1.  The Meeting will be held under AGN and ASA rules, including those concerning dope tests.

2.  Athletes have to participate with Meeting number (BIP-number) – Each athlete only need to display the number on the chest and his / her license number on the back. No athlete will be allowed to participate without this number.

3.  Schools/Clubs should appoint one specific person to collect the numbers.

4.  Each athlete must provide his/her own drawing pins [4] to attach the number to the front of the vest.

5.  One Entry Form, per school/club must be submitted. Preferably through the Versus system. Can be downloaded from te Versus website.

6.  The name of One Contact Person with all contact details must be submitted on the Entry Form

7.  A Team Report of each team entering will be returned to the Contact Person for verification. It is each School/Club’s responsibility to ensure that all their athletes are entered, that the age groups are correct and that the correct events for each athlete are indicated. Only under extreme conditions a correction will be made after the Start Sheets and Lane Draws have been made. This correction will only be made on the payment of a R100-00 fee per event.

8.  Once all entries have been received, the Starting Times indicated on the Event List, may be adapted in accordance with the number of entries received. Only events in which 3 or more entries are received will take place.

9.  Participation fees of withdrawn athletes are neither refundable, nor available for replacement athletes.

10.  Starting blocks are compulsory and will be supplied.

11.  Field Athletes may use their own implements, on condition that the implements may also be used by other participants in that event.

12.  All track athletes, except for those participating in long distance events must remain in their lanes after completing a specific event, until they are informed/requested to leave the track. Athletes should then leave the arena immediately.

13.  All athletes are required to be available for participation, at least one hour before the time indicated on the Event List and Start Sheets. The organizers will take no responsibility for any athlete missing his/her event.

14.  All athletes participating in Track Events must report to the Call Room (situated in the tunnel) at least 30 minutes before the starting time indicated on the official programme/time table. Athletes will from the Call Room be escorted to their specific events.

15.  Athletes participating in Field Events should report directly to point of participation, as follows:

-  Field Events (excluding Pole Vault) – 20 minutes before the official starting time of a specific event.

-  Athletes participating in Pole Vault – 45 minutes before the official starting time.

16.  Parents/Coaches will not be allowed:

-  On the Track or Field,

-  In the Results Room,

-  In the Electronic Time-Keeping Room,

-  In the Call Room

(Not adhering to this could result in an athlete being disqualified)

17.  Medals will be awarded to the first three places in each event.

18.  All Field Events are Finals.

19.  Track Events will be done according to time-placing, except where indicated otherwise.

20.  If less than three participants are entered for an event, the organizers reserve the right to cancel the event.

21.  Electronic Time will be used as official time, with hand timing as back-up.

22.  Starting heights for High Jump and Pole Vault, will be as follows:

High Jump – Starting Heights

Age Group / Starting Height
Girls 11 / 1,20m
Boys 11 / 1,20m
Girls 13 / 1,30m
Boys 13 / 1,40m
Girls 15 / 1,40m
Boys 15 / 1,50m
Women Youth (17) / 1,50m
Men Youth [17] / 1,65m
Women Junior (19) / 1,50m
Men Junior [19] / 1,80m
Women Senior / 1,55m
Men Senior / 1,85m

Pole Vault – Starting Heights

Age Group / Starting Height
Girls 15 / 1,80m
Boys 15 / 2,40m
Women Youth (17) / 2,20m
Men Youth [17] / 2,80m
Women Junior (19) / 2,30m
Men Junior [19] / 3,00m
Women Senior / 2,30m
Men Senior / 3,00m

23.  PROTEST / APPEAL: All protests concerning the result of an event must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement (either by the commentator or after being displayed on the notice board) of the result of an event. Any protest should be lodged verbally to Referee/Meeting Manager either by the athlete him/herself or by the Coach/Team Manager. If no consensus is reached a written appeal should be submitted to the Meeting Manager, accompanied by a deposit of R150,00 before the appeal will be heard. The deposit will be forfeited if the appeal is not upheld.