English System Conversions

Convert the following English to English values.
Enter all values without commas - example 5,678 would be entered as 5678.
Enter decimals less than 1 with a zero before the decimal point - example 0.25 or 0.0033.

1. 7 ft = in
2. 3,450 in = ft
3. 45 yd = ft
4. 10,912 yd = mi
5. 18,300 ft = yd
6. 75.3 mi = yd
7. 63.9 ft = in
8. 4 yd = ft
9. 63 mi = yd
10. 19 mi = in

Metric System Conversions

Convert the following metric to metric values.
Enter all values without commas - example 5,678 would be entered as 5678.
Enter decimals less than 1 with a zero before the decimal point - example 0.25 or 0.0033.

1. 7 cm = mm
2. 3,450 mm = cm
3. 45 m = cm
4. 10,946 m = km
5. 18,300 cm = m
6. 75.3 km = m
7. 63.9 cm = mm
8. 4 m = cm
9. 63 km = m
10. 19 km = mm

English to Metric System Conversions

1. 252 mi = km (report to 2 decimal places)
2. 36 in = m
3. 710 in = cm
4. 4 in = cm
5. 612 kg = lb
6. 100 g = oz
7. 363 oz = g
8. 48 lb = kg
9. 432 l = qt
10. 96 qt = l

Scientific Notation

Standard to Scientific Notation

Write the following standard notation number using scientific notation. Enter the number and the exponent of 10 in the appropriate boxes.

10. 17,650,000,000,000 = x 10 /
11. 864,760,000,000,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
12. 0.0000000000000000643 = x 10 /
13. 1,872,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
14. 0.000007633 = x 10 /
15. 8,980,000 = x 10 /
16. 0.000000000852 = x 10 /
17. 109,876,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
18. 0.0000000000000000000000000523 = x 10 /
19. 423,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
20. 0.0087 = x 10 /
21. 3,900,000,000 = x 10 /
22. 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000641 = x 10 /
23. 9,999,000,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
24. 0.0000006543 = x 10 /
25. 83,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /
28. 5,768,000,000,000 = x 10 /
30. 75,870,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = x 10 /

Scientific to Standard Notation

Write the following scientific notation number using standard notation.

1. 3.48 x 1027 =
2. 1.85 x 10-39 =
3. 4.732 x 1035 =
4. 3.9 x 10-16 =
5. 9.6157 x 1019 =
6. 7.58 x 102 =
7. 4.81 x 1023 =
8. 3.833 x 10-9 =