Minniecroft Road

Burnham, Bucks SL1 7DE

Tel.No. 01628 666326





What is a Patient Participation Group

A group of patients and practice staff who meet at regular intervals to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the continual improvement of services and facilities offered by the practice. The PPG also encourages the voice of the patient’s population to be heard.

Why do we need a PPG?

The NHS has been moving from a doctor and hospital-centred service to a patient-centred service. Patients and the general public are increasingly asked for their views and input so the NHS can change to serve them better. This is done in many ways including national surveys, consultations, open meeting and events. For most of us, our GP practice is where we connect regularly with the NHS and where our care is coordinated. The PPG is focussed on the local NHS services and those used by patients registered at their GP practice.

What does the PPG in my GP practice do?

Every GP practice has a PPG however they all work in different ways. Many will have their own notice board in the practice, some help write the practice newsletter, survey patients about their experience of being a patient at the practice or run events to support patient education or awareness about health related issues.

What would my commitment be?

Your views are important and we want to hear them. If you also have some time to help with projects for the benefit of patients, this would also be valued. This could be for events, meetings, communications and surveys.

How often does a PPG meet?

This will vary between with level of PPG commitment you can provide.

What experience, skills or qualifications do members need?

No experience, special skills or qualifications needed.

How to register your interest in becoming a PPG member?

Please compete the application and return to the practice.

Applications of interest can be posted to the surgery or left with reception.

Another way would be to e-mail your interest to:

Telephone Number
E-mail Address

If you are interested in becoming a member of the PPG please complete the above table and return to the surgery or reply via e-mail for the surgery to contact you.