7 OCTOBER 2004


1 Matter for Consideration

1.1 The contents and publication of the Poole Nature Conservation Strategy.

2. Recommendation

2.1That Members consider the Poole Nature Conservation Strategy and that a

Cabinet Decision for endorsement be made by the Environment Portfolio Holder.

  1. Background

3.1The Strategy has been prepared by a Forum comprising representatives from a number of organisations with a direct interest in nature conservation in Poole; Including: The Borough of Poole, Poole Agenda 21, English Nature, Dorset Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Environment Agency, Herpetological Conservation Trust.

3.2The aim of the Strategy is to protect, conserve and enhance the diversity and distribution of Poole’s Nature Conservation resource on a sustainable basis. The Strategy begins by looking at Poole’s wildlife today and goes on to emphasise the role of both the organisations within the Forum and the role of the wider community in conserving and nurturing nature.

3.3Eleven key objectives are identified for the organisations within the Forum, as follows:

1)To ensure that Nature Conservation is given proper consideration in the operation of the planning system and in the course of development.

2)To protect the wildlife resource in the Borough.

3)To protect species in accordance with their status in law.

4) To identify existing wildlife corridors and ensure their protection and to seek the establishment of links which will extend the current network of Green spaces.

5) To promote land and habitat management practices which maintain, and, where relevant enhance, the wildlife value of all land in the Borough.

6) To seek opportunities to create new wildlife habitats in the Borough;

7) To provide accessible wildlife areas within the easy reach of all residents in the Borough;

8) To increase community understanding of and involvement in nature conservation;

9) To identify and maintain an inventory of important sites of wildlife interest within the Borough;

10) To investigate effective ways of co-operative working between the different bodies involved in Nature Conservation in and around Poole;

11)To produce habitat and species action plans for important habitats and species in Poole.

3.4For ease of reference, the attached Table (A) summarises how the Forum propose to meet these objectives. This is explained more fully in the Strategy document.

3.5In accordance with advice from the Portfolio Holder, Officers passed the lead role in the production of the Strategy to representatives from other partner organisations earlier this year, but have continued to offer advice and maintain a watching brief. The Strategy has had a relatively long gestation period, but is now at a stage where it can be formally published together with a publicity leaflet entitled ‘Caring for Wildlife in Poole’. Following publication, it is intended that any comments and / or responses be used to inform any later review of the Strategy.

3.6The Countryside and Rights of Way Act places a statutory duty on government departments in carrying out its functions, to have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biological diversity in accordance with the Convention. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has recently published a consultation draft of Planning Policy Statement 9 on Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. The objectives set out within the Poole Nature Conservation Strategy fit comfortably with the themes within PPS9 in so far as they relate to planning.

3.7The Strategy is particularly pertinent and indeed supports a number of areas of work being undertaken by the Borough, including:

  • The review of the Open Spaces Strategy and correlating review of Supplementary Planning Guidance entitled Planning Obligations: Recreational Facilities;
  • The policies on nature conservation set out in the Local Plan;
  • Supplementary Planning Guidance entitled Landscape and Natural Environment Design Code.

3.8The Poole Nature Conservation Strategy contributes to the Council’s stated priority of ‘Clean, Green and Safe – making a difference to our environment’ and may link to work being undertaken by the Poole Partnership under the objective of ‘Healthy people, healthy places’ which involves some of the organisations in the Forum.


Head of Strategic Planning Services


Head of Leisure Services


Head of Planning Design and Control Services

If you have any queries on this report, please contact

Brett Spiller, Strategic Planning Services on 01202 633375

Matti Raudsepp, Leisure Services on 01202 631377

Summary of key objectives

Poole Nature Conservation Strategy

Table A) Summary of Key Objectives

Objective 1)To ensure that Nature Conservation is given proper consideration in the operation of the planning system and in the course of development.
  1. Through the planning process, the partners will seek to ensure that the impacts on wildlife are minimised and opportunities for positive nature conservation gain maximised. Where features of wildlife value are lost to development the Forum will seek the creation of compensatory habitats either within the development itself, or in a nearby area.
  2. The Borough of Poole will review its procedures in relation to nature conservation and development, including a code of practice for dealing with herpetological matters and consideration of an Environmental code of practice.
  3. Opportunities for the protection of ponds, hedgerows and trees in development situations will be considered, both as features in their own right, and as part of wildlife / green corridors.

Objective 2)To protect the wildlife resource in the Borough.
  1. The Forum will establish criteria for identifying locally important sites and opportunities for their protection will be considered.
  2. Poole Local Plan policies dealing with nature conservation in relation to development will be monitored for effectiveness.
  3. The Borough of Poole will with the Forum and where appropriate, protect the strategic network of green spaces identified on the Strategy Map. In particular it will aim to safeguard the network and its habitats against any development, which would sever corridors or harm their integrity.

Objective 3)To protect species in accordance with their status in law.
  1. The Borough of Poole with the Forum will review its procedures and policies on protected species with a view to making necessary changes.
  2. The Forum will work with the Borough to make information available to the Borough about the location and status of protected species.

Objective 4) To identify existing wildlife corridors and ensure their protection and to seek the establishment of links which will extend the current network of Green spaces.
  1. The Borough of Poole will include recognition of the established Green Network, and opportunities for extension where appropriate, in Development Briefs.
  2. The Forum will identify gaps, weak links and opportunities for extension of the Green Network. Data on particular species for which the network is important will be gathered.
  3. Opportunities will be taken to safeguard land or natural features (including watercourses) which form part of a green corridor of environmental value, in terms of nature conservation (with associated access and amenity).
  4. Measures to maintain green network links with open spaces beyond the Borough boundary will be pursued with neighbouring authorities.

Objective 5) To promote land and habitat management practices which maintain, and, where relevant enhance, the wildlife value of all land in the Borough.
  1. A study of land managed for amenity purposes by the Borough of Poole to see if any area can be beneficially transferred to a less intensive form of management will be carried out.
  2. Measures will be pursued to bring all designated or other wildlife sites into suitable positive conservation management.
  3. Opportunities for the restoration or creation of new habitats will be kept under review by the Forum.
  4. Preparation of management plans for all sites of significant nature conservation importance will be pursued by the Forum as and when appropriate.
  5. The Borough of Poole will review its arrangements for maintaining Highway Land in the light of wildlife conservation considerations.
  6. A programme of measures to identify and control invasive vegetation will be drawn up by the Forum.
  7. The Forum will promote wildlife friendly management of gardens, allotments and other areas of green space.
  8. A register of land ownership, particularly of land with conservation value, will be established and maintained by the Forum.

Objective 6)To seek opportunities to create new wildlife habitats in the Borough.
Objective 7)To provide accessible wildlife areas within the easy reach of all residents in the Borough.
  1. The Borough of Poole will continue its ongoing programme of Local Nature Reserve designation.
  2. The Forum will advise the Borough on the provision of accessible ‘natural’ open space using English Natures ANGST standards.
  3. Action Plans will, in the first instance, be drawn up for the Open Space Action Areas
  4. The Forum will advise on the impacts of proposed access improvements on wildlife.

Objective 8) To increase community understanding of and involvement in nature conservation.
  1. Promoting awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the borough’s wildlife resource, through improved information and dissemination. The latter including the use of various media, such as the web, special events, exhibitions etc.
  2. Explaining to local people the reasons for management work.
  3. Involving individuals and community groups in practical wildlife conservation.
  4. Measures aimed at ensuring the effective involvement of schools in appreciating and conserving the natural environment.

Objective 9) To identify and maintain an inventory of important sites of wildlife interest within the Borough.
  1. Arrangements will be made for updating and completing a survey of wildlife in Poole, in particular to identify locally important sites and features.
  2. Local communities and landowners will be encouraged to carry out surveys of their local areas.
  3. Arrangements for regular local specialised surveys will be pursued.
  4. The involvement of, and support for, the Dorset Environmental Records Centre will be pursued.

Objective 10) To investigate effective ways of co-operative working between the different bodies involved in Nature Conservation in and around Poole.
  1. The establishment of the Poole Nature Conservation Forum for the bodies involved in nature conservation in Poole to carry forward the work of this strategy.
  2. Effective working relationships with neighbouring Local Authorities on nature conservation.
  3. Continued involvement with established groups including Dorset Biodiversity Partnership, the Poole Harbour Steering Group and Study Group, Poole Partnership and the Dorset Heathland Forum.

Objective 11) To produce habitat and species action plans for important habitats and species in Poole.
  1. Working arrangements will be set up for the preparation of habitat and species Action Plans for the borough. These will be integrated with the aims and priorities set out in the Dorset Biodiversity Strategy.
  2. Historical records for BAP habitats and species in the borough will be reviewed.