• To all stakeholders
  • To the Coordinator, Programs Manager, Executive Director and the Board of Directors of Ethnic Community Services Co-operative Ltd.
  • To the Operations Manager, Settlement Services International, Ability Links NSW and ALNSW Coordinator


  • Ability Links NSW (ALNSW) is the NSW approach to local area coordination. This model of support is a new way to assist people with disability, their families and carers, to have their needs met within their local communities.


  • The main task of this role is to provide specialist leadership and expertise to Ability Links staff across Settlement Services International (SSI) teams in working with children with a disability from CALD backgrounds in the Metro South region.
  • The position is responsible for working specifically with children with a disability, (aged 9 to 15) their families and carers, to build on their strengths and skills, develop networks in their own communities and help plan for the future.
  • Linkers will provide a locally based first point of contact designed to improve access to, and engagement in, local community and mainstream services and disability services (where necessary) to facilitate social and economic inclusion of children with a disability, their families and carers.


  1. Demonstrated understanding of and commitment to the principles of Multiculturalism, Access and Equity and Human Rights.
  1. Relevant experience or qualifications in human services or community development.
  2. Highly developed communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills and the ability to engage and inspire a variety of stakeholders
  3. Understanding of a person-centred approach to service provision, social inclusion and community development principles
  4. High level of cultural competence and demonstrated ability to ensure cultural consideration of the needs of children and families from Aboriginal and CALD communities in service access and delivery
  5. Sound understanding of local area coordination approaches to support children aged 9 -15 with a disability, their families and carers to live inclusive lives as valued and equal members of their community
  6. Demonstrated ability to manage a variety of tasks (individually and within a team) and display personal drive and integrity
  7. Lived experience, or awareness of the impact of existing or acquired disability upon children aged 9 – 15, families, carers and the community
  8. Effective IT/computer literacy including a working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs
  9. Proven ability to operate in a diverse work environment
  10. Willingness to travel across the Metro South regions of NSW
  11. Willingness to work flexible hours and in a range of locations when required
  12. Team Player


  • Bilingual and bicultural
  • Experience in conducting training
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Current driver’s license and access to a car


Core Duties

  1. Work with children aged 9 -15 with a disability, their families and carers, to build on their strengths and skills, develop networks in their local communities and help plan for the future.
  2. Impart specialist knowledge and respond to Linker enquiries/referrals regarding CALD children with a disability, their families and carers who wish to access ALNSW in the Metro South region of NSW.
  3. Consult and work with ALNSW Coordinators, Linkers and other staff to develop culturally responsive practices to engage children with disability, families, carers and community organisations in the Ability Links Program across the specified region.
  4. Work with other services and organisations to improve referral pathways for children aged 9 - 15 with a disability from CALD backgrounds and communities to the Ability Links Program in the specified regions.
  5. Gather resources and provide guidance to ALNSW management and staff on issues pertaining to effective cross cultural practice and accessible service delivery for children aged 9 -15.
  6. Provide specialist knowledge to the SSI Ability Links teams working with CALD children aged 9 -15 with a disability, their families and carers.
  7. Provide advice and recommend training to SSI Ability Links teams on disability issues affecting CALD communities, children, families and carers.

Community Development

  1. Actively support positive partnerships between individuals, families, carers, local organisations and the broader community to build a more inclusive, welcoming and accessible community for children aged 9 - 15 years with a disability from CALD backgrounds.
  2. Develop a sound understanding of the key issues for children aged 9 -15 with a disability from CALD backgrounds across both regions to inform planning and policy development.
  3. Actively participate in and contribute to the local community, including community-driven education and development.
  4. Build and maintain a current working knowledge of local community supports and services.

Program contribution

  1. Contribute to local team and governance group activities and participate in internal meetings and workshops/forums of ECSC.
  2. Participate in local, regional and state-wide forums and information sharing activities as required to support the ongoing development of the ALNSW Program.