Biographical Sketch for Elaine Reinhardt

Elaine Reinhardt lives at Reinhardt Ranch in Elk Grove, California, with her husband, Eric, and her niece, Kellie, as well as all the animals under their care—among them horses, goats, dogs, cats and Koki fish. Elaine has been a professional in the pet food industry for over fifteen years, with an emphasis on holistic nutrition, and holds a DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act) Certification from the American Neutraceutical Association (ANA). She and Eric are co-owners of Reinhardt Ranch Solid Gold, Inc., a holistic nutrition company for pets.

Reinhardt Ranch has been featured in the May 2007 issue of Whole Dog Journal in an article entitled “Cause or Effect?” which addresses leaky gut syndrome in pets. Elaine believes that nutrition is a key element in supporting the many health challenges our pets are facing. As part of an on-going process, she is currently working in an advisory capacity for corporations that are developing neutraceuticals for the pet industry. Elaine has always been a strong advocate for education as a key process in a pet’s health and encourages pet owners to become involved in understanding their pet’s nutritional needs.

Abstract for Elaine Reinhardt

Title of Presentation: The Role of Pet Nutrition in Veterinary Hospice Care

The presentation will explore food choices for the terminally ill pet, along with foods that should be avoided. Emphasis will be placed on transitioning from one food to another, should the need occur, either because of the pet’s personal desire or a change in physiology. The use of supplements such as vitamin, minerals, probiotics and digestive enzymes will be discussed along with how Sea Cure—a predigested fish protein—can be beneficial as a nutritional supplement for the terminally ill pet. Clinical studies will be referenced. Issues such as hand-feeding, liquid diets and syringe feeding will also be addressed as well as the importance of continuing to provide comfort foods for pets who desire them.