Population age and sex structure


Biological population structure is based on sex and age and is often presented on an age and sex pyramid. The pyramid shows population booms and periods ofpopulation decline as well as the number of males and females in age cohorts (e.g. 0-4, 5-9 etc.). The pyramid for Poland also shows that up to the age of 40 there are more males while above the age of 45 there are more females. In generał, there are more females than males.

The female/male ratio is 107, which means that there are 107 women for every 100 men (respectively: in urban areas - 111, and in rural areas - only 101). Life expectancy is a measure of development: in Poland an average man lives 72.7 years, while an average woman - 81.0 years (2012).

How to live a long life?

The length of people's lives depends on genetics and the health care system. However, specialists say that lifestyle has the largest influence. This includes a healthy diet, physical activity, and not smoking.

Don't overeat but ... don't forget to eat lots of fruit and vegetables

If you want to live to 100, do not overeat. The oldest Japanese people stop eating when they are only about 80% full. But do not forget to eat three to five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This can lower the risk of heart disease by 76%.

Turn off the TV/computer and focus on fitness

People who spend four or more hours a day in front of a screen are rnore likely to develop serious health problems. Instead, take regular intensive exercise. Even moderate exercise every day can lower your risk of heart problems.

Don't smoke

Not smoking is perhaps the single most important thing you can do for your health and your life span.

Getting fit is good

for your health



Poles are living longer. Rank the factors (according to you) affecting the greater length of life in Poland. Put the letters in the pyramid boxes (the highest rank in the top box).

A. Doing sport

B. Taking care ofhealth (preventive check ups)

C. Progress in medicine

D. Healthy eating

E. Limiting alcohol intake

F. Dealing with stress

G. Access to health services

H. Provision of care for the elderly


In Poland there are significant differences between the average life expectancies for males (72.7 years) and females (81.0 years).

a) On the graph shade the area showing the difference between the average life expectancy for men and women.

b) In the sentences cross out the incorrect terms.

In Poland men/women live longer. This phenomenon is characteristic for Poland / for almost all countries of the world.

c) As a rule more boys are bom than girls. However, from the age of about 40, women in Poland begin to outnumber men. Give three reasons for the 'excess mortality' of men.





Use the age and sex pyramid for Poland on p. 61 and follow the instructions.

a) Read and record the approximate number of girls and boys in Poland of your age.

A. Number of girls: …………………. B. Number of boys: ......

b) Calculate the ratio of girls to boys for your age group.

Result: ......

c) Delete the inappropriate term.

The girl to boy ratio for my age group is higher/lower than for the w hole population of Poland.