PATRIOTS OF SANTO DOMINGO (by Granville W. and N. C. Hough)

Some Patriots of Santo Domingo (Española) who served in Spain’s 1779-1783 War with England – During the American Revolution - are found in Legajo 7290, LDS Film Roll 1156352, item 2, which includes service for key persons for the years 1786, 1788, and 1789. Wartime service is shown below, along with the marriage status for 1786, 1788, or 1789. On this Legajo, with the officers and key personnel shown, we have records for about ten percent of those who actually served in the units. It is probable that any descendant of these soldiers would be accepted into the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution.

Francisco Abreu (1765 San Carlos, Santo Domingo - ), widower in 1789. Legajo 7290:V:4, Cpl in 1781, Sgt in 1786, in Arty Isla Española, 1789.

Joaquín Abreu (1728 San Carlos, Santo Domingo - ), widower in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:19, 1st Sgt, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo, 1780.

Joseph de Acuña (1752 Braga, Portugal - ), widower in 1786. Legajo 7290, Sub-Lt, 1778, Lt, 1784, Inf Vols of Española. (not identified in Magdalena’s index.)

Juan de Aranda (1743 Malaga - ), noble, married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:4, Capt, 1777 to 1788, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Joseph Arata (1744 Genova - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:3, Lt, 1776 –1786, Infantry Garrison, Santo Domingo, veteran in 1787.

Juan Josef Arizabalo (1754 - ), noble, single in 1789. Legajo 7290:V:2, Lt, 1781, Arty Isla Española, 1789.

Bernardo Arriaga (1753 Fuente Rabía - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:III:7, Sub-Lt, 1778-1786, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo. He was a veteran, volunteer in three campaigns, one under Admiral Solano.

Manuel de Aibar/Aybar (1755 Santo Domingo - ), of clean blood, married in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:10, Sub-Lt in Vols Dragones Española, 1781.

Francisco Barba (1760 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290: apparently in service in 1780 as son of the Colonel, then in Barcelona studying mathematics for four years and three months, separated from the service until 1784. (Magdalena shows a Sgt Major, 1809, Inf Mil of Havana, Legajo 7265:I:2.)

Juan Belilla (1764 Monte Christe, Española - ), married in 1786, son of Capt of Militia. Legajo 7290:XVII:11, Sub-Lt, Lt, 1783, Vol Dragones Española.

Antonio Blanco (1739 Ciudad de Leon - ), widower in 1786. Legajo 7290:III:5, Sub-Lt, 1783, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo, Inf Vets of Santo Domingo in 1788.

Francisco Caballero (1721 Villa de la Parra, Estremadura - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:V:12, Capt, grad Lt Col, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Francisco Caballero (1764 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1786, son of the Captain. Legajo 7290:II:30, cadet, 1779, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Manuel Caballero (1754 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786, son of the Captain. Legajo 7290:I:14, cadet, 1773 to 1783, volunteer engineer, 1779-1783, Sub-Lt, Jan 1783, Inf Vets of Santo Domingo.

Domingo Cabrejas (1736 Ciudad de Canarias - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VII:8, Capt, 1781, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Antonio Cabrera (1749 - ). Legajo 7290, Inf Vets of Santo Domingo, 1788. (not identified in Magdalena’s index.)

Aurelio Cabrera (1740 Veniza, Valencia, Spain - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:VI:5, Capt, 1778-1786, Inv Vols of Española.

Joaquín Cabrera (1735 Eilla Escalona - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:VII:1, grad Lt Col, 1779, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Francisco Caro (1727 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:IV:3, Capt, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo.

Ignacio Caro (1750 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290, Lt, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo, Aug 1783. (Magdalena shows a Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:128.)

Joseph Caro, son of the Captain. Legajo 7290:I:52, cadet in 1780’s (record blurred), Sub-Lt, 1795, Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Mariano Caro (1758 Santo Domingo - ), single, son of the Captain. Legajo 7290:I:19, Cadet, 1777-1784, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo.

Ramon Caro (1755 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:19, Sub-Lt, 1779-1786, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Felipe Carvajal (1762 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:26, Cpl, 1780, Inf Garrison, 1st Sgt 1783, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Joseph Carvajal (1746 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1786, son of the Captain. Legajo 7290:IV:43, 2d Sgt, 1779-1784, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Josef de Castro y Luna (1753 Santo Domingo - ), married, clean blood. Legajo 7290, Distinguished Volunteer, 1778, Sub-Lt, 1788, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (Magdalena shows a Lt, Militia of Havana, 1809, Legajo 7265:I:33.)

Juan de Castro (1747 San Miguel de Abraxa, Galicia - ), single in 1788, Legajo 7290:VII::20, Sub-Lt, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Pedro Chaves (1743 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1789. Legajo 7290, Cpl in 1773, Sgt, 1784, in Arty Isla Española, 1789. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Antonio del Coca (1750 Santo Domingo - ), single, 1788, noble. Legajo 7290, Lt, 1777-1788, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Josef Contreras (1747 Ciudad de Santiago, Spain - ), widowed in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:2, Lt, 1777-1788, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo, during the war in a detachment to Puerta de Plata.

Salvador Corrales (1750 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:13, Sgt, 1778-1785, Vol Dragones Española.

Tomás Corrochano (1745 S. Bartolomé, Corregimiento de Talavera - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:25, 1st Sgt, 1776-1786, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Miguel de la Cruz (1759 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:16, Distinguished Vol, 1775, Sub-Lt, 1786, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Vizente Diaz (1747 Villa de la Miel, Castille - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VII:15, Lt, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Antonio Echavarria. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:66.

José Echavarria. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:62.

Manuel Echavarría (1757 Villa de Bilbao - ), married and well-known in 1786. Legajo 7290:VII:21, Distinguished Volunteer in 1781 in Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Joseph de Evora (1739 Tenerife - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:27, 1st Sgt, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo, 1780. He had received two years seniority for apprehension of a deserter.

Antonio Fernández (1752 Villa de Sacedon - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:39, 2d Sgt, 1779-1785, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

José Fernandez de Castro. SubLt, Mil Discip de Santo Domingo, 1799. Leg 7290:VI:20.

Manuel Fernandez (1742 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786, widowed in 1788. Legajo 7290:III:1, Lt, 1781, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Lucas Freire. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:60.

Vicente Fudela (1739 Villa de Oliva - ), clean blood, married in 1788. Legajo 7290, Sgt, 1771-1784 Inf Veterans of Santo Domingo. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Francisco Fuentes (1763 Santo Domingo - ), clean blood, single in 1788. Legajo 7290, Cpl, 1782, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo. (Magdalena shows a Lt, 1800, Mil Discip Inf de Cuzco, Legajo 7286:XXIV:21.)

Josef Galan (1734 Sevilla - ), honorable, married. Legajo 7290:XV:4, Capt, 1782, Vol Dragones of Española.

Cristóval Galíot 1748 Aartenac, Lainionge, France - ), clean blood, single in 1786. Legajo 7290:III:43, 2d Sgt, 1774-1783, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo. He became 1st Sgt, Grenadiers, Inf Vets of Santo Dominto in Oct 1783.

Simón Garay. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:55.

Jacinto García (1770 Santo Domingo - ), son of Colonel, single. Legajo 7290:I:24, Cadet, 1782, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Joaquín García (1732 Castille - ), married. Legajo 7290:IV:60, Lt of the King, and Comandante, 1780, Garrison Bn of Santo Domingo.

Joaquín Estevan García (1769, Santo Domingo - ), son of Colonel, single. Legajo 7290:III:35, Cadet, 1782, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Josef García (1755 Santo Domingo - ), honorable, single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:21, Sgt, 1782, Vol Dragones Española.

Miguel García (1753 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:40, 2d Sgt, 1776-1786, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Matias Gascòn (1755 Villanueba de la Tara - ). Single in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:30, Cpl, 1780, Corona.

Martín Gascue (1744 Villa de Vera - ), single, in poor health in 1786. Legajo 7290:IV:21, Sub-Lt, 1774, Lt, 1784, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Peregrino Gaset, noble, married with King’s licence. Legajo 7290:V:1, Capt, 1778, Lt Col, 1789, Arty Isla Española, 1789.

Francisco Gomes (1741 Lisboa - ), single, honorable. Legajo 7290:XV:6, Lt, 1771-1786, Vol Dragones Española.

Manuel Gomez (1748 San Miguel de Ocampo, Galicia - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:9, Sub-Lt, 1778, Lt, 1786, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Francisco Gonzalez. Sgt, Mil de Santo Domingo, 1799. Leg 7290:VI:43.

Francisco Gonzalez. Sgt, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:42.

Joseph Guinarte (1731 Orenze - ), clean blood, widowed. Legajo 7290:IV:13, Lt in 1774, Lt of Grenadiers in 1785, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Antonio Gutierrea. Sgt, Mil Santo Domingo, 1799. Leg 7290:VI:39.

Andrés de Heredia (1722 Villa de Provencio - ), clean blood, married in 1788. Legajo 7290:III:1, Sgt Major Garrison Bn of Santo Domingo, 1771, Comandante, Inf Volunteers of Santo Domingo, 1782.

Manuel de Heredía (1741 Santo Domingo - ), noble, married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:3, Capt, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo, 1771-1788.

Francisco Hernández (1744 Villa Orotava, Tenerife, Canary Islands - ), single in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:3, 1st Sgt, 1779, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Josef Damian Hernández (1731 Salamanca - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290, Capt grad, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (Magdalena shows a Lt Col, 1809, Inf Mil of Havana, Legajo 7265:I:30.)

Pedro de Herrera (1744 Albenga, Genova, Italy - ), noble, married. Legajo 7290:XV:7, Lt, 1777-1786, Vol Dragones Española.

Blas Ynojosa/Hinojosa (1755 Santo Domingo - ), son of the Captain, single in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:88, Sub-Lt, 1781, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Juan de Hinojosa/Inojosa (1748 Santo Domingo - ), son of Captain, single. Legajo 7290:I:8, Lt, Jan 1783, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Luís Hinojosa (1759 Santo Domingo - ), son of Captain, married. Legajo 7290:VI:17, Distinguished Soldier of Inf Vols of Santo Domingo, 1781, served for 8 months as Avanderada during war years.

Pedro Ynojosa/Hinojosa (1753 Santo Domingo - ), son of Captain, single in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:12, Sub-Lt, 1781, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Alexandro Infante/Ynfante (1754 Santiago, Española - ), married in 1788, well-known. Legajo 7290:VI:12, Sub-Lt, 1781 Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Domingo Levèl (1754 Cumaná - ), clean blood, single. Legajo 7290:VI:25, Sgt, 2d Cl, 1781, 1st Sgt, 1783, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Joseph Logroño (1722 Villa de Pedrola, Aragon - ), widower in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:1, Capt, Grenadiers, grad Lt Col, Garrison Bn of Santo Domingo, 1777-1788.

Joseph Logroño (1756 Terez de la Frontera - ), son of Lt Col, married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:13, Sub-Lt, 1781, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Pedro Logroño (1762 Santo Domingo - ), son of Lt Col, single, in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:20, Cadet, 1776-1785, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Joseph Antonio Lopez (1739 San German, Puerto Rico - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:IV:46, 2d Sgt, 1774-1785, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Juan Lorensis (1741 Villa de Morón - ). Married in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:5, Lt, 1781, 1782, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo.

Juan Manuel Lorenzis. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:61.

Felipe de Luna (1727 Estramadura - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:IV:4, Inf Garrison, Santo Domingo.

Pedro de Luna (1746 Santiago Española - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:8, Lt, 1779, Vol Dragones of Española.

Santiago de Luna (1752 Santiago de los Cavalleros - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:I:2, Cadet, 1773-1783, Sub-Lt, Jan 1783, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Gaspar Maldonado (1736 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XVII:3, Capt, 1771-1786, Vol Dragones of Española.

Antonio Mañon (1728 Santo Domingo - ), widower in 1788, well-known. Legajo 7290, Capt, 1771-1788, Capt, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Josef María Mañon (1758 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1788. Legajo 7290:VI:8, Lt, 1783, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Josef Martin (1747 Moron, Sevilla - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:24, Apr 1781, soldier, Sep 1781, Cpl, Dec 1781, 2nd Sgt.

Diego Martínez (1757 Villa de San Carlos, Española - ), Maried in 1788, son of Captain. Legajo 7290:VI:23, Sgt, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Domingo Martínez (1726 San Carlos, Española - ), poor health, clean blood, widower in 1788. Legajo 7290:VIII:4 Capt, 1771-1788, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo.

Thomas Martínez (1743 San Carlos, Española - ), clean blood, married in 1788. Legajo 7290, Capt, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Francisco MediaVilla (1741 Villa de Tron, León - ), single in 1788. Legajo 7290, Lt, 1781, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Francisco Medrano (1757 Santo Domingo - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:22, Cpl, 1780 Arty of Santo Domingo, Sgt, 1783, Vol Dragones of Española.

Josef Merino (1756 Santo Domingo - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:17, Sgt, 1779-1786, Vol Dragones of Española.

Vicente de Mesa (1748 Malaga - ), single in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:23, Cpl, 1780, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Ildefonzo de Mieses (1757 Santo Domingo - ), noble, married in 1786. Legajo 7290, Distinguished Volunteer, 1781, Sub-Lt, 1782, Inf Vols of Española. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Josef María de Mieses (1757 - ). Legajo 7290. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Francisco Miura. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:52.

Francisco Javier Miura. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:56.

Juan de Dios Molina. Cadet, Inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:64.

Juan de Monte (1730 - ), worn out. Legajo 7290. (not identified in Magdalena.)

Francisco Montenegro. Cadet, inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:57.

José Montenegro. Cadet, inf Fijo de Santo Domingo, 1795. Leg 7290:I:65.

Nicolás Montenegro (1735 Terez de la Frontera - ), married in 1786, Legajo 7290:III:9, Capt, Inf Garrison of Santo Domingo.

Josef Montero (1736 Granada - ), honorable, married in 1786. Legajo 7290:XV:5, Capt, 1782, Vol Dragones of Española.

Silvestre Montoro. Sgt, Mil Inf de Santo Domingo, 1799. Leg 7290:VI:38.

Cristóval Moriel (1751 Santiago, Española - ), married in 1786. Legajo 7290, 1st Sgt, 1777, Sub-Lt, 1784, Inf Vols of Española. During the war, he had been on a detachment to Puerto de Plata. (not identified in Magdalena.)