Sister Lily/Heavenly Perspective on Terrorism


Message No. 1 A PLEA FOR PEACE

I beg of you, intelligent, learned, powerful, rich Sirs, on behalf of all the Mothers and Little People of our Only fragile World,

not to retaliate with bombs and possible mass killings in response to the terrible World Trade Center destructive

provocation, committing yet another act of barbarism, upon Avganeze or Pakistani people accomplishing little in terms of punishing, let alone deterring future terrorism but surely making millions of innocent people undeservingly miserable, now, and in refugee camps for years to come!

No Sirs,

I beg of you, don’t do that. All violence must come to a halt!

Individual perpetrators must be found and convicted in the

Court of Law for the whole world to watch witnessing a peaceful conclusion to the greatest act of terrorism by lawful conviction and incarceration of world’s worst terrorists

whose organization must be possible topenetrate and round up, considering the fact that FBI and its worldwide allies are following diligently thousand of leads.

We, as people, for our indifference and we, the NATO alliance and we, our US Government, have to admit our part and accept responsibility first of all, for not apprehending a known world terrorist, when Bill Clinton and the FBI knew his exact

whereabouts a couple of years ago , but decided to do nothing, out of concern for keeping “good” relationships with the Middle East,thusmakinga horrendous mistake in judgment and foreign policy decision.

They did likewise when they bombed Serbia and Kosovo thinking that would solve Albanian problems, which it didn’t.

Even more tragically for America they underestimated Osama bin Laden’s ambitions and capabilities, not to mention his vicious and creative mind of a mass murderer who figured out howto use regular planes filled with gas for the longest possible travel across the nation using licensed and trained Arab pilots who hated our foreign policies and our way of life so much that they gave up their own earthly existence after planning every detail of their morbid plan for at least 3 to 4 years before this unconceivable and unbelievably undetected attack took place at the heart and symbol of democratic capitalism whose practices have infuriated more than half the world for past 3 decades.

Those are the hard issues and real challenges we the people and our great government need to focus on, sitting down, face to face in an honest discussion with our enemies with the goal of finding out what it is that America has done to provoke such hatred and what America ought to change and stop doing in order to regain the love and confidencebeing the leader of the world as it was after the Second World War and before the Vietnam fiasco.

This is where our Foreign policy first failed and it has been failing ever since, going from bad to worse. Now,after many mistakes, in 2001 we, the American Government need to start listening to the cries and to the needs of the world’s population, instead of telling all of them how to live and what to do as each nation, just as each individual is on its own developmental clock whose rushing and pushing is always wrong.

We need to help however we can to everybody anywhere in need of food, medicine and shelter, offering alwaysto do whatever we can for another neighbor who wants our unbiased help, relinquishing our “rights” to be engaged politically,

but stay only altruistically involved, outside of our continent.

Civilized world, by now in the 3rd millennium, has to know better than to use bombs!

Therefore, I beg for your word of honor, NATO Sirs, that you are never again going to bomb anyone since evena child knows that," two wrongs don’t makeit right” and that you will promise never to destroy our fragile environment again, as you did in Serbia burning our delicate ozone layer.

In order for the world and myself to sleep peacefully at night,

we beseech your promise and your word on this bombing matter.

No, Sirs, you may not assault our only little world causing more damage than Osama bin Laden already has! How could such a political and military move make things right or better? It just can’t.

I beg of you to restrain and not take our sons into another barbaric war based upon the principle of retaliation instead of reason, justice and all powerful mutual submissionwith forgiving communication.

Thanking you in advance for focusing on peace instead of war, and actively learning how to become a Gentle Giant who takes revenge with a grain of salt, letting our Lord have that privilege, and who relinquishes his rights to ballistic

missiles and stealth bombing planes, but grows up and matures, overnight, amidst grief, terrible loss and sadness, choosing to use peace over pride, patience over hastiness and wisdom over anger, thus, once again triumphing over wickedness as

true, conscientious leader of the free world, which America is and shall remain, as we all learn how important each of world’s nations and its individuality are in order to mutually and beneficially co-exist and plain, SURVIVE.


Good, great, thanks! Sister L



All praise and glory be to God the Creator ofentire Universe, and His Son Jesus whom I worship today with thankfulness in my heart for His mercy in not permitting thisdisasterto be much worse thanit was 2 days agoinNew York and Washington. Thank you Jesus for your angels who held those 2 tall buildings while thousands of people escaped their most horrible deaths ever seen on TV for posterity to

learn from,in order, not to repeat the same, painful mistakes.

According to books, some wars, certainly like the one against mad Hitler were absolutely justified and necessary, but I happen to be convinced that humans do have other ways of dealing with each other than violence at times of disagreements.

Now in 2001 one thing I do know, a “WAR” which is a word I beg everyone not to use against terrorism,will be quite different from before as we will in the end, when “WAR” fails, have to enter those uncharted waters of globally really interdependent, non-judgmental nor violent existence.

To accomplish this reality, we have to urgently, solve our problems with communication, understanding and mutual co-operation but most importantly with mutual submission, or LOVE between nations, to include us, the Leaders and great

proud Americans, whom I hate to remind of the fact that we are 100% dependent in our daily life’s existence upon Crude Arab OIL, so I suggest, we had better be careful how to proceed, in relationships with that part of the planet.

Funny, how God orchestratedHis/Our World. He allowed us to grow and co-exist together, living for the most part independent and detached national lives from one

another for 19 centuries while we fought only tribal and regional wars for a million stupid reasons choosing to hate and retaliate, instead of love, lacking consideration for the feelings of the other, refusing to talk less and listen more to those we have offended and hurt somehow, which is how solutions do spring up.

So, we fought and fought, killed and mourned, over and over again, but, we learned nothing, except how to build bigger and better weapons and deadly gadgets of all kinds, as if that would provide safety, happiness and peace to anyone.

Unfortunately, all those big guns have produced is America’s false sense of security, aswe unexpectedly found out just how vulnerable we are.

Those weapons and all that money we frivolously spent and flaunted have produced only greater envy and hatred, not respect from too many nations we try to control.

All those millions upon millions spent on super-duper sophisticated weapons have bought us zero, nada, nothing at all ifAmerica can’t sleep soundly at night and if we are paralyzed because there is no more oil or we cannot afford to buy it,

even if it is still scarcely available.

No, military might is not a solution!

No amount of weaponscan assure peace of mind for America let alone individual, national or continental safety.

The irony is that we depend largely for our "American way of life" and even survival in cold seasons– upon resources from our enemies.

Let me repeat, at this day and age, we totally depend on Arab oil, wallowing in denial and minimizing our Arab dependencies.

But, God has a great sense of humor within His always wise, mysterious and perfect ways, so much higher than ours or anything that we can possibly think, pray for nor imagine!

I believe we serve a wonderful God who is findinga way to teach us a finalchapter in human development, to teach us LOVE, as we learn to listen to reason and abandon violence upon any innocents.

By innocent, I do mean the happy Palestinian and Iraqi boys I saw on TV or any other sympathizer ofOsama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. Sympathizers are innocent and must not be punished for the crimes committed by individual perpetrators upon the American culture which those terrorists hate so much, planning to hurt us even worse than the way it happened on that forever embedded in everyone’s mind, the date of September 11, 2001.

I believe, God averted an all out invasion of America’s heart.

Rita Cosby, an hour ago gave an investigative report on Fox News, saying that DOZENS of planes scheduled to fly out that morning had questionable names and Arabic individuals connected to known terrorist organizations ready to probably

suicide themselves into major business centers and arteries around our oblivious nation!

I believe that God gave much needed instant wisdom to our leaders to shut down all airportsright away which saved our nation from worse tribulation, so Praise God and thank Him for spearing us from fate yet unseen.

Alas,challenge for the human race still remains unresolved.

How do we deal with terrorism?

Let me assure you, they are upset and disappointed that they have hurt us so little and they are coming back with kitchen knives, if they have to, because they are so angry with us, amongst other long-standing negative bottled up feelings.

Thus, we had better stop arming and positioning for a big fight,

but figure out how to readjust our thinking and our governmental attitude towards the Islamic world and the rest of non democratic, non capitalistic nations, where money

means little or nothing and where a whole different set of values matter, like national history,ethnic uniqueness and linguistic identity they wish to preserve by not becoming westernized.

I urge our good government to listen, learn and change its ways before there is another INVASION, at hand.

Thank you God, for protecting us, as much as you have.

With love for all people and trust in God, sister Lily.



We can perceive what happened in our great New York City and our huge, basically very good, in fact the best of all nations, any way we choose.

Ibelieve that we should not perceive this horrific happening as an act of war especially since no one has claimed to be doing so, nor has anyone taken responsibility for what took place as of yet, as these strange people must not desire fame, nor has anyone stepped up and really explained why they planned and executed such a sickening act.

Please Mr. Bush don’t perceive our nation to be in a war and thus justify whatever the heck our government does, because in war there are no more rules but brute strength instead of brains which is about time we employ to solve this huge, steadily increasing challenge and a worldwide matter.

I have a funny feeling these people are ready and prepared to respond to whatever we do, all over the world, as they are ahead of us by about 3 years in preparations and thinking our response through, having home groups and terrorist cells in

at least 60 “civilized” and “non civilized” nations where they carefully hid for over dozens of years morbidly planning all sorts of terrorist acts with responses to our responses.

Please men of authority and power, don’t declare a war giving yourself seemingly justified power and permission to terrorize innocent Middle Eastern folk, creatingmillions of refugees, wherever they might escape from our wrath.

I beg of you, in the name of Mercy and Love and the thousands of disintegrated dead, completely innocent victims of a criminally i.e. spiritually insane maniac and his equally unbalanced cohorts and friends in whose eyes, they are helping abrave hero who founda way to cripple the American bully and our worldwide domineering economy and military dictatorship, killing thousands with knives and box cutters within 12 minutes of flying a simple passenger plane!

I beg of you in the name of us all, not to act as if in war, because that is a wrong social term for what is going on.

I believethis is a nasty social revolution we are about to embark upon, and that this man, OBL,is no more than a clever and determined criminal with a cause, a seriously socially maladapted monster to say the least, a psychotic sociopath

who feels fully justified in his terroristic mind, attempting and succeeding with most desperate and most destructive measures to gethis Muslim point across.

This brings us up again to the most important question of the MOTIVE which is what we have to figure out-how to eliminate and change within a terroristic mind set of this Osama person and his clowns whom I sense are somewhat disappointed, at this point, that only 2,000 plus and not 20,000 as he planed have died on the altar of human ultimate madness since angels held those buildings up for as long as they could while