Thursday 9TH JUNE 2016
Present: - Sqn Ldr B Finnigan Chairman
Mr. P Batty Captain
Mrs. L Gore Lady Captain
Mr. P Gore Vice-Captain
Mrs. J Batty Lady Vice-Captain
Mr. D Robinson Comp Secretary
Cpl K Lister Treasurer
Mr. B Wilson Entertainments
Sgt P Wilson Bar Member
Mr. F Foulds House Member
Mr. N Maxwell Grounds Member
Mr. A Keegan Shop Member
Apologies: Mr. T Pinnell Secretary
Mr. P Ramshaw Handicap Secretary
Attendee’s: 45 (Full: 11 / Society/Country: 34)
1. I would like to thank everyone for making the time to attend the meeting.In another busy and challenging year for the Club, we continue to be affected by the Security Pass requirement, which is as a direct result of the enhanced security situation across the whole of the Sovereign Base Areas throughout Cyprus. This is not going to change for the foreseeable future, especially with the on-going operations from the other end of the island. I understand it can be frustrating and time consuming at times; however, Security is everyone’s responsibility, in particular because this is such an open Station, so please reinforce the message; ‘No Pass – No Play!’ It is for your safety and security as well as the individuals on the Station and I would like to offer my thanks to you all for your support to this on-going security requirement.
This also gives me an opportunity to update you on the future of the Station and the Golf Course here at Ayios Nikolaos and maybe dispel some rumours. There is still an aspiration to move all the domestic accommodation away from Ayios Nikolaos. If this were to happen, then running of any clubs from this Station would no longer be viable, and I include the likes of the Gun Club, the Kart Club, the Cinema, etc.; however, the original plan to move to Dhekelia is not currently fully funded and therefore not likely to happen in the next 7 – 8 years; if a move does happen it is more than likely going to be closer to 10 years.
Elsewhere this year the Club has had successes in many competitions across the island, and we continue to support the majority of competitions that our sister courses run throughout the season; the IGNC Open was extremely well supported with over 40% of the field from ANGC, with some excellent results that saw ANGC’s Steve Barnett and Pete Ramshaw gain a second and third place. Again the Episkopi and Dhekelia Opens saw ANGC very well represented and I have to make a special mention to Peter Gore for two superb days of golf to become the Dhekelia Open Champion. Our own ANGC Open was again well supported from the other clubs across the island, in particular from IGCN, and also from many ex-players returning from the UK. I hope this trend continues for the new season.
Our Ladies team also deserve a very special mention as they continue to punch well above their weight in on-island competitions with lots of success throughout the season. This year has also seen the start of a Ladies Interclub competition which we hope will go from strength to strength. Congratulations to Lesley Payne for not only winning the Ladies Club Championships, this season, but for also for her hole-in-one at Episkopi.
We continue to support Ayios Nikoloas Station by providing a welfare payment to their Amenities Fund and one of our biggest successes to date is our Charity work. We continue to raise extremely large sums for charity through our ball sweeps and raffles and by organising various events; more on this later from our Captain Phil. However, like last year, I also need to make a plea; the plea is to the whole Membership to continue to support the Club in any small way that you are able to; this may be assisting with the grounds maintenance, doing some ball spotting during competitions or many other tasks that can make the job of the committee that much easier, enabling them to get on with the important task of the organisation and governance of the Club. Please consider giving some of your spare time by joining or supporting us, to ensure that we remain the best Club on the island.
I would like to conclude by expressing my thanks and appreciation to every member of this year’s committee. They have all been excellent in their roles and have provided the right levels of advice, guidance and support. Without their enthusiasm, hard work and commitment to the smooth running of your Club, then my role as Chairman would have been far more difficult. ANGC is the best and highest regarded club on the island with a social character that is 2nd to none and is the envy of every other club. Thank You.
2. Copies of the minutes of last years AGM were sent out to all attendee’s prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all present that they were a true and accurate record of events.Proposed: Sqn Ldr Brian Finnigan
Seconded: Mr John Kirk
4. No changes proposed
5. Nothing to ratify.
6. The Treasurer presented to the attendees a “Full Statement of Account” stating the current balance as of the 9th June 2016 stood at €16510.27 with €7436.38 residing in the restricted fund.
ANGC Liquidity Statement
Fixed Assets
Capital Property / €24,123.49
Current Assets
Current Bank Account / €23,746.65
Debtors / €200.00
Stock (Bar / Shop) / €2,450.76
Creditors / €00.00
Restricted Funds
Charity Pot / €2,181.22
Astroturf Replacement / €5,743.00
Total Available Funds / €16,510.27
7. a) Lady Captain:
My year as lady captain has been extremely memorable and enjoyable and I would like to say thank you to all the committee and members for their support and encouragement.
I am proud to say that even with our small numbers the ladies have represented the club at Opens across the Island, although some with varying levels of success. The highlight of the season for me has been our participation in the inaugural Ladies Interclub between Episkopi, Vikla and ourselves. Every one that took part has enjoyed the experience and a real bond has been created between the clubs, plans for next season have already been made.
On a different note an incredible amount has been raised for charity and the Charity Pot now stands at over £9500 with several charities benefitting from your generosity. Thanks to you all.
I would like to thank Jill for supporting me through the year and to wish her the best of luck for the upcoming year. I am sure she will be a great Lady Captain.
Finally I want to say thanks to Peter for putting up with me for the past year, I tried to stay calm. I promise I will now give my email / texting finger a rest.
7. b) Captain:
I would like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity of being Club Captain of ANGC. It was a tremendous honour to serve as Captain and hope that I gave the position justice.
My year started off very well being the winner of the Presidents Putter and then slaughtering Andy Payne and the English Sassenachs’ in the Ryder Cup. In the words of an ex club captain mentioning no names (Andy), nobody remembers who came second!!
The Inter Club – we came extremely close this year to winning the holy grail but unfortunately we just failed at the last hurdle. All saying it was a tremendous effort by all those who participated. Note to Pete Gore – “must try harder next year”.
Morphu – Due to family reasons I missed our annual trip to Morphu. I don’t think it would have made any difference me being there as we had the obligatory annihilation by the “bandits”. I think we need to rethink the format used when we play there.
Our Seniors Open went well with a home winner, Mr Gordon Stuart, well done to him.
ANGC Open – Won by our Scottish friend from over the water, Mr Dancing Dave Stewart, well done to him too.
The Club Championship- A very successful competition won by Peter Ramshaw but it was a close fought battle with Andy Payne who lost by one shot. The after match was a great success with a great bbq provided by Phil and also lots of wonderful dishes provided by members or their wives. Many thanks to the DJ and also thanks to all those who gave us a song or two.
I am extremely proud of the amount of money that we have raised for our charities over the last 12 months. The total being… €9,834.78 at this moment in time. The three recipients being The Mercian Regiment Benevolent Fund, The Alzheimer’s association and finally KEPA. Easter eggs were also distributed within the Famagusta area, both sides of the border. A big part of the money raised this year was due to the efforts of three very brave club members. I refer to Andy Payne, Jill Batty and Natasha Finnigan who all stupidly decided to throw themselves out of an aeroplane for the charity (thanks guys).
My thanks go out to firstly, to our Chairman, Brian Finnigan who has been an absolute rock for me. Denis Robinson once again for his unstinting dedication in arranging all competitions, although I must say I have been disappointed with our members not taking the time to complete their winter knock out matches. To Terry who has been a very efficient and hardworking Secretary. To Neville and his ground staff for keeping the course in good playing order. Brian Wilson who if a little unwillingly took over the post has done a sterling job in organising the Christmas and Summer Balls, etc. Although I must say these events could be better attended by the members. Pete Ramshaw for organising the handicaps, Frank Foulds for his general DIY duties, Ady Keegan for all his hard work, Phil for keeping the bar going and arranging the curry evenings. My thanks also to Kim for taking over the treasurers post at such short notice. If I’ve missed anyone out I’m sorry but thanks to all the committee for their support this year.
I would like also to thank my Lady Captain, Linda Gore for all her hard work not just for looking after the ladies section but also her work behind the scenes at some of the men’s competitions i.e. sorting out ball spotters, halfway house and tea and toast etc.
Peter Gore – what can I say? He has been a great support to me and gone over and above his vice-captaincy duties. I wish him every success during his Captaincy year.
Finally to my wife Jill, I thank her for all her support and secretarial and PA duties. And I wish her every success as Lady Captain of ANGC.
8. Last year’s Vice-Captain’s, Mr Peter Gore Mrs Jill Batty were duly ratified unanimously as the new Captain’s for the forthcoming year.
9. a) Captain:
Mr Chairman, members of the committee, ladies and gentlemen,
I have only been a member of AyiosNikolias Golf Club for a relatively short time compared with most ofyou and to be able to accept the position of Club Captain for the next year is a tremendous honour for me. I would like to thank all of you for allowing me this privilege and I assure you that I will try to fulfil the role to the best of my ability, whilst being my own person,but alwayswith the best interests of ANGC in mindwhichIS, after allthe best golf club on the island bar none.
I would like to thank the outgoing Capt. Phil Batty together with the members of the committee for the help extended to me during my term as V/C, which I can assure you were a very steep learning curve from day one.
I am looking forward to working closely withJohn Kirk who returnsto the fold as V/C and I'm sure his expertise and experience will be of great value, not to mention theballsweep input. TheLadies section will I've no doubt be as valuable to this club as last yearand it will be a pleasure to work withthe new LadiesCapt. Jill and her V/C Sue and if they receive as many mails, texts and calls as my wife did this year, both Phil and Stan are in for anoisy time!!
As always the biggest reason we're here is to play golf and as such I hope the Interclub and the club matches with Morphu and IGCN will as hotly contested as this year, but with a different result...maybe. These are great competitions and social events so please, don the shirt with pride and represent your club.
It would be remiss of me not to mention the charity monies raised by the members of this club.This clubs generosityis renownedthroughout the island and has even made the daily papers here....well done to you all, to emulate the amounts raised will be a big challengefor us all, but one I feel sure we will take on robustly.
Once again, thank you ANGC, you are a great place to be.
9. b) Lady Captain:
I would just like to say what an honour and privilege it is for me to become Lady Captain of ANGC. I am looking forward to the role and working with our new captain Peter and my vice-captain Sue Fitz. Together I hope we can continue to drive the club forward and encourage current and new members to be more active in competitions and attending social events held here.
Finally I want to thank Linda for all her hard work and dedication during the last 12 months. She is going to be a hard act to follow. I hope to continue in the same way that she has done so and I know that I can count on her and others for their support in my tenure as Lady Captain. Thank you.