Chemistry for the Health Sciences


Mr. Drenzek

Room N111


My Schedule

1st/2nd - Chemistry for the Health Sciences 6th- Lunch


3th- Prep 8th/9th –AP Biology


5th - Chemistry 9th/10th- AP Biology


100-90  A

89-80  B

79-70  C

69-60  D

59-0  F

Your grade will be determined by dividing the total points you earned by the total points possible. Your grade will be broken down by

Tests 60%

Labs 30%

Quizzes 10%

Semester projects will be graded as tests.

Semester grade is 18 weeks at 85% and final exam at 15%


Assignments will be given daily, checked but most may not be collected. Remember that assignments serve a purpose. Do not fall behind and ask questions.


There will be announced and unannounced quizzes. The purpose of quizzes is to prepare students for the unit tests.


A test will be given at the end of each unit. This usually totals approximately two every six week grading period. They will be difficult and study time is necessary to prepare for them. Tests may include problem solving, lab practical and objective type questions. There will not be retakes on tests. You may use a calculator on tests. Bring your own.



This class requires that the student be in attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to be caught up by the time they return from a prearranged absence. If you are absence due to illness, family emergency, etc, the student should consult with the bulletin board and the instructor regarding what was missed. If you are absent the day before the test, you are expected to take the test with the rest of the class. If you are absent the day of the test, you are expected to take the test on the day you return with Mr. Drenzek.


Tardiness disrupts the learning of other students. It will not be tolerated. If you are consistently tardy, actions will be taken to make sure you get to class on time.

Attitude and Behavior

Start on the right foot in this class. Be respectful of other people, other people’s things, your teacher, your teacher’s things, your school and your school’s things. Maintain attitudes and behaviors that lead to your success. Make good decisions. The responsibility is yours and yours alone. Too many times it easier and seemingly more fun at the time to follow along with somebody else’s negative behavior and/or attitude. Make sure you are either setting a positive example for others or you are following a positive example set by another, but always be yourself. Trust the positive people in your life including your instructor. Eventually you will learn to rely on yourself, make good decisions and find success. Good luck!!

Signing below demonstrates that you have read and understand the expectations outlined above. Please have your parent read and sign as well. Thank you and let’s have a great year.


Student signature Date Parent signature Date