Cool Original Dutch Energy:
It is unique due to the fact that it is the only energydrink without any sugar, we use stevia instead, furthermore we have special flavours, vegetables combined with fruit. The vitamine D has as a side-product PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide ) which is a natural painkiller, but it os more than that.
PEA has been demonstrated to bind to a receptor in the cell-nucleus (a nuclear receptor) and exerts a great variety of biological functions related to chronic pain and inflammation. The main target is thought to be the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-α).[2][3] PEA also has affinity to cannabinoid-like G-coupled receptors GPR55 and GPR119.[4] PEA cannot strictly be considered a classic endocannabinoid because it lacks affinity for the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2.[5] However, the presence of PEA (and other structurally related N-acylethanolamines) has been known to enhance anandamide activity by an "entourage effect".[6][7]
Several papers have demonstrated that an imbalance of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and alterations in the levels of PEA occur in acute and chronic inflammation.[8] For instance during β-amyloid-induced neuroinflammation the deregulation of cannabinoid receptors and its endogenous ligands accompanies the development and progression of disease.[9]
Bron: Wikipedia - 2017
The mission of Cool Original Dutch Energy is to obtain a sufficient marketshare, in order to achieve a continuation of the company. Duet o the fact that the awareness is customers is changing and publications indicate the dangers for instance sugar what is does tot he human body made us discuss to change the perception of energydrinks in general. In order to do so we do it ourselves by inventing a new generation of energydrinks, based on natural ingrediënts, environmental friend, healthy and sustainable.
Stragetic Target and planning:
The marketing of Code by means of sales combined with marketing efforts, at which occassion the Dutch and Belgian market are essential, export to countries outside these two primairy markets is secondary.
Code will start with 250 ml. for the remaining of this year.
Due to the fact that events, indoor and outdoor are bound to safety regulations issued by the fire department and police, we have to consider during the end of this year the possibillity to be able to supply 0,33 pet-bottles fort he coming years in order to maninfest ourselves strongly in these events.
Operational Planning:
We have learned a lot from previous encounters with energydrink and the knowledge is the bases of our decesion 6 six months ago that if we decide to become a major player we should have a different approach, different design and taste.
Complaints coming from the market emphasized our idea of using another sweetener than sugar.
The main player within the segment of supermarkets, Ahold issued an official statement in february 2017 that they are switching from 20-26 energdrinks of all kinds to 6 within a short period of time. Due tot he fact that sugar is causing many problems in health and the leading role of Ahold means that the other payers in the supermarket will follow their example shortly.
There are a lot of sweeteners but after carefull considering all aspects it was clear that stevia would be our sweetener, since it doesn’t have any side effects.
Customers nowadays are getting much more aware of what they are eating and drinking, supported by the media, we are convinced that stevia is the best choice.
Our design is based upon the fact that in the end it all come down to a code, wether it is social media, computers, etc. Combined with the fact that we are also involved in gaming-events and the movie the Matrix we launched the idea of bursting 0 & 1’s exlploding on the can. We even came up with the idea of the slogan: “ Keep in touch with the Dutch.” Since it is the only Dutch energydrink.
In languages we decided that we should use: NL, ENG, FR, ARABIC, the choice of Arabic is based upon the fact that we have approx. 1 Million Muslims in the Netherlands.During 2016 we have had discussions with three other conpanies, devided over the Netherlands geographical.
We have decided together that fishing in the same pond wil less then fishing together, so we decided to work together is exchange a number of products.
All three parties involved will work in the future, together we will cover all of the Netherlands and most of Belgium.
Besides the above-mentioned we have the solid promis that parties will bring our energydrinks to South-Africa and the United States of America.
The primaire markets we focus on are:
1.- Sportsfacilities.
2.- Education ( Universities and High Schools ).
3.- Convenient stores.
4.- Entertainment. ( Parties, Game events etc.)
5.- Supermarkets.
Sport facilities, we will focus on the majority not the few very large ones, although they are of interest to us.
We made a draft of a marketing concept fort hem, since they are always looking all means of earning we will provide in this, we refunding a small amount per can, if they meet our agreed sales target.
In return we want free ads in the publications, maybe we can put up some flags or boarding.
Merchandise in this aspect should be in line with sports and quality.
Besides the sportsclubs there are sportsfacilities, like the Amsterdam Arena, TT-circuit and Silverdome, were the contacts are for a variaty of sport events, parties and concerts.
We have all contacts fort he Universities ( 12 ) in the Netherlands aswell as all High Schools. All are subject to various catering companies, we all know.
The University of Amsterdam and the High School of Amsteram, catered by the Compass Group is the education plant i will visit and persuade them to take Code in.
All High Schools are relucktend, since all negative stories about energydrinks and social media about sugar and hyper-active students, they need to be persuaded and convinced, maybe organize a gaming event.
In Zoetermeer we are negociating with partners in order to establish a gaming event, with in total 4600 contestends.
The city of Zoetermeer is one of the sponsors, and we have a gaming-expert who is looking for more sponsors. The idea is stil lto launch Code at this events when all is sorted out.
Parties and concerts are diffecult, since we don’t have pet-bottles.
When we are being asked, of course we will participate, if possible.
Besides the above-mentioned we still have Themeparcs, Zoo’s ( 14 ).
This segment is the largerst, by numbers, but also the most time-consuming.
A lot of time is lost finding the correct category-manager, once found they put a lot of pressure on prices.
Cooperation is the key in this segment, but with code we expect that NO-Sugar will open doors, together with sepreme quality and high service, must have an positive inpact.
Supermarkets +/- 100.000
Convenience stores +/- 50.000
Entertainment +/- 50.000
Sportclubs +/- 50.000
Others +/- 10.000
2004 2008 2012 2014 2016
Bullit n.p. n.p. 7 6 8
Golden Power np. n.p. 2 ` 1 3
Enorm 3 n.p. n.p. <1 2
Momster n.p. 7 9 6 4
Xi n.p n.p. 2 5 2
Red Bull 97 93 80 62 52
Note: Marktershare in percentage
N.p. = not present
Bullit varieert tussen Euro 0,60 – 1,25 ( Marktershare 3-5 % )
Golden Power tussen Euro 0,28 – 0,68 ( Marktetshare 3-8 % ) huismerk Aldi Supermarkten.
Enorm tussen Euro 0,75 – 1,00 ( Marketshare <1 % )
Monster tussen Euro 0,90 – 1,40 ( Marktetshare 1 - 3 % )
Xi tussen Euro 0,75 – 1,25 ( Marktshare < 1 % )
huismerk Vrumona
Red Bull tussen Euro 1,10 – 2,60 ( Marketshare 52 – 75 % )
Volume in million liters:
1999 2005 2012 Percentage-YTD
Western-Europa 88.4 301.7 378.8 33.8%
USA 8.6 149.1 195.5 86.9%
Value in million $ US:
West-Europa 591.3 1.937.9 2.500.8 33.4%
USA 41.5 672.2 958.3 88.4%
Bron: Euromonitor Int. Chicago 2016
Volume in million crates/pallets:
2004 2012 Percentage-YTD
Water 203.0 730.8 + 260.0 %
Sportdrinks 185.6 289.0 + 55.7 %
Fruitdrinks 189.2 234.4 + 23.8 %
RTD Thea/Icetea etc. 144.2 178.5 + 23.7 %
Water 61.7 61.6 -/- 0.2 %
Veg. Drinks 2.1 15.9 + 657.1 %
Energiedrinks 0.3 12.0 + 3.900.0 %
RTD Coffee 3.8 7.6 + 100.0 %
Bron: Beverage Marketing Corporation
Limamas Holding B.V.