Personal Banker — Learning Journey Study Block 3

Participant name:
Salary ID:


Completing this Workbook

1Knowledge of products and services

2Sell financial products and services

3Implement a sales plan

Study Block 3 — Training History Evidence Checklist

Learning log


Instructions — Example Only

Learning log

Manager Report — Study Block 3

Manager Declaration

Prior to your scheduled Kaplan Assessor visit/call

Participant Declaration

Assessment Outcome

Participant Activity Workbook — Learning Journey Study Block 31



To be granted the (FNS41011) Certificate IV in Banking Services, you need to demonstrate the skills and knowledge requirements covered by the qualification. This will be done by providing satisfactory evidence of the training you have completed on Westpac’s eAcademy, discussions with your Kaplan trainer and through the completion of the activities contained within this Activity Workbook.

Completing this Workbook

All activities within this workbook are to be completed.

As a general rule each activity will require a brief explanation of your understanding of the topic. Bullet points are acceptable where appropriate. If additional space is required to fully answer the activity you may attach additional pages to the back of this workbook, however please reference the activity within the original space provided. Where possible open this workbook as a word document and type your responses in the boxes provided.

You may be required to research and/or speak with colleagues to adequately answer each of the questions.

Attach your eAcademy Training History Report showing successful completion of the required training to the back of this workbook and sign where indicated.


Kaplan will:

●assess your competency based on:

–the level of detail in your answers

–your understanding of the content

–your eAcademy Training History Report

●provide feedback if the evidence you have provided is insufficient or does not demonstrate competency.

1Knowledge of products and services

1.1Having an effective promotional strategy for products and services helps Westpac to communicate with customers and increase revenue.

(a)Describe two (2) marketing campaigns/strategies that Westpac is currently promoting.

(b)What steps do you take to promote these campaigns within your branch and with your customers?

1.2Banking is a competitive industry.

(a)Explain how you approach selling products and services in a competitive marketplace.

(b)How do you balance the requirement to meet your sales targets in a competitive industry and still do what is required to meet customer needs?

1.3What procedures do you follow during a customer appointment to make sure the information you provide about products and services meets Westpac’s compliance requirements?

1.4What actions do you take to maintain your knowledge of Westpac products and services?

1.5Complete the following table relating to your selection of five (5) of Westpac’s products or services.

Product/Service / Purpose / 2  Benefit/features / Cost / 2  Client characteristics
Flexi First Option Home Loan / Finance for the purchase of a home / Lowest variable interest rate
Add options on a pay as you choose basis / Establishment fee $600 / First home buyers
Customers wanting a nofrill home loan product

2Sell financial products and services

2.1How do you build rapport with your customers and identify the main need that has led them tobook an appointment with you?

2.2What procedures do you follow for uncovering all of your customer’s needs?

2.3What procedures do you follow for determining the suitability of the customer for the financialproduct or service?

2.4How do you present the proposed product/solution to you customer and confirm their understanding?

2.5What procedures do you follow for confirming the sale and processing the documentation?

2.6What procedures do you follow if you uncover the need for the customer to meet with a specialist?

3Implement a sales plan

3.1 Read the following case study, complete the table and answer the questions below in relation to this case study.

Case study

You have had a good start to the banking year (you are currently sitting at 110% for your revenue target as of 30th October) but you realise that this result may be difficult to maintain due to the quiet January period coming up and the three (3) weeks of annual leave that you have booked in February.

It has also been a difficult time in your local area due to several business closing or downsizing and some customers losing their jobs as a result. In the past, when you have been in similar situations you have been able to rely on your relationships with your loyal customers to meet your revenue targets. This may not be the case this year.

You RGM has allocated $1000 to each branch in your region that can be used towards promotional materials, events and other sales related activities. This money needs to be spent on materials/activities that your whole sales team agrees to.

(a)Complete the table below to produce your sales plan.

Strategy/Plan / Actions required / Resources required / Estimate costs / Completed by (date)
Visit local businesses to gain new customers/discuss Christmas banking needs with existing customers / Book out time in RB calendar
Discuss strategy with BM, other PB’s
Have more business cards/flyers printed up / Business Cards
Brochures/ flyers with my picture on them / $100 stationary costs — through marketing hub on intranet / 20 December

(b)What steps would you take to seek feedback on the effectiveness of your sales plan?

(c)What impact do you think the sales plan in (a) will have on your sales results?

(d)What procedures would you follow for monitoring and reviewing your sales results against your sales plan?

(e)If it got to mid-January and your sales results were below what you had forecast, what adjustments would you make to your sales plan?

3.2You have a new Personal Banker at your branch who has not previously worked in a bank. What steps would you take to help the new PB learn about their role and start meeting their sales targets?

Study Block 3 —
Training History Evidence Checklist

Your eAcademy Training History Report must be attached to this Activity Workbook, as each of the training programs below are required in adequately assessing you achievement of the (FNS41011) Certificate IV in Banking Services.

You can access your Training History by logging into eAcademy and selecting the Reportingtab>My reports>Learner - My Training History>Run.

You must show successful completion and/or attendance to the following programs:

eAcademy training program / Date completed/attended
Customer Opportunity Management
Good Debt/Bad Debt
Mastering Business Transactions and Saving Solutions 1
Understanding Financial Concepts

Note: Dates recorded above should be reflected on your eAcademy Training History Report or additional evidence of the training program completion must be provided, i.e. certificate of attendance/completion.

Other activities / Date printed/provided
Provide an eAcademy 100% Job Role Report for your current role to your Kaplan Trainer (If you are not 100% role ready on this report, you will need to complete all additional training before you submit this report).
Note: This report can be found in eAcademy — My Reports

Learning log


Each Activity Workbook contains a learning log which is designed to record any training or industry experience that you receive while registered in the Best Banker Program. Itshows evidence of activities and training that you participate in that is relevant to the industry that you are working in and the qualification you are undertaking.

You are required to register the amount of any training and assessment time you participated in throughout the duration of your course.

Training and assessment time should include any professional development activity where you have the opportunity to build skills and knowledge required for your role on and off the job. Thiscould include:

●Completing assessment tasks

●One-to-one coaching with your trainer, manager or others

●Attendance at training courses

●Online training

●Buddying/coaching/mentoring activities

●Job rotation

●Team building

●Research activities i.e. company policies and guidelines, industry and/or competitor information

●Team meetings

●Attending a workshop, seminar, conference

●Asking and gaining insight/information from colleagues

●Company induction not specific to the qualification — induction in the workplace.

It is expected that you record an average of 12 hours per month (36 per 3 month). Themore hours you can log, the more evidence there is for the knowledge and skills you have attained during your program.

You are responsible for your learning log to be completed on a regular basis and have it verified by your Manager at the due date of each Activity Workbook.

Your employer is to ensure that you are given adequate time to complete the learning log requirements as well as all work activities, training and completion of your Activity Workbook.

Note: It is to be kept by you throughout your training and produced when requested by either your Assessor or other government entities such as the Apprenticeship Centre.

Instructions — Example Only

You can log several activities for each day and different activities on different dates.
Enter the time in a minimum of 15 minute blocks.

Date / Description of learning/Training activity & key learning/s / Start time / End time / Total time
Daily / Team meetings including discussion of sales focus and compliance updates 30min/day x 20 days / 9.00 am / 9.30 am / 10.00
Weekly / Read weekly updates 30min/week x 4 weeks / 8.30 am / 9.00 am / 2.00
Monthly / One-on-one coaching session with Manager x 1 month / 11.00 am / 12.00 pm / 1.00
Monthly / One-on-one coaching with FP/LBB/HFM x 1 month / 10.00 am / 11.00 am / 1.00
Monthly / Live observation of customer conversations with BM x 1 month / 9.30 am / 10.00 am / 0.50
22/8/14 / Specialist presentation – BT Super / 4.30 pm / 5.30 pm / 1.0
4/9/14 / eAcademy module – MyBank conversation / 4.00 pm / 5.00 pm / 1.00
8/9/14 / Learn new Internet Banking Procedures and demonstrate for customer / 2.00 pm / 2.30 pm / 0.5
10/9/14 / MyBank Conversation Workshop / 8.30 am / 5.30 pm / 8.0
15/9/14 to 17/9/14 / Complete Best Banker Activity Workbook / 8.00 am / 9.00 am / 3.0
20/9/14 / Best Banker Conference call with Kaplan Trainer / 11.00 am / 12.00 pm / 1.0

Learning log

Date / Description of learning/Training activity & key learning/s / Start time / End time / Total time

Manager Report — Study Block 3

Each Activity Workbook contains a manager report which is required to be completed by yourmanager. This report allows your manager to contribute to the competency process.

Units of competency being reviewed:

●FNSINC402Develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of products and services used by an organisation or sector

●BSBCUS403BImplement customer service standards

●FNSSAM401ASell financial products and services

●FNSSAM402AImplement a sales plan

●FNSASIC301CEstablish Client Relationship and analyse needs

●FNSASIC302CDevelop, present and negotiate client solutions.

Manager Guide: The Kaplan Trainer/Assessor will make a decision of competency outcome based on work submitted by the participant. As the participants workplace supervisor we appreciate your contribution towards the competency decision. To support this decision we ask you to complete the following observation checklist.

For each question, you should certify ‘Yes’ only if you have observed the participant display these behaviours in the workplace.Where you indicate ‘Yes’ you are confirming the participant has completed the tasks as described.

Participant name:
I have observed this participant… / Yes / No
Identify the products and services the organisation uses
Identify compliance implications of the product
Determine the appropriate users for products and services
Maintain product knowledge
Contribute to quality customer service standards
Implement customer service systems
Implement team customer service standards
Identify the nature of sales enquiries
Determine the suitability of the customer for the financial product or service
Provide customer with information about the product or service
Confirm sale and process documentation
Implement promotional strategy of the organisation
Utilise promotional materials
I have observed this participant… / Yes / No
Monitor and review sales plan implementation
Establish relationship with client
Identify client objectives, needs and financial situation
Analyse client’s objectives, financial situation and risk profile
Develop appropriate strategies and solutions
Present appropriate strategies and solutions to client
Negotiate financial plan, policy or transaction with client
Coordinate implementation of agreed plan, policy or transaction
Complete and maintain necessary documentation
Provide ongoing service where requested by client

Manager Declaration

By signing this declaration I confirm:

●I have reviewed the participants learning log and verify that it is accurate and complete.

●I have completed the Manager Report in full and understand my role in the process of obtaining this report.

●I, as the third party, have agreed to participate in the evidence gathering process and understand when and how to collect the evidence.

Manager’s name:
Manager’s signature: / Date:

Prior to your scheduled Kaplan Assessor visit/call

Please scan and email to your Kaplan Assessor evidence of:

  • Your Activity Workbook, including:

–Your completed learning log

–Your completed Manager Report

–Your completed Training Evidence Checklist

–Your completed Manager & Participant Declarations

  • Your eAcademy Training History Report print out — showing all Study Block 3 learning complete.

Participant Declaration

By signing this declaration I confirm:

●That all evidence for this assessment is present and is my own work

●That I have reviewed the Manager Report and I agree with the competency outcome.

Participant’s name:
Participant’s signature: / Date:

Assessment Outcome

I confirm that all evidence for this assessment is present and I have deemed the assessment:


Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s name:
Assessor’s signature: / Date:

Note: Feedback on your Activity Workbook will be provided by your Assessor at your scheduled visit/call.

© Kaplan Education Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

FNSINC402A Develop and maintain in-depth knowledge of products and services used by an organisation or sector * FNSSAM401A Sell financial products and services * FNSSAM402A Implement a sales plan