Narrative Structure Extra Practice

Create 17 flashcards using the following elements of narrative structure vocabulary terms. You will be taking a quiz on these terms on Wednesday 10/26.

You have two options on how to make these. You can either make the flashcards using index cards OR you can use the following website: to create your flashcards. If you use this online resource, you have to create an account and e-mail me the link to your flashcards (your username will appear at the top).

Vocabulary words that you will be creating flashcards for:

  • Plot
  • Exposition
  • Initiating event
  • Rising action
  • Climax
  • Falling action
  • Resolution
  • Static character
  • Dynamic character
  • Protagonist
  • Antagonist
  • Conflict
  • Theme
  • Mood
  • Tone
  • Setting

Narrative Elements Vocabulary

  1. Plot – the sequence of events in a literary work.
  1. Exposition –the part of the work that introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation (part of the plot structure).
  1. Character – a person, animal, or creature who takes part in the action of a literary work. Main characters are the most important in the story, poem or play. Minor characters may take part in the actions, but are not the center of attention.
  1. Staticcharacters stay the same in personality.
  1. Dynamiccharacters change in personality or in their thoughts.
  1. Antagonist – the character who opposes (goes against) the main character.
  1. Protagonist – the main character of most important character in a story. This character often changes in some important way as a result of the story’s events.
  1. Setting – the time and place of the action. It could be specific (Sterling, VA in the year 1872) or vague (present time in the south).
  1. Initiating event/inciting event – introduces the central conflict (part of the plot structure).
  1. Conflict – a struggle between opposing forces. Characters in conflict for the basis of the story, novel, poem, or play.

There are two kinds of conflict:

internal (character against self) and

external(character against another individual or nature or society)

  1. Rising action – all of the events that lead up to the climax that build suspense (part of the plot structure).
  1. Climax – the highest point of conflict or suspense (part of the plot structure). The turning point in the story.
  1. Falling action – actions that tie up loose ends and leads to the resolution (end) of the central conflict (part of the plot structure).
  1. Resolution – the final events that end a work of fiction (part of the plot structure).
  1. Theme- the overall message or lesson in a story. Stories can have more than one theme.
  1. Mood: is how the author makes the reader feel while reading the book.
  1. Tone: the speaker’s attitude in a piece of writing towards the subject conveyed by the language and rhythm of the speaker