AEC Excellence Awards 2017

Entry Form: Infrastructure Category

Project Overview

Question / Answer
Please answer all questions that apply to the project. / Maximum # of Characters / Required Field?
Project Name
(provide name as it should appear in all promotional materials) / 100 / Y
Company Name
(provide company name as it should appear in all promotional materials) / 100 / Y
Company or project website
(enter a valid URL) / 200 / Y
Location of project: State or Province / 100 / Y
Location of project: Country / 100 / Y
Type of project
(ex. Airport, rail, port, road, tunnel, bridge, process and piping, water & wastewater, land, site, urban planning) / 100 / Y
Project Owner / 100 / N
Project Engineering Firm / 100 / N
Project General Contractor / 100 / N
Other firms involved with the project
(ie. Consulting, Architect, Subcontractors) / 300 / N
Short description of project
(please include project type, square footage, project value, and any special features that are noteworthy) / 500 / Y
Current phase of the project
(select one: Planning, Design, Pre-Construction, Construction, Commissioning and Handover, Facility Management, Other) / 100 / Y
If other selected above, please elaborate / 100 / N
Estimated project completion date and/or public opening date (YYYY-MM-DD) / 20 / Y
Autodesk products used
(list all) Please refer to the list of “Autodesk Product Requirements” for this category. / 300 / Y
Other software used during the project / 300 / Y

Details of the Project

Question / Answer
Please answer all questions that apply to the project. / Maximum # of Characters / Required Field?
What were the goals of this project? / 1500 / Y
What made this project unique? Identify examples of unique project engineering challenges. / 1500 / Y
Did BIM improve planning and preliminary engineering? Give examples. / 1500 / Y
Did BIM improve detailed design workflows? Give examples. / 1500 / Y
Describe any specific benefits achieved by using integrated analysis and/or simulation tools or services / 1500 / Y
Describe any specific benefits related to project team communication and collaboration by using BIM modeling and visualization tools. (ex. multidiscipline design coordination, model sharing, etc) / 1500 / N
Describe any specific benefits achieved by using emerging technology or innovation (ex. cloud based storage & data sharing, cloud based analysis, augmented or virtual reality, drones, LiDAR, or other data capture methods and digitalization) / 1500 / Y
Describe specific strategies that promoted sustainability on projects
(ex. ecosystem and water resources, neighborhood development or parks, or reduction of environmental consequences from construction or operations) / 1500 / Y
Define requirements and use-case if the model was part of project deliverables. / 1500 / Y
Did the use of Autodesk technology provide improved profitability? Describe in detail and include metrics/ROI. (ex. workflow efficiency, materials, waste) / 1500 / Y
Did the use of Autodesk technology provide time savings? Describe in detail and include metrics/ROI. (ex. data collection, approvals and stakeholder buy-in, review cycles) / 1500 / Y
Did the use of Autodesk technology provide improved quality and/or risk mitigation? Describe in detail and include metrics/ROI. (ex. better decisions from analysis, cross-discipline collaboration, and constructability) / 1500 / Y
Did the use of Autodesk technology contribute to overall successful project outcomes for the performance of the completed project? Please describe them in detail and provide metrics/ROI. / 1500 / Y
List any benefits not captured in the above categories / 1500 / N
Why do you think this project should win an award? / 1500 / Y

Imagery and Video


  • You must submit at least 2 images or photographs; you may submit up to 5 images.
  • Provide high resolution, single dynamic images; no collages (a collage is an image that is created from more than 1 image)
  • Use imagery that is relevant to the story’s context. The image can be a rendering, a before or after scene of the final product or project.
  • Avoid text or logo overlay on images.
  • Submitters must have the correct legal rights to use images and videos in this context.
  • Please be sure you have proper permissions to submit the requested intellectual property by indicating the source credit in the courtesy statement field.

jpg, png, tiff
max file size: 10 MB / Image Description
(400 character limit) / Image Courtesy Statement
(200 character limit)


  • You may submit up to 5 videos, each up to 5 minutes in length.
  • Keep file names under 30 characters
  • Do not include special characters in file names.
  • Once uploaded, your video will take some time to be rendered, depending on size. This can be anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes or longer.
  • You will see a placeholder video in this spot while the video is processed.
  • To check to see if your video is ready to be viewed, please refresh your page (you can do this by clicking the 'Dashboard' icon).
  • If you are uploading a very large file or using a slow internet connection, be aware that the system will time out after 60 minutes.
  • Your video will need to be published before you can submit your application. We strongly advise you do not try to upload your video right before the submission deadline.

Max file size: 600 MB / Video Description
(400 character limit) / Video Courtesy Statement
(200 character limit)

Statement about the Project(optional)

Please provide a brief statement (one that we can use as a quote) summarizing the benefits of using BIM, cloud, mobile and/or other digital processes on this project. *By providing us this quote you consent to Autodesk using it for promotional purposes.

Question / Answer / Character Limit
Quote / 500
Person’s Name / 50
Company Name / 100
Title / 100

Media Contact Information(optional)

Please provide your firm’s contact information for Autodesk’s marketing and PR teams to help get your Excellence recognized!

Question / Answer / Required Field?
Last Name / Y
First Name / Y
Title / Y
Company / Y
Phone / N
Email / Y
Company Facebook Account / N
Company Twitter Handle / N
Other Social Media Accounts / N


We have read and agree to the Submission Permission Form. *

We agree.

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