EconomicsPeriod: ______Name:______

Mr. Finsel

Stock Market Project

Overview: This project is designed to increase your familiarity and proficiency with making money through the buying and selling of stocks. This project will span approximately one month and will be worth an entire test grade.

Requirements:Throughout this project you will be evaluated by performing the expected tasks and actually “doing” the project. Through practical application you will learn and be successful whether you make money or lose it; experience is important and learning can occur from both success and measured failure. You will need to have access to a computer in order to do this project. You can accomplish this project at home with your personal computer. If you do not have a personal computer, you will be expected to use the computers in the library media center.

Grading:Your grade will be based on the following:

Stock Market Worksheet8 pts

VSE Account Setup & initial trading12 pts

Stock Market Questionnaire22 pts

Stock Market Final Evaluation8 pts

Total:50 pts

Since you will be graded on “doing” this project in lieu of actual performance, late work will not be accepted and you will receive a zero.

Instructions:You will be given $100,000 virtual money to buy/sell publicly traded stocks on the Virtual Stock Exchange (VSE). This stock exchange mirrors the real trading that occurs on the NYSE & NASDAQ. Your goal is to make as much money as possible within 30 days. Throughout this time period, you will be able to monitor your stock’s performance and make adjustments to your portfolio given an appropriate investment strategy given market conditions. You will also be able to monitor your performance against the rest of all of the participating economics classes. The student who makes the most money at the end of the stock market project will receive a prize courtesy of Mr. Finsel.

Contact:If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Mr. Finsel or Mrs. Wetherbee in the library media center.

***Remember, this is a lesson that is designed to facilitate learning by practical application. Treat your $100,000 as if it were your own! Of course you want to make more money, but if you are losing money, it is important to know why you are losing money! (If we are failing, we need to recognize it and take correct actions –this of course is still learning!)