: Coughlin MN, editor. Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. 8th ed.
Elsevier 2006.

7. Peterson, JJ and DeOrio, JK Ankle. Foot Injections and a A Surgeon’s Perspective. In Image-Guided

Musculotskeletal Intervention. Elsevier, 2007

8. Chapter. Primary Ankle Replacement in ARTHRITIS AND ARTHROPLASTY: THE FOOT AND ANKLE (A Volume in the Arthritis and Arthroplasty Series edited by Thomas E. Brown, MD; Quan Jun Cui, MD; William Mihalko, MD, PhD; and Khaled Saleh, MD) edited by J. Christiaan Coetzee, MD, and Shepard R. Hurwitz, MD. Elseivier, 2009

9 Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery; the Foot and Ankle , 2010. ed. Dr. Mark Easley.

Chapter 89, MJ DeOrio, JKDeOrio, Proximal Chevron Osteotomy with Plate Fixation

10. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery; the Foot and Ankle , 2010 ed. Dr. Mark Easley.

Chapter 93, , M.E. Easley, J. Nunley, JKDeOrio, S.T.A.R. Ankle Replacement

11. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery; the Foot and Ankle , 2010 ed. Dr. Mark Easley.

Chapter Unk, , JKDeOrio, M. Easley, J. Nunley and M. Reilly. INBONE Ankle Replacement

12. Atlas of Ankle Replacements: Chapter on Complications in Ankle Replacement A. Golberg, ed., Author: James K. DeOrio, D. LattTo be published in 2010.

13. Book Title: International Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Amol Saxena, editor. JKDeOrio Chapter Contribution Hallux Valgus: First Metatarsal Shaft Osteotomies. To be published in 2010.

4. Selected abstracts

1. DeOrio JK, Bianco AJ Jr. Lumbar disk excision for herniated lumbar disk in children and adolescents. Orthopaedic Transactions 1982 Fall; 6:453-454.

2. DeOrio JK, Cofield RH. Surgical repair for failed rotator cuff repairs. Orthopaedic Transactions 1982 Fall; 6:362.

3. DeOrio JK, Bianco AJ Jr. Lumbar disk excision for herniated lumbar disk in children and adolescents. Orthopaedic Transactions 1983 Spring; 7:108-109.

4. DeOrio JK. Operative template--creation and use. (Abstract O 410). J Bone Joint Surg 2001; 83-B(Suppl II):183-4.

5. Hort KR, DeOrio JK. Single incision: double release, single excision of adjacent interdigital neuromas in the foot. (Abstract O 374). J Bone Joint Surg 2001; 83-B(Suppl II):178..

6. DeOrio JK, Ware AW. Technique for treatment of peri-plafond tibial nonunions: the modified fibula-pro-tibia. J Bone Joint Surg 2002; 84-B(Suppl III):219.

c. Editorials

1. DeOrio, JK. What Orthopedic Surgeon Do and Who Needs Them. Northeast Florida Medicine, Vol. 57, No. 3,


Consultant appointments:

USAF Orthopedic Surgeon Active Duty, 1982-1986

Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon, Mayo Clinic, 1986-2007

Consultant Attenidng Surgeon, Duke University, 2007-Present

Professional awards and special recognitions:

Norman T. Kirk Award for the Most Outstanding Resident Paper - Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting 1981
Mayo Surgeon of the Year - St. Luke's Hospital 1990
Co-Author, G. Shahin Award for Research by a Physician in Training in Duval County, Awarded to Dr. Kurtis Hort for paper "Adjacent Interdigital Nerve Irritation: Single Incision Surgical Treatment" - Duval County Medical Society 2003
Cum Laude with Excellence in Design, Imaging Characteristics of Bone Graft Materials, Beaman, FD; Bancroft, LW; Peterson, JJ; Kransdorf, MJ; Menke, D; DeOrio, J - Radiologic Society of North America’
Winning paper entitled: "Ankle Fusion for Patients with Drop Foot Deformity". Coauthored by Robert Rochman, M.D. and Matthew J. DeOrio, M.D. - Florida Orthopedic Society Fellow's Paper Competition
Title /
Patent number /
Date filed /
Date issued
Tibial Resection Guide /
US 5681316 /

Organizations and participation: (Offices held, committee assignments, etc.)

Chair - Orthopedic Department, David Grant USAF Medical Center, Travis Air Force Base, United States Air Force, California /
1985 - 1986
Chair - Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida /
1986 - 2001
Consultant to the Surgeon General - United States Air Force /
1994 - 2003
Mayo Clinic:
Operation Efficiency Administrative Task Force
*Chair /
Surgical Committee /
1986 - 2001
*Chair 1992 - 1996
Revenue Systems Committee /
1994 - 1998
Development Liaison Committee /
1997 - 1998
Operating Room Governance Committee
Director Outpatient Mayo Surgery Center
Chair AAOS Guidelines Committee for Treatment of Ankle Arthritis /
2000 - 2002
1995 – 2001
2008 - 2010
St. Luke's Hospital
Board of Directors /
1994 - 1999

Teaching responsibilities including continuing education:

Co-Director Foot and Ankle Fellowship: Duke University 2007-Present

Editorial Responsibilities

Foot and Ankle International
Associate Editor 1992 - Present
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br)
Reviewer 2004 - Present
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Assistant Editor 2006 - Present

Areas of research interests: STAR ankle replacement, INBONE ankle replacement, Salto-Talaris ankle replacement, osteotomies for angular correction to relieve ankle arthritis, osteochondral lesions of the ankle with posterior femoral condyle replacement, ankle fusion for patients with drop foot deformity, locking plate fixation of proximal metatarsal osteotomies, posterior approach for tibiotalocalcaneal rods and distraction arthrodesis of the subtalar joint