1 / Issur That Fell Into Heiter / 98:1 / 1-7
2 / Taam K’ikar Siman / 98:2-3 / 9-17
3 / Ch’n’n B’Kalim / 98:4-5 / 19-26
4 / Other Measurements / 98:6-9 / 28-31
5 / Issur Bones / 99:1-4 / 33-37
6 / Ain M’vatlin Issur L’chatchila / 99:5 / 40-46
7 / Ain M’vatlin B’issurai D’rabbanan / 99:6-7 / 48-52
8 / B’ria / 100 / 55-59
9 / Chaticha Har’uya L’hischabad / 101 / 62-68
10 / Davar Sheyaish Lo Matirin / 102:1-3 / 70-75
11 / Davar Sheyaish Lo Matirin / 102:4 / 77-80
12 / Nosain Ta’am Lifgam / 103:1-4 / 82-87
13 / Aino Ben Yomo Kailim / 103:5-7 / 89-93
14 / Pickled Rodents / 104 / 96-102
15 / Kavush K’mevushal / 105:1 / 103-108
16 / Issur Fell Into Heter / 105:2-3 / 110-116
17 / Tzli / 105:4-6 / 118-124
18 / Ain Blios Yotzai B’lo Rotav / 105:7-8 / 126-130
19 / Melicha / 105:9-14 / 132-140
20 / Batel / 106 / 142-145
21 / Eggs, Fish and Flies / 107 / 147-152
22 / Raiach Milsa / 108 / 154-159
23 / Yavash b’Yavash / 109 / 161-168
24 / Davar Chushuv / 110:1-2 / 168-170
25 / Taisha Canuyos: 9 Stores / 110:3-4 / 172-178
26 / Shema Yikach / 110:5-6 / 180-186
27 / One was Eaten/Many Ta’aruvos / 110:7-8 / 188-195
28 / Safek S’faika / 110:9-10 / 197-204
29 / Tolin / 111:1-4 / 206-209
30 / Two Kdairot of Heter / 111:5-7 / 211-215
1 / Issur That Fell Into Heiter / 98:1 / 1-7


1. Min b’she’aino mino d’hetaira – Permitted to be tasted by a Jew

2. Min b’she’aino mino d’issura - Discerned by a k’faila

3. Min b’mino - 60 needed to m’vatel

The Taste Test (Issur b’heitera) where a non-Jew is believed

K’faila / Mas’la’t
Rasha (Mechaber) / no / Needs
Rosh / Needs / Needs
Tosfos & Ran / Needs / No
Rambam / No / No

60 or K’faila

Less than 60 / More than 60
Rashi / No k’faila / Needs k’faila
R”Y & Rosh / Needs k’faila / No k’faila
Rambam (Mechaber) / Needs k’faila / Needs k’faila, ok if not available

Why Mas’la’t works here

  1. Ta’am k’ikar is assur mid’rabbanan
  2. Ain ischazak issura
  3. Efshar lmaikam d’milsa
  4. Taz issur v’heter does not need witnesses, only discovering

Rama – always need 60

Halacha – even Sephardim hold need 60 in all issurim

The Jewish Taste Tester

Relay on b’dieved

Tongue Tasting

Drisha – Assur

Taz - b’dieved

How to Measure 60

Size not weight per Pischai Teshuva

Size or weight if same min and amount of air space; if different minim press out the air and measure with size per Chinuch Bais Yehudah

2 / Taam K’ikar Siman / 98:2-3 / 9-17

Min B’mino

Rav & Shmuel & Rashi

All issurim in the Torah that get mixed up into mino are not batel

In aino mino they are batel if don’t give tatse

Reb Yochanan & Raish Lakesh & Tosfots

All issurim in the Torah (excluding tevel and yaiyin nesach) are batel if they don’t give taste

Taam K’Ikar

Rashi & Rambam hold it is mid’rabanan

Rabbainu Tam holds it is m’doraisa; Mechaber also

Defining Min B’mino

Rava the name defines the min

Rema that in all cases is defined by name. If have same name, only 60 is needed mid’drabanan

Shach only in case where issur can osser heter beyond 60 we define min b’mino by name since after 60 taste is not a factor. However, if m’vatel with 60 then we do define min by taste.

Nishpack: The Pot Boiled Over

Min B’aino mino if spills and cannot determine if 60:1, then assur

Min B’mino if spills and can not determine, then mutar, since rov and no taste

Min B’Mino V’aino Mino

Rashba - we hold Min B’mino is batel b’rov

In this case regard the aino mino as not there and let mino m’vatel it

Aino Mino: The Gravy

Rashal argues with Rashba and assur due to a Torah decree

Pri Chadash also argues with Rabsha: as long as issur gives a taste in the heter then assur

Sifsai Da’as - also machmir since we do not know if each min spreads evenly

Taz & Shach say the meat is mutar but argue about the gravy

Taz & Mechaber the gravy is mutar

Shach gravy is assur

The Unknown: Not Always a Safek

Taz 3 kinds of Safek

דעת שוטים based on lack of one’s ability

חסרון בקיעות לכל הדור the entire world lacks expertise

חסרון באיזה נשאר Doubt the estimation used

Shach adds not allowed to estimate the size of issur when l’fanainu

3 / Ch’n’n B’Kalim / 98:4-5 / 19-26


Needs 60 against it and it is included as part of the 60, since don’t know who much given off

Ravad applies to other issurim where issur can not be removed; if can be removed then can estimate

Rishonim disagree and say in all cases can not estimated and need 60

Blios by Melicha

Shach only a kli assur to k’dai klipa by mecliha, but food is assur until 60

Rama kli can be used without koshering if 60 against klipa

Cham Miktazso Cham Kulo

Tur need 60 against entire metal spoon

Mechaber & Rema only need 60 against part put into pot

Whatever is Possible to M’takain We Must M’Takain

Something that has a heiter should not be relie on bitul

Taz by adding cold waer the food is assur because some of the taam went into the water

Cn’n’n b’Kalim

Rashba within 24 hours, blios in spoon become nevaila

Rambam no ch’n’n by blios

Mordechai where can remove issur do not say ch’n’n; but where can not remove, we do say ch’n’n. Taz says this is even by kli cheres. Shach says new kli cheres never becomes nevaila

Bais Yosef says Tur holds like Rashba

Rema says Tur holds like Rambam

4 / Other Measurements / 98:6-9 / 28-31

½ Kazayis

Always need 60 times the issur

Eggs need 61

Shach eggs are not uniform size and eggs are a b’ria

Issur after 60

Shach taste of issur is only mid’drabbanan; also can believe non-Jew; spices b’mino are m’vatel and do not worry about tatse

R’ Akiva Eiger in the name of the Ran if gives taste issur remains d’orais; do not believe non-Jew and if give taste in aino mino then no tbatel in mino

Issur M’vatel Issur

Mishnah Orlah can be m’vatel k’layim

Gm’ pigul nosar and tameh go mixed evenly no malkos; since no majority of one issur

Mechaber if issur falls in and is mvatel and then can count to m’vatel a later issur

Only if do not hold ch’n’n by other issurim

To those that do hold ch’n’n by other issurim, can have an effect

  1. A pot with 59 parts heter and two parts issur fall in at the same time
  2. 1 part milk falls into 29 parts heter and a separate group of 1 part meat and 30 parts heter mixed all together
  3. 1 part issur falls into 60 parts and then a little bit of another issur falls into the pot

5 / Issur Bones / 99:1-4 / 33-37

Z’roah Bishaila

Ran shells of orlah can be counted as heter against the orlah; gm’ talking about moist bones; dry bonds are not assur

Rambam bones of issur count as part of the issur

Rabbainu Shimshon cannot be compared to nut shells; but learn from gid hanasheh that issur bones are counted as issur (even if moist) since do not give off a taste

Rashba agrees but says the marrow of issur bones can be counted as issur

Sticks and Stones

  1. Bones of issur miztaref to heiter (Mechaber)
  2. Heter bones are miztaref to heter and issur bones are miztaref to issur
  3. Heter bones miztaref to heter and issur bones are not miztaref to either (rema)

Efshar l’sochato assur

Measurement inclusive of gravy

Estimate to m’vatel issur

Rashi –safek d’oraisa we canot take the pot into estimation

Rashba – Rashi case of lo r’inu; but in case r’inu we can estimate but only in min b’mino

Reinu and lo reinu

Rashal argues on Rashba and everything is measured as one can see it now

Pri Chadash if don’t know at time that fell it, donot machmir even if 60 now

Tax argues and can matir if 60 exists now

6 / Ain M’vatlin Issur L’chatchila / 99:5 / 40-46

Ain M’vatlin Issur L’chatchila Mid’oraisa or Mid’rabbanan

Ravad – Mid’oraisa learn from zroah b’shaila

Tosefos – mid’rabbanan

Noda B’yehudah – issur to be m’vatel mamashos d’oraisa

Issur to be m’vatel taam is d’rabbanan

Unintentional M’vatlin

Taz if one does not have the intention to m’vatel, it is mutar; however if another option exists, then no heter

Mishb’tvos Zahav if the other option is a tircha, then permitted

Shogeg Ato Maizid

Tur makes a distinction between bitul vs. mapil (throwing away)

Bais Yosef why not Shogeg due to Maiid in both cases?

  1. In one case the person would eat, throwing away is for others
  2. Migo
  3. differs whether known or not

Ta’ah B’din

Taz – not knowing is like Shogeg


Investigating if heter addedbefore or after issur fell in

Bais Yosef Tur does not hold by din of Ch’n’n by sha’ar issurim

Taz – we do not assume the worst

Nodah / Lo Nodah

Issur V’heter says 3 dinim

Nodah - gezaira

Lo Nodah – mistake

Chaticha – it is enough

Rama agrees with first two and argues on third

Shcach disagrees with all three

Halacha l’ma’aseh – Lo Nodah does not help

7 / Ain M’vatlin B’issurai D’rabbanan / 99:6-7 / 48-52

Three cases of Isurrai D’rabanan

A: Issur d’oraisa which is not batel mid’rabbanan

B: Issur d’rabbanan that has a root in the Torah

C: Chalah and Trumah

Rashba first is assur but second and third can add in order to m’vatel them

Tosefos- first two can not add

Rosh & Ra’ah: assur all three


Mechaber, Taz & Rashal like Rashba

Rama & Shach like Rosh & Ra’ah

Chozeir V’Niur

Rama applies to all cases

Shach - kama kama batel in case of yvash byavash min bmino and nodeh

Kli Shemishtamshin Bo B’shefa

Large keli, then bilos so small that would not give taste

Mechaber can use kli without koshering

Taz & Shach disagree

8 / B’ria / 100 / 55-59

Issurim not batel even in 1000

Davar chashuv - Important

Davar Sheyaish lo matirin- Mutar in time

Mareh / chazusa give appearance or a catalyst (like spices)

Issurai Hana’ah

Most are assur d’rabanan; except machlokes on following:

M’tabel - Shach & R’ Akiva Eiger see shiur 4

Ma’amid – most hold drabanan, except Magen Avraham

Chazusa Minchas Cohen - if put in for appearance & can be seen then is not batel

Pri Chadash only safek, and if drabanan batel in 60

Minchas Ya’acov by food ta’am k’ikar (not appearance)

B’ria not batel in 1000

5 conditions

1. Whole

2. Chius

3. assur from the time came into existence

4. Called by a specific name when whole and a different name now

5. Issur mgufo un’atzmuso (in and of its own accord)

Aver Min haChai

Question if less than a Kezayis

Eggs Rambam says it is a bria and thus, we are not mekail

9 / Chaticha Har’uya L’hischabad / 101 / 62-68


  1. Assur machmas atzmo
  2. Ready without a tikun
  3. Should be big and not small
  4. Should be whole and not in parts


Milk from a traifa

Cheese of a non-Jew

Issur V’heitar – even if ma’amid, still a din of Ch’r’l

Toras Chaim - not issur machmas atzmo since issur balua, and thus not Ch’r’l

Taz concludes that stam gvinas akum not made with ohr hakava is not Ch’r’l

Chasair Tikun (and thus not able to be batel)

Rosh – if fitting after preparation regardless of the amount of effort

Smak and Maharil – only if needs a small amount of preparation

Rashba – Difference between cutting (large amount then not) and lack of cooking (is still considered lacking preparation)

Yaish Omrim – Only what is fitting to serve a guest; if needs cutting or cooking then not considered)

Gribbins: Fried Duck Fat

Taz – whether large or cut up is considered

Nekudas Hakesef disagrees


Mechaber - no din of Ch’r’l

Rashal are Ch’r’l

Shach & Taz hold like Rambam the depends on time and place

10 / Davar Sheyaish Lo Matirin / 102:1-3 / 70-75

Davar Sheyaish Lo Matarin is not batel even in 1000. Why?

Rashi gezara in time will become mutar therefore do not eat is as an issur even though batel

Ran Min b’mino is not batel from the bloods by Yom HaKippur; the opposing force by D’sh’l’m is weak (going away) like Min b’mino and thus, not batel

Badai HaShulchan-Since going to be Mutar soon, does not appear to people as very serious, and so, they made a gezera

Min B’mino – Min B’aino Mino

D’sh’l’m applies to Minb’mino and not min b’aino mino

Safek S’faika

Does not apply in the matter of eggs on Yom Tov

  1. Din does not apply
  2. Not a true Safek S’faika
  3. We are machmir by D’sh’l’m since completely mutar soon


It is nikar and not batel

Taz chazuza with taste is min b’mino, but not either one by itself

Shach hlds chazuza by itself can be called a D’sh’l’m

Safek Traifa

Born on Yom Tov

Per Mechaber mutar like the Ran

Per Pischai Teshuva like Rahsi and machmir


Tzla’ch holdsD’sh’l’m only applies to food not to Kailim

Rabbi Akiva Eiger holds D’sh’l’m does apply to Kailim as well

11 / Davar Sheyaish Lo Matirin / 102:4 / 77-80

8 additional factors

  1. Asui l’kalkail: Food would spoil if we wait to eat it b’hetaira

Badai HaShulchan - if totally inedible then mutar

  1. Issur b’ain ta’am: Whether the issur has substance or only tasteTaz says tatse is not a d’sh’lm; Shach says it is
  2. Machmas atzmo: In and of itself it is assur Rama says if issue is not machmas atzmo then Bitul Shach & Taz hold it is not batel
  3. Nikar kodem bitul: it has to exist before it is batel
  4. Neder: to have a neder annulled one must ask a competent Rav
  5. Chzair v’n’esar: The issur becomes mutar and then again assurMahlokes Rashi & Rashi if Chametz on Pesach is d’sh’l’m Lamaseh Rama holds it is not; Taz & Shach argue
  6. Huter I’mi sh’ne’esar: Mutar for the one it was assur to
  7. Cook on Shabbos b’maizid then the food is assur to him foreverMagan Avrohom – gets mixed up on Motzei Shabbos, but if mixed up on Shabbos the assur Chavas Da’as mixed up n Shabbos, and thus, mutar only to one that cooked

12 / Nosain Ta’am Lifgam / 103:1-4 / 82-87

When Bitul Applies

Rashba If issur is equal or greater than heter, then not batel even if lifgam, unless the issue is inedible

Ran If issue increases the volume of the ta’avravos to a size that compensates for the bad taste then it is not batel even though it is lifgam

Shach holds that even if there is no taste 60 is needed

Pri Chadash if the issue gives no taste it is batel b’rov; if gives taste 60 is required

Bad Now - Good Later

Mechaber - per Shach that even issur that will eventually taste good is batel now if it is lifgam now. Later when tastes good, then it is not batel.

Pri Chadash can be makil since it is an issur mid’rabbanan

Kaf Hachim paskins that we can be maikil in hefsed m’rubeh or shas hadchak

Na’t bar N’at

Taz - even if the issur was lifgam in either pot, the second tavshil is mutar without 60 against the issur

Minchas Yaakov - First tavshil must also be lifgam

Nekudas Haksef by cooking needs 3 no’ts of heter to remain mutar

Meat & Honey

All (except Rambam) stam kli is an aino ben yomo and therefore lifgam

13 / Aino Ben Yomo Kailim / 103:5-7 / 89-93

12-month old Kailim

Chacham Tzvi – b’dieved in all cases is mutar since the blios are like afar

Panim Meiros - If Kli was used for hot food then the food is assur; if absorbed by using cold food then mutar

Davar Shmuel - was used for hot food then the food is assur; if absorbed by using cold food then machmir

Aino Ben Yomo

Rashi & R”T if the kli was not used to cook overnight the blios become lifgam; but if used during the night, no

Rashbam – kli called aino ben yomo after 24 hours

Leenas Lyla – not used to cook in overnight

Sifsai Da’as starts at the beginning of the night and ends as amud hashacher

Chamas Adam starts at shkia until haiyir hayom

Shach says davka by night (not also amount of time during day)

Basar v’chalav

1)Leenas Lyla after the basar b’chalav and cooking the water

2)Leenas Lyla between the basar b’chalav and cooking the water

3)Leenas Lyla between cooking the meat and the milk

Mechaber by 1,2 if cooked during the night, then 24 hours counted from time of boiling the water

Bais Yosef after night passes, count 24 hours from the issur not from the water

Rama holds no difference

By 3, 24 hours needed from issur per Rama; Shach no heiter

By shaar issurim:

Mechaber always count from the issur since ch’n’n does not apply

Rama in hefsed, can be meikil even without leenas lyla

Shach hold same at basar bchalav

14 / Pickled Rodents / 104 / 96-102

Bitul is Aino Nikar

Aruch HaShulchan Bitul only if is not nikar

Yavash byavash – if one out of ten appears similar, then those 2 are assur

Yavash b’lach or lach b’yavash can not m’vatel

Different between Shratzim & Sha’ar Issurim

Rama (Tur) Chumrah by Shratzim considered like a briah and not batel; other issurim are batel b’rov (unless a special reason)

Taz Do not give a din of briah; unless lach blach or yavash byavash then not batul no matter how small since nikar


Kaf haChaim holds like the Taz

Chavas Da’as and Pischai Tshuvah hold like the Shach

Case 1: Shuman was added daily (achbar found and shuman not poured afterwards)

Rosh (Rama) is the shuman was liquid it is assur; if solid on a n’tila is assur