Sunday March 18, 2018

The fifthSunday of the Passion Season

Prayer Needs:

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s blessing on the preached Word. May the Lord Jesus Christ be our only hope for salvation.

The persecuted church worldwide, and for those suffering from terrorism

For the suffering among us, those sorrowing the loss of loved ones, those with afflictions of the body, mind and spirit, the lonely and the elderly.

Our widows and widower, pray for God’s presence in their lives.

Ada Rozeboom who is now in Whispering Heights, Rock Valley. Pray for increased health & strength, also sustaining grace for Hank.

Mike and Leanne Gaul Family, as Leanne’s stepdad, Jerry Weyer has passed away @ 58 yrs. Visitation: Sunday 5:30-7:00 pm, Prayer Service @ 7:00 pm, Funeral: Monday 1:30 pm, all at First Baptist Church, Hawarden

Elie Post and Ashtyn Clausen both ill this past week with a high fever.

Remember in prayer those with ongoing needs:

John Rus Nellie Fintelman George & Chris Vonk Wilma Koedam


Today: Pastor Elshoutserves.Fellowship & coffee after the morning service.There will be no Catechism, Sunday School, or Adult Classtoday

Today’s offerings: 1st General Fund 2nd: Benevolent Fund

Today: Lord’s Supper will be commemorated. All members who are needy sinners and find their hope alone in Jesus Christ are encouraged to remember the death of the Lord at His table. Nonmembers who desire to partake should first contact the consistory.

Next Lord’s Day: Pastor Elshoutserves. 2ndOffering: HRC Mission

VBS: There will be a VBS planning meeting this Wednesday at 7 pm at HRCS. Ladies, please consider attending as more help would be appreciated!

The Gentry Family: Having completed the Confession of Faith course, Alan & Amanda Gentry have appeared before the consistory and expressed their desire to be admitted as professing members of our congregation. With joy, we may inform you that we agreed to grant them their request. On Sunday, March 25, DV, Alan and Amanda will publicly profess their faith during the morning worship service; following their profession of faith the sacrament of Baptism will be administered to their son, Daniel. May our covenant God richly bless this young family and make them a blessing in the midst of our church family! Anylawful objections must be submitted to the clerk of our consistory (Elder Villalobos) in writing on or before 3/24

Prolife event:The Alpha Center Spring Dinner will be Friday, April 27 @ 7:00 pm in Sioux Falls. See Linda VB for details or to register.

SCRIP dates: March 19 and April 16

Weekly song: Easter hymns

Balance: ($2,217.73)


Sunday 18th: Lord’s Supper, morning worship service

Wednesday 21st: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Wednesday 21st: VBS Planning Meeting, at 7 pm at HRCS

Wednesday 21st: HRCS Board Meeting at the school @ 7:00 pm

Sunday 25th: Confession of Faith and baptism, morning worship service

Sunday 25th: Singing at Pleasant Acres, Hull at 2:15 pm

Wednesday 28th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Friday 30th: Good Friday, evening worship service at 7:00 pm


Sunday 1st: Easter Sunday

Tuesday 3rd: Consistory Meeting at church at 6:30 pm

Wednesday 4th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Wednesday 4th: Family Bible Study & Youth Group Evening, Hope Haven, 6:50 pm

Wednesday 11th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Sunday 15th: PRTS student Mr. Justin Nobel serves

Wednesday 18th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Tuesday 24th: Singing at Royale Meadows, Sioux Center at 6:00 pm

Wednesday 25th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location

Wednesday 25th: Family Visiting Day at HRCS

Thursday 26th: HRCS Spring Program at the school @ 7:00 pm

2018 HRC Women’s Conference: This conference will be held in Woodstock, Ontario on April 17. Mrs. M. Beeke will present the topic, “Sisters Adorned inChrist: Showing a deeper kind of kindness”. See poster in narthex for more info.


March 18: Bruce Van Beek

March 18: Henrietta Van Beek, 85 years

March 22: Preston Maassen

March 24: Ava Zomer


March 18: Karlin and Carolyn Bleeker

March 25: Harvey, Lavonne and Hannah Spaans

Lunch Schedule:

March 18: Stacy Z. and Linda VB

March 25: Barb G. and Lavonne S.

Nursery Schedule:

March 18: Morning: Kenzie Z. and Sam G.

Evening: Alexis D. and Faith G.

March 25: Morning: Danica D. and Rayna M.

Evening: Misty D. and Eliana P.

Grateful acknowledgement for the following collections:

2/18 General $878.00 2/18 Inheritance Publishers $789.00

2/25General$1,850.00 2/25 HRCS$1,447.00

Spiritual Snobbery By Dr. D. James Kennedy
‘Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father who is in heaven. For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.” ---Matthew 18:10-11
Do people at your church welcome strangers with open arms or spurn them with turned backs? It is tragic that many churches today display "spiritual snobbery" rejecting those of questionable reputation or faith. And this is so wrong.
This attitude prevailed even in biblical times. In fact, Jesus featured it in one of his parables. In Christ’s parable of the prodigal son, the older brother displayed a smug attitude toward his wayward brother. After the joyous return of the younger brother, who had strayed from his father’s house, the scene quickly changed from joy to jealousy. The brow of the older brother lowered; his face darkened; his lips curled in contempt. Inside, the house was ablaze with light and laughter. The sounds of music echoed the joy of the revelers, while outside a cold silence rested heavily on the fields, broken only by the grumbling of the older brother amid the gathering night.
In a similar way, many Christians today don’t welcome prodigals into their circles. We love to have the respectable folks come into the church, the well-clothed and well-bred, but bring in the drug addict or the drunk from skid row, and some people raise their eyebrows. We invite sinners into the warm harbor of God’s love, but they run smack-dab into the iceberg of the older brother.
When you really get down to it, many spiritual snobs don’t really believe in conversion. Talk to them about the thief on the cross, and they become very upset, even as some of the early Christians did not believe in Saul’s conversion. “But all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans3:23). None of us makes it to heaven except by God’s grace.
Search your heart today. Do you find even a trace of spiritual snobbery there? Plan to welcome newcomers into your church, sharing God’s grace withallwho need it.
As John Bradford said, "But for the grace of God there goes John Bradford."

Heritage Reformed



Sunday March 18, 2018

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6

Hull, Iowa


Pastor: Rev. Bartel Elshout

E-mail: – Cell #: 712-451-9302

Worship Services: 9:30 AM6:00 PM

Online services available on or

Member Church of HRC Denomination

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