Challenge Club Invitational Letter

Good Morning to all,
I hope that everyone has had a summer that included a lot of family time and hopefully some relaxing and fun times were shared by many. We have been so blessed by the beautiful end of summer weather and then some nice rain last night to nourish our plants and much to be thankful for. Once again I am looking forward to a great year of Challenge.....the team leaders and I gathered before the end of the summer and had a lovely afternoon/evening retreat during which we planned out the upcoming year. You will notice on the schedule some old favorites like the Priest Appreciation Dinner and the Nursing Home Talent Show and Sing-a-Long as well as a few new items including a night of fun at Petra Cliffs in Burlington and a couple of really nice craft nights in December. I am attaching the calendar for the upcoming year so that you can see all of our normal meeting dates as well as some that may be a bit different than normal.

As always, we love it when all the girls can make it, but we understand that there is life beyond the Challenge please come as often as you can, but if there is a conflict, know that we will miss your daughter(s) but will look forward to seeing them at the next meeting! Please feel free to forward this calendar as well as an invitation to join the group to any girl ages 10 and up that may be interested in trying out our group. The more the merrier....especially since we are gathering to share and spread our Faith in joy and service to God and to our community!
At our first meeting, I would ask that at least one parent stay and join me for our annual informational meeting. We will go over the calendar, answer any questions and fill out the prerequisite paperwork for the upcoming year. I will also have a signup sheet for the various supporting positions that are required for the group to function well throughout the year. I will list those positions below so that you can begin to prayerfully discern what you/your family could possibly provide for this year.

One area that I will need some help with early on this year is a couple of moms/dads to take over the meetings being held on Nov 20th, Dec. 4th & 11th. My oldest daughter Emily, who was a longtime member and Team Leader of the Challenge Club, is getting married on December 12th of this year! The Team Leaders will have the meetings planned but the adult in charge would simply need to check in with them to make sure all is going well and to see if there are any last minute questions/concerns and then of course there will need to be at least two adults who are present at the meetings.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Co-ordinate snacks for weekly meetings (the Team Leaders decided that it would be nice to have a simple snack at each meeting....cheese/crackers, carrots & dip, animal crackers, pretzels, clementines etc...) this coordinator does not have to supply all of the snacks but can create a list of people who sign up to provide the various snacks. Once a month we will still have a birthday snack (cookies and the like)....
  • Co-ordinate monthly birthday snack -first meeting of the month we have a special snack and allow the monthly birthday girls to choose from the birthday basket!
  • A mom/dad to be at most weekly meetings
  • Moms willing to be called if we need a substitute for a meeting
  • A mom/dad to be at the 10/2 movie night
  • Substitute leaders for the Nov 20th, Dec 4th and Dec 11th meetings
    Help with the Priest Dinner on Mon. Nov 11th
  • Help with the Retreat on Sat. March 5th (mainly food prep, set up and cleaning)
  • Driver(s) for the food shelf on April 29th
  • Set up/ Clean up for the Family Dance on May 20th