Monday 7thJanuary 2013
Menzies House, Oban,
Mr George Farquhar Chair (GF)
Mr Alister MacIntyre Vice Chair (AMI)
Mrs Lorraine Anne Drysdale (LD)
Mrs Mary MacAuley (MMA)
Mr Andy Birnie (AB)
Mr Stafford Day (SD)
Mrs Marri Malloy (MM)
Cllr Iain Angus MacDonald (IAMD)
Linda Haig, Director InvestmentRegeneration (LH)
Iona MacPhail, Regional Manager (IMP)
Amanda MacKenzie, Area Administration Officer (AMK)
Prior to the meeting proper Linda Haig provided a presentation on strategic aims and objectives. Linda discussed ACHA’s aims and objectives and advised of the Scottish housing quality services and development. An overview of progress for which I&R are responsible was provided. Linda advised of the measure used to achieve objectives:
Have to deliver on every property –
Heating and rewire
Secure doors for individual properties
Common door entries and repairs
Achievements – 46% achieved at 31st March 2012 which was the target set.
Kitchens and bathrooms almost complete.
Stock failing SHQS – at March 2012
No properties below tolerable standard.
Serious disrepair – 417
Energy efficiency failures – 2159 (large programme ongoing for loft insulation, new heating systems)
Modern facilities and services – 261 (kitchens being in good order, number of power points, worktop space)
Healthy safe and secure – 841 (security having secure doors and common door entry)
Total of 2722, properties – this could be properties that also have multiple fails. Not a static target as the condition of properties change or deteriorate.
LH discussed progress within Lorn & Isles, progressing against target set. Total target of 920 with an actual no complete by Nov 12 of 654. Target spend for all areas up to Nov 2012 was £12,770,000 with 3162 elements. Actual spend was £7,840,000 with 4333. LH advised that one contractor although has completed a large number of works they have not yet submitted appropriate paperwork to allow payment – this issue is currently being resolved.
Achieve energy efficiency targets by 2015: All properties to achieve a 5 national home energy rating by 2015 where technically feasible and proportionate costs.
Issues – has to be cost effective, technically feasible measures common parts and owners. LH advised we need consent from owners to come on board for common repairs and advised of one instance currently in Lorn where the Council have become involved.
Achievements: energy modelling for SHQS
Loft insulation and heating programmes
Grant from utility companies and government.
Target 4 – maintaining the target after 2015, ensuring year on year that our properties are maintained. LH advised that it may be that the Government may introduce a new standard post 2015. LH advised they may not use the sap ratings which are currently used, but use a new measure - EESSH.
Achievements – Initial modelling of effect of new ‘EESSH’. Higher standard ratings between 2015 – 2020- and will continue increasing.
Other tasks I&R involved in:
New builds – 32 campbeltown 8 Dalmally 24 Dunoon, 8 islay and capacity within programme taking us up to 2015 that will allow us to build 40 in Glenshellach Oban, small project Bowmore, Islay and small project in Helensburgh where we have committed resources, grants and private finances – working to ensure these projects are viable and feasible. Argyll & Bute have funding available and approached local RSL’s to ask for projects – ACHA have responded with proposals for Rockfield School – LH advised this could be acomplicated project due to the planning requirements and requirements of the short development window due to completion timescales that have to be met.
Related assets – Government funding was received to car parks, play areas, septic tanks, adopted roads. 80% through completing the projects. Number of shared ownership areas. ACHA brought up to standard but future works will be in partnership with owners.
Cyclical maintenance – legionella testing in sheltered properties, gutter cleaning etc.
1. / ApologiesIrvine Waugh (IW) / Action
2. / Minutes of Previous Meeting 5th November 2012
GF thanked AMI for chairing November’s meeting.
Page 8 – 8 new builds in Dalmally not Oban.
Approved as an accurate record.
Proposed –LAD
Matters Arising –none
3. / Declarations of Interest
No conflict of interest.
IMP wished to declare a “no interest” – IMP advised there is a CAF application for Highlands & Islands Dance Festival – IMP does judge and attend but is not a member and therefore advised no conflict of interest.
4. / Correspondence
Port Ellen School Choir –
Letter was sent to Port Ellen Primary School to advise that although ACHA were unable to contribute to the School Choir through Community Action Funding, we were pleased to be in a position to make alternative arrangements and able to donate £250 which was half the original CAF application. The opportunity was taken to thank the School Choir for their performance at the Cutting the First Turf Ceremony at Leodamus Place.
MM asked how the funds were donated – IMP advised that we were unable to provide a CAF due to them not being a charity. IMP advised as they’d been attending for us – IMP advised we agreed funds from budgets. IMP advised for future instances we would include costs for a donation in expenditure.
Thank you letters –
As per previous minutes, thank you letters were sent out to Cllr Roddy McCuish and Ms Calderwood.
5. / Chairs Report
Board update 8th November 2012.
The Chief Executive gave a presentation which covered the following topics:-
- New build completion for Ardenslate in Dunoon confirmed for mid January 2013. Projects in Campbeltown, Dalmally and Port Ellen progressing well. It is hoped that the new build project at Glenshellach, Oban will go on site March 2013.
- The investment programme is making good progress with 3344 elements completed against a target of 2581.
- ACHA’s budgetary process for 2013/14 is now underway.
- ACHA is now registered as a Factor in line with the Property Factors Act
- The Board carried out the six monthly strategic planning review and viewed the Association’s Risk Register.
- The Scottish Housing Regulator has just published commissioned studies on the priorities of Gypsy Travellers and Factored owners.
The Board agreed that the Customer Service Centre staff do not transfer to AHFA and that the CSC continues to operate as current from the Helensburgh area.
Each director provided a bi monthly report on key performance issues for their department.
David Kelly, senior welfare rights officer, provided an update on ACHA’s welfare rights service and the ongoing welfare reform mitigation strategy. David also highlighted that, via our work with the Council we have been able to identify 624 tenants who will be negatively affected by the “bedroom tax”- it is anticipated that these tenants will have their Housing benefit reduced by over £7000 per week (£350,000 per year). David also highlighted a number of other issues which will impact on tenants over the coming years as more elements of welfare reform are rolled out.
Date of next meeting:- December 13th 2012
Board update 13th December 2012
The Chief Executive gave a presentation which covered the following:-
- Update on Chancellor’s Autumn statement
- Argyll &Bute Council have confirmed they have received confirmation of the 3 yr affordable housing programme. ACHA have still to receive their formal offer grants. We anticipate approval for the following schemes:-Glenshellach, Oban ( 40 units), Bowmore, Islay (12 units), Hood Crt, Helensburgh ( 12 units)
- Alastair has written to Michael Moore MP regarding the “bedroom tax” which will affect 620 tenants.
- Home Argyll allocations review is now underway.
- The Scottish Government has announced £27million to assist heating and energy efficiency in older homes.
The Board signed off the final Business case and associated matters relating to the establishment of Argyll Homes For All (AHFA).
The Board approved the reviewed Tenant Involvement Strategy and the new Youth Strategy.
Jim Milne, Board member issued a very interesting report and presentation from his attendance at a recent Welfare Reform Conference.
Date of next meeting:- January 10th 2013
AMI asked what will be built in Glenshellach – IMP advised it will be flats, currently 3 high.
6. / Development of Local Membership Strategy
Discussion took place regarding proposals from Novembers meeting:
Amalgamate the local membership strategy along with the tenants and residents strategy. IMP asked if we could set some priorities today. In terms of local members IMP advised we’ve reviewed where our members are. Some discussion last meeting was that we’re not reaching our island and rural tenants and we could reach out to our community councils. IMP asked MM as Community Council what her opinion was. MM advised that the Community Council do speak to the general public – MM asked if ACHA intend to attend the councils – a number throughout the area to give a presentation explaining what it s about. IAMD suggested coming to the community engagement meeting instead of attending all the individual community councils. IMP agreed that would be beneficial. IAMD advised 17th of January is the provisional date. All Community Councils are invited and if they don’t attend they would receive minutes.
IAMD will confirm to IMP regarding attendance, confirmed dates etc.
IMP asked LAD regarding the previous suggestion regarding proposing an ACHA facebook page. LAD advised she discussed with CJ who will bring up at Board.
Tenants and Residents Association Strategy – IMP advised we could also bring this up at the Community Engagement meeting. IMP can also check who the best contact is for Islay as that is under Mid Argyll with the Council.
IMP asked if members wished to continue with a presence at local shows. Members agreed that it is beneficial.
AMK to provide a list of show dates for the next meeting. / IAMD
7. / Community Action Fund Awards
OLI allocation of CAF value £1500, £550 previously issued with £950 remaining.
Highliands & Islands Music & Dance Festival –
Request for £500 –
Tobermory Endeavour –
Request for £500 –
MM proposed £250 each, agreed and signed off by GF.
AMK to provide a list at the end of the year to detail all the successful CAF applications. Possible press release re the successful applications. / AMK
8. / Tenants Newsletter
Committee Members were issued with 3 proposed articles and asked for comments.
Second article was chosen re the Christmas card and welcoming Cllr Ian Angus MacDonald to the OLI Area Committee.
9. / Lora View Land Disposal Report
Additional map outlining area at North Connel was provided to members.
SD asked what the Council lease issue stated in the report referred to and asked why the Council held onto small pockets of land. IMP advised also the issue that no rent has been paid for the garage base. IAMD asked if there was an issue regarding transfer with garages. IMP advised that we do have garages, but there was no official document for the garage base in question where ACHA have ownership and should have been collecting rent.
SD advised if we had funds ACHA would be able to build one or two properties there. AMI agreed that you could get 2 small houses there.
Members unanimously agreed due to the development potential that the land disposal request should be refused as it is a valuable asset.
IMP advised that Members decision will be passed to the Board.
10. / New Build Site, Port Ellen, Islay
OLI Area Committee Members were asked to make a recommendation to the Board for the naming of Islay’s new build site at Leadamus Place. Once approved at Board level the suggestion will be submitted to Argyll & Bute Council’s Planning Department who ultimately have final approval.
Port Ellen Primary School Choir performed at the Cutting The First Turf Ceremony and ACHA were keen to continue involvement with the School and therefore asked if the school children could come up with some proposed names. Members were asked to review the suggestions.
Discussions took place including the merits/disadvantages of naming after someone. Decision was ultimately between “Robertson ...... ”(after Lord George Robertson) and “Church ...... ” (referring to the position of the new builds between St John’s and Baptist Church).
Also discussed who could open the new builds.
Members unanimously agreed with “Church Way”. Imp asked if Lord George Robertson should be invited to open the new builds - agreed.
11. / Policy Review Timetable 2013
IMP asked members if there was anything in particular from the timetable that members would like information on at a future Committee Meeting.
Allotment policy
Membership policy
Newbuild policy
Whistle blowing policy
12. / Local Report
IMP presented OLI’s Local Report.
Dalmally New build –
IMP showed before and after pictures. The two storey buildings are located beside bungalows and 1 and ½ Argyll properties. IMP advised we have to choose 2 for mid market rents which will be let by AHFA and be for approx £500 per month. IMP advised these tenants will be paying more and suggested the two with the best view could be chosen. Agreed
House Fire, Islay –
IMP provided pictures of the recent house fire in Islay and showed pictures of the works that were carried out to make the necessary repairs. This particular fire was due to a pot being left on the cooker.
Rockfield –
Press article and subsequent letters – IAMD advised this is a particularly good example of where community engagement would be beneficial as a lot of misinformation being circulated regarding Rockfield – local members including himself are threatening to put in a demolition application to force the hand of historic Scotland.
ACHA Briefing Papers –
Press article on Bedroom tax.
Drug Dealers –
Press article for the Police. IMP advised Lorn area in particular work very closely with the police in particular with drug dealers. IMP advised of last month’s press release where ACHA’s release was put in by the Oban Times word for word but added the tenants name which ACHA had left anonymous.
IMP highlighted a subsequent letter in the Oban Times where the reader commends ACHA for evicting drug dealers.
Dunbeg Housing –
Article on the development at Dunbeg with Link Housing, which is essentially a West Highland Housing Development. IAMD advised that there is a problem getting local contractors to participate in this size of works and advised WHHA will probably receive flak for using outside contractors again. IAMD suggested this is another ideal example where the Community engagement should be notified of the reasons why external contractors are being used. It was discussed that the smaller contractors are unable to tender for these larger jobs as they can’t provide the financial guarantee that they can complete the works and don’t have the same financial backing as the larger companies. AB advised of the initial works carried out by ACHA to get smaller contractors to work with the Association.
MM apologized and left the meeting.
Rudha Cottages, Tiree –
IMP updated members that ACHA will be changing the classification for Rudha Cottages which will be amended on our records from Sheltered Housing to amenity. There has never been a warden or typical services associated with sheltered housing although there is an alarm system. This will aid access to allocations.
Local Staff –
Press article with Lorn Staff member Anne Ferguson who raised money for Oban Hospice.
Christmas Card –
Press release on the Christmas card competition.
Hamper –
LAD pictured in press article winning an ACHA hamper.
13. / AOCB
AB – attended the Soroba meeting last month, somebody brought up the bottom flat which don’t have the drying area and need to use the outside green – they’d applied for a new whirly-gig but were refused. AB advised that he is paying the same rent as those above who have a drying area when he doesn’t. IMP will be able to discuss directly with tenant.
IMP pointed out on the kpi’s within the information pack that the rent arrears is out of target – IMP advised this is unusual for Lorn and is showing as 3.11% IMP advised this is in the main due to direct debits, that the way the monthly payments are due, there is a high point until the two free weeks where the payments are then back in credit. / IMP
14. / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 4th of March 2013
Menzies House, Oban
Dalmally site visit –
IMP suggested using an alternative date to have a site meeting out-with Area Committee meeting due to timescales. Agreed mid March. / IMP
7th January 20131