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June 26, 2017

Public Works Committee Meeting

5:00 PM. in the Village Hall

Trustees Present: Chairman Mike McKinnon, Stan Maligranda. Absent: Jeremy Graham

Guests: Chad Insko (Director of Public Works), Seth Gronewold (Fehr Graham Engineering), Mary Gaziano (Village Attorney)

1)  Meeting Called to Order - The properly posted meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM.

2)  Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest – none

3)  Changes to Agenda – none

4)  Approve Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda by Mr. Maligranda. Second of motion by Mr. McKinnon. Motion passed.

5)  Approval of Public Works Meeting Minutes from June 6, 2017Motion to approve the corrected minutes by Mr. Maligranda. Second of motion by Mr. McKinnon. Motion passed.

6)  Public Comment— none

7)  Construction Funding Report – reviewed and discussed report. Again, noted concern the state may freeze MFT funds if a budget is not reached by June 30.

8)  Existing Developments -- Village Fees. No additional feedback from developers. Public works employees noted increasing cost being incurred by village and increasing resident complaints as properties are not being maintained. This may be a significant deterrent to development. Discussion included an enhancement to the village Residential Landscape Ordinance 00-06 to include language that properties must be filled, leveled, and mowed to 15 feet behind the curb line at a minimum. Agreements will also be reviewed for the partially complete developments to assess language and possible conflicts.

9)  Fence, Sidewalk, Driveway Permit Fees. -- board consensus was in support of moving forward with drafting/updating ordinances. Time has not allowed any drafts to this point.

10)  Retention and Detention ponds in village limits

10A) Mr. Josh Harding, 406 Prairie Hill Pkwy. Chad is evaluating some guards to recommend to Mr. Harding which would filter some of the debris but allow the storm water to flow.

10B) Turner/Marsh storm sewer outlet. No update.

10C) Ann Lawson, 102 Westfield. Ms. Lawson was not satisfied with the direction offered by the board at the last meeting and is still pursuing the issue. She is apparently scheduled to meet with President Eubank. Public works believes this is a property owner issue as the home was constructed in high water table area with limited drainage. The village may have some responsibility for additional drainage coming from west of the property. Chad believes the best option is to work with RRWRD when the sewer is being installed to reshape the grade with possible additional tiling. There will likely be additional cost which may potentially be shared by the property owner and the village.

11)  Well House #4 Repairs - All is still good. This item will be removed from the committee discussions at this time.

12)  Street naming -- special recognition -- no additional action at committee level at this time.

13)  Highlands Development - no update.

14)  Contract with Verizon for equipment mounted on water tower -- Chad indicates construction is about 95% complete and he is satisfied with the overall work being done. Some landscaping issues need to be cleaned up. Not sure of status regarding payments.

15)  307 W. Main St. (AKA 300 W. Main St, 303-305 W. Main St) -- Vacant Property -- Closed on property June 21, 2017. Public works will begin to maintain property. G & G Construction may be interested in getting water to their property and an easement may be considered through the property.

16)  2017 Road Project, Hawkins Dr. --- Point repairs completed. Paving work should start Tuesday/Wednesday. Project could be completed by Friday, June 30. Anticipate a pay request in advance of the July board meeting.

17)  Street Maintenance - E. Main St. Due to state budget issues and some additional maintenance issues to resolve some water drainage concerns, this project is not currently viable. Will revisit for 2018 budget.

18)  Street Maintenance/Seal Coating --- Budget is $40,000 and plan would include portions of McNair depending on bid costs. Advertising cost is approximately $250. Project is current being advertised for solicitation of bids. Bid opening date scheduled for July 11, 2017.

19)  Capital Equipment, Replacement of 2009 Stake Truck, plow & body -- In process.

20)  "Art on Fire" Community Project -- Registrations in excess of 111 (roughly 50% of village hydrants). Project runs through June 30.

21)  Heavy Load Permits -- No update

22)  Benton Street -- Trail head -- No update

23)  RRWRD projects - Sewer line extension moving along well. Possible tie in to village October 2017. Sanitary sewer cleaning scheduled after July 4. This was announced in the village newsletter.

24)  Seasonal Help/Intern - Situation with intern did not develop. Public works getting backed up with mowing due to available hours. Budget is available for part time. Seeking clarification of hiring policy for part time employment.

25)  Sidewalk Ordinance - No update.

26)  Budget Issues - nothing additional beyond discussion in other areas.

27)  Employee Input - Chad expressed some challenges with some properties in the village not meeting the requirements of the Residential Landscape Ordinance 00-06. In some cases the time line results in the growth well exceeding the 10" by the time public works is involved making it that much more difficult to resolve. Also, the time spent is well over the amount recovered by penalties/fees identified in the ordinance. Suggested Chad draft what he believes is more appropriate for the fee/penalty structure. Will ask community development to evaluate a more streamlined approach to shorten the timeline to minimize burden on public works when they need to mow the properties.

28)  New Business -- Stan brought up some issues regarding upcoming fourth of July regarding downtown parking. Public works will make barricades available. Stan mentioned a tree at intersection of Seward/Soper. Chad will investigate.

29)  Priority of Attorney Projects --- Highlands, Residential Landscape Ordinance/Development agreements

30)  WINGIS - no discussion

31)  Street Lights - Replaced some lights in downtown with LED. They look good. Ordering two additional lights. Will continue to move to LED as replacements are necessary.

32)  Walking Path - no discussion

33)  IGA Between Village of Winnebago and Winnebago Township - No discussion

34)  Executive Session – none

35)  Next Meeting – Monday, July 31, 2017, 5:00 PM

36)  Adjournment – Motion for adjournment by Mr. Maligranda. Second of motion by Mr. McKinnon. Motion passed. Adjourned meeting at 6:38 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael R. McKinnon, Public Works Chair