Life Academy Lesson Plan
Curtis Institute of Music
Teacher: / Ms. Parrish / Date: / Mon, 3/23/2015Tues, 3/24/2015 / Week, Day / Week 28, Day 1
- SWBAT participate in an audition for a spot in the Sankofa performance by singing part of the song in small groups with proper performance techniques.
- SWBAT sing the chorus to “A Tisket, A Tasket” in small groups
- Music for Sanfoka
- Clipboard with class lists and room for audition notes
- Audition: Performing your very best in a competition for a chance to be in a performance
Warm up (5 minutes):
- SW enter class and silently listen to the song of the day
- SW follow T motions as they listen- TW tap out motions in groups of 4
- TW call up S to “conduct” their own motions in groups of 4
- SW stand and sing the value of the month song
Spring Performance Rehearsal: (10 minutes):
- SW continue learning “Proud”
Introduction of new material (1 minute):
- TW tell S that today they are going to get to start “auditions” for our Sankofa performance.
- Only a few S from Curtis will get to perform our Sankofa song, and an audition is a chance for us to perform our very best and see who will be in the performance.
Guided Practice/Checking for understanding (5 minutes):
- TW ask S for a show of hands of who has seen the show “American Idol” or “The Voice”
- TW ask S to explain what they have seen on these shows (people singing, trying to win)
- TW play audition video
Independent practice (15 minutes):
- SW transition to tape lines and sing “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” as a class
- TW have S sit and remind them of expectations for a “listening audience”
- TW tell S that she is going to have S audition by row and that she is looking for S who are doing all of the motions and using a light singing voice
- TW call up scholars row by row to sing the chorus
Movement practice: (0 minutes):
- NA
Rhythm practice: (7 minutes):
- SW say rhythms in a quarter note/ quarter rest phrase.
Life Academy Lesson Plan
Curtis Institute of Music
Teacher: / Ms. Parrish / Date: / Wed, 3/25/2015Thurs, 3/26/2015 / Week, Day / Week 28, Day 2
- SWBAT participate in an audition for a spot in the Sankofa performance by singing part of the song in small groups with proper performance techniques.
- SWBAT sing the chorus to “A Tisket, A Tasket” in small groups using correct motions and a light singing voice
- Music for Sanfoka
- Clipboard with class lists and room for audition notes
- Audition: Performing your very best in a competition for a chance to be in a performance
Warm up (5 minutes):
- SW enter class and silently listen to the song of the day
- SW follow T motions as they listen- TW tap out motions in groups of 4
- TW call up S to “conduct” their own motions in groups of 4
- SW stand and sing the value of the month song
Spring Performance Rehearsal: (10 minutes):
- SW continue learning “Proud”
Introduction of new material (1 minute):
- TW tell S that today they are going to finish our “Sankofa” auditions and have a dress rehearsal for our performance
Guided Practice/Checking for understanding (5 minutes):
- SW transition to tape lines to finish any auditions that weren’t yet completed
- TW announce winners from that class
Independent practice (15 minutes):
- SW transition to the auditorium and practice their performance on stage
- S who are in the performance will practice singing with a light singing voice and doing all of the motions
- S who are not in the performance will practice being a good listening audience and watch the performers for things they do great (glows) and things they can do better (grows)
Movement practice: (10 minutes):
- SW share glows and grows and performers will perform again
Rhythm practice: (5 minutes):
- SW say rhythms in “Charlie Parker Played Saxophone” as T reads.
Life Academy Lesson Plan
Curtis Institute of Music
Teacher: / Ms. Parrish / Date: / Fri, 3/27/2015 / Week, Day / Week 28, Day 3Objective:
- SWBAT have a dress rehearsal for Sankofa
- SWBAT use a light singing voice and correct motions to perform their Sankofa song
- SWBAT be a good listening audience while their classmates perform
- Music for Sankofa
- Performance ready: Singing with a light singing voice and doing all of the motions
- Listening audience: Sitting in slant and listening while someone else performs
Warm up (5 minutes):
- SW enter class and silently listen to the song of the day
- SW follow T motions as they listen- TW tap out motions in groups of 4
- TW call up S to “conduct” their own motions in groups of 4
- SW stand and sing the value of the month song
Spring Performance Rehearsal: (10 minutes):
- SW review “We All Sing With the Same Voice”
- SW continue learning “Proud”
Introduction of new material (3 minutes):
- TW tell S she is very excited for our Sankofa performance this afternoon! To help us get ready we’re going to have a chance to practice on stage one more time!
Guided Practice/Checking for understanding (15 minutes):
- SW transition to auditorium and rehearse as they did the day before
- To build challenge TW challenge S to incorporate the glows and grows we discussed the previous day.
Independent practice (0 minutes):
Movement practice: (10 minutes):
- SW rehearse one of their SP songs as time allows
Rhythm practice: (0 minutes):