Table of Contents

STSAHA general information

Administrative Organization ______3

Board of Directors ______4

Financial ______5


STSAHA Guidelines______7

Placement of Players______8

Players per Team ______9

Draft System House Teams______9

Playing Time for Players______10


Hockey Rules______10

Travel Team Policy ______11

Tier III Teams ______12

Coaches Duties and Responsibilities______13

Team Manager Duties______14

Behavioral Policies ______15

STSAHA Zero Tolerance Policy ______16

Responsibility and Enforcement______17

General Rink Rules______18

Resigning Player Clearification______19





Administrative Organization

Southtowns Stars Amateur Hockey Association, Inc. (STSAHA) is a not-for-profit membership corporation established to provide an opportunity for youth of Buffalo's south towns to participate in the great sport of ice hockey. The STSAHA is committed to providing the opportunity for boys and girls to develop sportsmanship, teamwork and personal integrity, all while enjoying the fun and challenge of a fast action game.

A Board of Directors is established at the beginning of every season. The Board is split into two groups, the Executive Board (Officers) and the Directors. The Executive Board positions (President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member-at-Large) are voted into office for the following season at the Association’s annual End-of-Year ceremony. The Directors are appointed by the Executive Board.

The Board of Directors generally will meet the second Wednesday of each month at Leisure rinks Southtowns Stars Room. These meetings are open to the members with 48 hrs advance notice. Occasionally these meetings are rescheduled to work around conflicts and holidays. Please check the website for updates and changes. Our website is www.southtownsstars.com

Request and presentations to the Board will be accepted with advanced notice and will be scheduled via the next meeting agenda. For further information contact any Executive Board member.



•  House (MOHL) League Director Joe Cione

• Travel (WNYAHL) League Director Jeff Leemer

• Coaching Director John Marrone

• Manager's Director Jill Pitiss

• Public Relations Director Lori Pohrte

• Booster Director Lisa Stachelski

Coordinators and Committies

• WNY representative As Assigned

• March Classic Coordinator Mike Inglefinger

• Registrar Carla Roberts

• Photo Coordinator Desiree Wisser

• Apparel Coordinator Ken Krzeminski

• Ice Scheduler Mike Glinski

• Referee Assignor (BHR) Mike Glinski

• Finance Committee VP, Treasurer, Manager Dir.

• Coach Selection Committee VP, Coach Dir, House/Travel Dir.

• Discipline Committee VP, AtLarge, House/Travel Dir., Coach Dir.

• Referee Assignor (BHR) Mike Glinski

The Southtowns Stars Amateur Hockey Association is an all volunteer organization and depends on volunteers such as those listed below to carry out the day to day activities. Our organization will continue to grow and we need your help. If you can volunteer your time and or services to assist on any activities, please contact any board member or committee members listed below. Remember we are all here for our kids!


Executive Board

President Mike Weimer

Vice-President Frank DuMond

Secretary Pam Inglefinger

Treasurer Amy Miller

Member-at-Large Tom English


Rates for the 2013-2014 season are as follow:





Initiation/Red,White&Blue program:

(20-25 hrs of ice)

House Mohl: (40 hrs of ice)


(40 hrs of ice, rates subject to change if 17 players not signed)


















NOTE: Each player will be charged a nominal fee at tryouts for travel teams. Cost to be determined at tryout time.

NOTE: Teams may choose to buy more ice time, but will be restricted to the total hours given at Leisure Rinks so we can properly distribute the ice to all teams. They may choose to do fundraising to pay for the cost of the extra ice. This payment will be due November 30th.

NOTE: No team shall organize fundraisers without board approval!!!

These prices include:

·  2 pair of socks for travel teams, 1 pair for house teams, Game Jerseys for House Teams

·  Administrative costs to run association

·  League fees

·  Subscription to Western New York Hockey Magazine

·  Referee's fees for 10 games

NOTE: Prices do not include game jerseys for Travel Teams or USA Hockey Registration/insurance fees for any player/coach. These items are to be purchased separately.



Registrations will be conducted on-line at our website www.southtownsstars.com.

NOTE: Registration payments are to be made as instructed on our website!


Refunds are generally not given. However, in extreme circumstances a player may request a refund in writing to the Executive Board for review.

(See Appendix at end of Parent Handbook)

·  We will accept major credit cards for payment (additional fees required), but prefer check or money order made out to Southtowns Stars.

·  All players must fill out all forms and new players submit a copy of their Birth Certificate. Players coming from another association must also have a Release.

·  House registration will not be available until the travel teams are selected (Usually 2nd week of April). Players are encouraged to sign up early, first come, first served. Returning players will have early signup privileges assuming they are in good financial standing.

Documents required:

·  USA Hockey Consent to Treat form

·  USA Hockey Waiver of Liability

·  Code of Conduct

·  Medical History form

·  STSAHA Travel/House Player Agreement

·  Birth Certificate (for new players to the association)

·  Release form (if moving from another association)

·  NOTE: Travel players will also sign a commitment letter when selected and be required to pay a deposit as determined by the Board upon signing.


NOTE: No player, coach, manager or other team personnel who has not fulfilled his or her financial obligation to STSAHA or to any team on which he or she is rostered shall be assigned to or be rostered on any team organized under the auspices of STSAHA in any subsequent season or session until all outstanding financial obligations are satisfied. Releases will not be granted unless all financial obligations are fulfilled.


STSAHA Guidelines

·  The purpose of the STSAHA is to instruct our youth in the skills associated with the game of hockey as well as the ideas of good sportsmanship, fair play and respect for others.

·  To accomplish its mission, STSAHA has created three distinct categories within its structure to meet the needs of our youth:


Red, White & Blue (RWB) program-This program is designed to meet the needs of young beginning players. Basic skills will be taught equally in a non competitive environment. Having fun and physical/skill development are the primary focus. Initiation players are under the direction of the RWB Coordinator and the House League Director (Takes place of mite house program) and shall follow rules set forth by USA Hockey, NYSAHA and WNYAHL.

House Program-This program is designed to provide the opportunity to play for enjoyment, fitness, relaxation and fellowship. Skill development and team concepts are stressed. House players will play in the MOHL League.

Travel Division -This program is designed to teach skills to players who have the desire and ability for a more competitive experience. Winning is important but sportsmanship and respect for others will take precedence. Travel teams play teams from other hockey organizations and a reasonable amount of travel may be expected. Players wishing to participate in the travel division must try out for a position on a team. Travel players will play in the Western New York Amateur Hockey League.

NOTE: Travel players are REQUIRED to wear solid black helmets and solid (stock) black pants!!! No deviations allowed without Board approval.

Placement of Players

Players can only be fully rostered on one team (Base) with the exception of a Select team (a separate roster can be created that includes players from multiple “Base” House teams). No player may be rostered as an alternate on more than one other team. In the event of a schedule conflict between a Base team and a Select/Alternate team, the base team event takes precedence. A player will need the permission of the Base team’s Head Coach to miss Base event.

Travel players are determined at tryouts and are subject to the rules of USA Hockey and WNYAHL in regards to ages and rostering. House players will play in their age-appropriate division. Players may not play down a division. While the Board does not endorse moving a player up a division, the Board will consider such requests as follows:

Parent submits request in writing House Director. Request should include knowledge of the safety risks for making such a request and why they feel their child is not at risk. It should also include endorsement of such move from past coaches.

·  The House Director will review the application and address it with the Board.

·  The Board will review registration for both the division the player should be in and the one they are requesting play in to make sure such a move can be accommodated.

·  The Board will determine if the move could create a safety risk to the player.

In the event the move is approved, the parents will be required to sign a waiver.

When fair play is compromised by a House League player playing in his or her own age division, the House League director has the option, with Board approval, to request placement of that player in a different division. If the parents or guardians of the player involved object to this movement, they may appeal the decision to the STSAHA Board.

A player has the option of moving from a travel team to a house team or vice versa subject to the approval of the House and Travel Directors. Such a move may be made only once. A player moving from Travel to House after having played two travel games will be considered ineligible for a select team.

The number of individuals allowed on the team bench is limited to players in uniform and four team officials. The individuals allowed on the ice during a team's practice are limited to that team's rostered players, alternates, coaches, and guest instructors. Guest instructors must be approved by the Coaching Director.

Travel and Select goalies will be selected on a trial basis. In the House League, goalies in all divisions will play on an equitable part-time basis.


Players Per Team

USA Hockey rules will apply to the maximum number of 20 players per team, with a minimum number to be determined by STSAHA.

Draft System -House League

There will be a draft for all players in each division of the house league at the beginning of the season. The format to achieve team balance will be as follows:

·  All skaters must attend a series of skating sessions for the purpose of training and skill evaluation. At the end of these sessions, each skater will be rated according to ability, and this rating will be used for the draft. The draft will be run by the House League Director.

·  Consideration for members car pooling will be accepted but not guaranteed.

·  Coaches will notify players selected for their team within 48 hours of the draft.

·  During and after the exhibition games, all coaches in each division and the house league director will evaluate team balance and determine if any moves are needed to obtain balance within each division.



Playing Time for Players

It is the intent of the STSAHA to assure all travel players an EQUITABLE, NOT EQUAL amount of playing time. This does not apply to goaltenders. Coaches will make this clear at the beginning of the season. If you are not clear of his intentions, you should ask him to make it clear and you should understand this at the beginning of the season.

In the House league, it is the responsibility of the House League Director and the coach to insure that all players, except the goalie, are played as equal as possible. If 2 goalies are rostered on a house team, they should play as equal as possible.


Travel coaches and/or team manager are responsible for attending the Western New York Amateur Hockey League scheduling meeting for their team.

House coaches and/or team managers are responsible for attending the MOHL scheduling meeting for their team.

All schedules will be posted on the Association website under their team. All teams are required to maintain their sub-site to the Association website.

No coach, manager, or STSAHA member shall arrange special games or contract ice rental for practices or organize fundraisers without STSAHA board approval.

No coach, manager, or STSAHA member shall form a separate ice hockey team from players registered in the STSAHA without STSAHA board approval. A VIOLATION OF THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN A ONE-YEAR SUSPENSION.

Participation in tournaments not sanctioned by USA Hockey is not allowed. STSAHA teams may not play against teams not rostered thru USA Hockey.

Hockey Rules

Travel teams must comply with USA Hockey rules, as well as NYSAHA & WNYAHL league rules.

House teams must comply with USA Hockey rules, NYSAHA & WNYAHL league rules, as well as MOHL league rules.

Travel Team Policy

The goal of the travel division is to provide a highly competitive forum in which the best players from STSAHA can train and compete. Therefore, players will be selected by a tryout system. If more than one team per division is considered, the teams will selected on decreasing order of ability as determined by the assigned coach.

If a permanent vacancy occurs on any travel team, after the initial selections, the head coach may move up players from any lower level team. The selected player must move up, provided the coach of the team on which the vacancy arises and the Travel Director both agree that a failure to move up the selected player could significantly decrease the competitive stature of the team. Temporary vacancies shall be filled in a manner determined by the Travel Director.