/ Learner Resource /
School Name
Subject / Maths / Topic / Number & Place Value / Year / Prep
Description / Sample Pre-assessment Unit 4
Teacher Info / Refer to guiding notes and ACARA to ensure alignment
Task designed by / Janelle Dickman / Contact / Janelle Dickman 0467 777 965
Teacher Guiding Notes
10 Lessons / Number and place value*Assessment Task
5 Lessons / Number and place value 2 *Assessment Task
10 Lessons / Using units of measurement
5 Lessons / Location and Transformation
5 Lessons / Number and place value (addition)
5 Lessons / Shape and Using units of measurement - time
10 Lessons / Using units of measurementNumber and place value
  • Measurement has focused largely on durations of events, days and weeks so far this year. This is the first time children are required to compare durations. Perhaps a simple pre-test on the children’s understanding of what ‘comparing’ means could be appropriate. This also applies to the comparisons expected with mass, length and capacity of objects in this unit.
  • Discussions around what position and direction mean to the children would be helpful to gain an understanding of children’s prior knowledge.
  • A matching task requiring children to name and describe shapes could pre-assess ‘shape’ knowledge

South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 1

/ Learner Resource /
TERM / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Sequencing teaching and learning / Unit overviews / Unit 1:
Prep students will engage in activities across the five contexts of learning — focused teaching and learning, investigations, active learning, real life situations, routines and transitions. When opportunities arise in the classroom, the appropriate strand of mathematics — Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry, Statistics and probability — may be addressed.
In this unit through the Proficiency strands — Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning — students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
Patterns and algebra — identify how objects are similar or different, sort objects based on similar features, identify a rule for a ‘sort’, identify questions, identify patterns in the environment, copy and describe simple patterns, identify patterns within counting sequences
Using units of measurement — sequence stages within an activity, compare duration of events using time language, directly compare the size of objects, describe the objects
Number and place value — recall counting in ones, identify numbers in the environment, represent quantities, compare numbers, recall counting sequences, represent quantities, visualise arrangements to five, match numerals to quantities, count forwards and backwards from different starting points, compare quantities using ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘same’, identify numbers before, after and next in a sequence, order quantities and numerals,
Location and direction — use positional language to describe location, identify positional opposites, representing locations with models and images. / Unit 2:
Prep students will engage in activities across the five contexts of learning — focused teaching and learning, investigations, active learning, real life situations, routines and transitions. When opportunities arise in the classroom, the appropriate strand of mathematics — Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry, Statistics and probability — may be addressed.
In this unit through the Proficiency strands — Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning — students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
Using units of measurement — explore the duration of a day, sequence events within a day, directly and indirectly comparing the duration of events, directly compare the length width and height of objects and distances
Patterns and algebra —identify pattern and non-pattern, copy, continue and describe simple repeating patterns
Number and place value — recall counting in ones, identify numbers in the environment, represent quantities, compare numbers, recall counting sequences, visualise arrangements to five, match number names, numerals and quantities, count forwards and backwards from different starting points, identify parts within a whole
Location and direction — describe, represent and generate simple movement paths
Shape— sort describe and arrange three-dimensional objects, connect two dimensional shapes to the faces of three dimensional objects, arrange two-dimensional shapes to represent familiar objects / Unit 3:
Prep students will engage in activities across the five contexts of learning — focused teaching and learning, investigations, active learning, real life situations, routines and transitions. When opportunities arise in the classroom, the appropriate strand of mathematics — Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry, Statistics and probability — may be addressed.
In this unit through the Proficiency strands — Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning — students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
Using units of measurement — explore the duration of a week, sequence events within a week, directly and indirectly comparing the duration of events, connect the days of the week to familiar events and actions, directly compare the mass of objects
Number and place value—represent quantities, compare numbers, visualise arrangements to five, matching number names, numerals and quantities, identify parts within a whole, combine collections, make equal groups, describe the joining process
Patterns and algebra —identify pattern and non-pattern, identify constant change, copy, continue and describe simple growing patterns
Data representation and interpretation— generate yes/no questions, identify and interpret data collected / Unit 4:
Prep students will engage in activities across the five contexts of learning — focused teaching and learning, investigations, active learning, real life situations, routines and transitions. When opportunities arise in the classroom, the appropriate strand of mathematics — Number and algebra, Measurement and geometry, Statistics and probability — may be addressed.
In this unit through the Proficiency strands — Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning — students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
Number and place value—represent quantities, compare numbers, match number names, numerals and quantities, identify parts within a whole, combine collections, making equal groups, describing the joining process
Using units of measurement — directly and indirectly compare the duration of events, directly and indirectly compare the mass, length and capacity of objects
Location and transformation— describe position, describe direction
Shape—describe, name and compare shapes
Data representation and interpretation— generating yes/no questions, identifying and interpreting data collected

South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 1

/ Learner Resource /
Student Name / Class / Date

Number and Place Value

Numeral / 5
Name / Nine
Picture /

South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 1

/ Learner Resource /

South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 1