Module5 Vocabulary

  • Vertical angles: Two angles that are directly across from each other when two lines intersect.
  • Supplementary angles: Two angles with a sum of 180°.
  • Complementary angles: Two angles with a sum of 90°.
  • Adjacent angles: Angles that share a side.
  • Circumference: The distance around the outside of a circle.
  • Diameter: The distance from one side of a circle to the other through the center of the circle.
  • Radius: The distance from the center of a circle to a point on the circle.
  • Area: The space inside a circle.
  • Rectangular prism: A three-dimensional object that has six faces, two rectangular bases that are identical and four rectangular sides.
  • Cross section: The two-dimensional shape that results from cutting straight across a three-dimensional object.
  • Rectangular pyramid: A three-dimensional object where the base is a rectangle and the four faces are triangles that meet at a point to form the top vertex.
  • Trapezoid: A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides.

Module5 Advanced

  • Congruent: Having the same shape and size.
  • Image: A new figure that is the result of a transformation.
  • Pre-image: The original figure prior to a transformation.
  • Translation: Moving a figure vertically, horizontally, or both directions without rotating or changing the size; a slide.
  • Center of rotation: The point around which a figure is rotated.
  • Line of reflection: The line over which a pre-image is reflected to create a new image.
  • Reflection: A type of transformation in which one figure is a direct mirror of another.
  • Rotation: A transformation that turns a figure a given angle and direction around a fixed point.
  • Rigid transformation: Moving a shape so that it is in a new location but has the same size, shape, and area.
  • Dilation: A type of transformation that changes the size but not the shape of a figure.
  • Scale factor: A ratio of two corresponding lengths that determines the change in size from a pre-image to an image.
  • Similar: Having the same shape and angle measure but different sizes; expressed with the symbol ∼.
  • Adjacent angles: Angles that share a vertex and exactly one side, but do not overlap.
  • Alternate exterior angles: The congruent pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but inside the two lines.
  • Alternate interior angles: The congruent pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but outside the two lines.
  • Corresponding angles: Congruent angles that lie in the same position relative to the intersection of one parallel line and the transversal.
  • Vertical angles: Congruent angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  • Angle-angle criterion(AA): If two triangles have two angles that are congruent, the triangles are similar.
  • Congruent angles: Angles with the same measure.
  • Exterior angle theorem: The measure of an exterior angle is equal to the sum of the two remote interior angles.
  • Remote interior angles: The two angles inside the triangle that do not share a vertex with the exterior angle.
  • Triangle angle sum property: The sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

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