23rd Annual
Colorado Book Awards

Application for Finalist Selection and Judging

The Colorado Center for the Book’s Book Awards Advisory Committee makes the selector and judge assignments with the aim of creating panels of diverse readers (scholars, librarians, booksellers, teachers, writers, reviewers) from across the state. The Book Awards judging process has two parts:

  1. Selection of finalists, beginning January 2013 and completed by March 24, 2014.
  2. Judging of finalists, beginning April 2013 and completed by the end of April 2014.

Judges and Selectors have an opportunity to see what Colorado’s writers are creating. Judges and Selectors do not receive compensation for serving, but will receive a complimentary ticket to the 23ndAnnual Colorado Book Awards Event in 2013. There is no limit to how many years a Judge or Selector may serve on a committee; however, Judges and Selectors may not be asked to serve in consecutive awards years. An individual may serve as both a Judge and Selector in any given awards year, provided they adjudicate different categories. All applications are reviewed by the Colorado Book Awards Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee may ask members of the literary community to serve by invitation.

Each Category Committee is led by a Facilitator appointed to the category by the Colorado Book Awards Advisory Committee. The facilitator is asked to guide readers through the process, and leads the required committee discussions. Selectors and Judges are asked to come prepared to both contribute and listen in a civil discussion, demonstrating respect for fellow Selectors and Judges, authors and publishers. The adjudication process and all discussions about entries are considered strictly confidential.

Book Formats & Reading Requirements

We will continue to provide the option for publishers, authors and contributors to submit a digital version (PDF format) of any/all book(s). This means Selectors and Judges may be required to review and assess digital books using the new Submission Manager portal on our website. Aside from having a verified email address, you will also need internet access and a computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle or other e-reader that handles a PDF file format in order to review digital submissions. When you are assigned as a Selector or Judge, you will receive additional information and training on how to access and use our online Submission Manager portal. To apply to serve as a Judge or Selector, please complete this form and submit it to the address below.

Please check which committee you’d like to serve on.Application deadline is December 15, 2013.

Selectors have the challenging task of choosing three finalist books in a given Book Award category. A 3- to 5-member committee reads and assesses entries fromearly-January to late-March. The number of books assigned to a selector varies based on the number of entries submitted in each category. One committee meeting is required to determine finalists.

Judgeschoose a Colorado Book Award winner. During the month of April, a 3-member committee reads and assesses finalists in the designated categories, selecting a winner in each category. One committee meeting is required to determine finalists.

I would be willing to serve as either judge or selector.

I would be willing to serve as Facilitator, chairing the committee meeting and reporting results to the Program Coordinator.


Organization (if applicable)______

Home Address______

Home Phone______Work Phone: ______

Work Address______

(Must Have) E-mail______

Please indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for selection/judging by writing a “1”, “2” or “3” on the line provided. Please note: categories may be divided by subcategories if there are enough submissions to warrant division. Please select ONLY THREE:

______Children’s Literature
(Picture Books)
______Creative Nonfiction
____Travel Essay
______Pictorial/Art / ______General Nonfiction
______Literary Fiction
______Juvenile Literature
(Middle Grade Readers)
/ ______Popular (Genre) Fiction
______Young Adult Literature

List any previous literary or writing competitions you have judged:

Year ______Sponsoring Organization ______

Year ______Sponsoring Organization ______


Year ______Sponsoring Organization ______

Describe your qualifications to serve as a judge or selector. (You may include information on a separate sheet): ______




Are you or your employer submitting entries to this year’s competition? Yes No

If yes, please list the title of the book and category entered: ______

I, the undersigned, have read and understand the terms and conditions of acting as a judge or selector in the Colorado Book Awards:

______Date ______

Please send this completed application to:

Colorado Center for the Book

7935 E. Prentice Ave, Ste. 450

Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Or fax to: CBA Committee 303.864.9361

Or email it to:

23nd Annual Colorado Book Awards1 of 2

Application for Selection and Judging