Mudgee Uniting Church Annual Congregation Meeting

Report from Chairperson of the Congregation

19 November 2017

We pray for the power to be gentle,

the strength to be forgiving,

the patience to be understanding

and the endurance to accept the consequences

of holding to what we believe to be right. Amen

What follows is a summary of the last year for Mudgee Uniting. It is amazing that we are able to do so much. And that only happens because of the willingness of all of us to be engaged with what it means to be ‘in Christ’.

·  Our numbers are stable with some people joining us and some greater involvements from younger members of the congregation. Visitors to Mudgee Uniting continue to be warmly welcomed.

·  The roster is working well. It is wonderful to see so many of our community involved in worship and stewardship.

·  Worship services are varied with enough commonality to give a secure base each week. It is good that so many of our congregation have a chance to lead worship. We get to know differing styles of worship and enjoy the creativity by various people.

·  Music has begun to take on more of a presence and we thank those who make this possible.

·  We have a continued involvement in the nursing homes around Mudgee, though this needs to be given more structure so that we are more of a presence.

·  This year saw a change in the organisational arrangements of the Cluster. We now have a Cudgegong Cluster Church Council with representation from both Mudgee and Kandos/Rylstone. Each church group has a Ministry Team which will oversee worship, pastoral issues, ‘happenings’ as well as making suggestions to the Church Council. Suggestions are encouraged from the congregation as well. This is our church and we all have a part to play in making it a place of love and learning the gospel. Many thanks to those who have worked so hard to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements and again thanks to those on the Lay Ministry Team who have worked to provide steady leadership this year.

·  Again Mudgee Uniting has provided representation at Synod. Feedback from these gatherings is always welcomed. The Healthy Church Expo was also attended by people from our church.

·  The Safe Churches course was run at Mudgee Uniting with a good roll up from various churches in our area. These courses are important to fulfil our obligations to keep people safe.

·  Groups have continued to provide good fellowship and a living out of Paul’s instruction to ‘do good works’ and live out the joy of hospitality.

Ø  Community Garden: the garden has continued to thrive (pun intended). Planting and caring for the garden has continued with Mudgee Uniting people and community people involved. Open Days have expanded with special demonstrations being held during 2017. A Community Garden lunch has been held monthly during the year.

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Ø  Playgroup: has met weekly at the church, providing a good interface between the church and the community.

Ø  Crossroads: has continued to hold services at Mudgee Uniting this year on a monthly basis.

Ø  Nitter Natter: has continued to meet during the year, providing a chance for people to meet and natter as well as engage in various craft activities.

Ø  Bible Study: meets weekly and discusses the readings from the previous Sunday.

Ø  Let’s Chat: meets monthly to explore current issues in the world and our community.

Ø  Blokes’ Night Out: meets each term at various venues around town, providing hospitality to others not regular church goers at Mudgee Uniting.

Ø  Girl’s Breaky: meets each term at local venues.

Ø  Card Ministry: a card is sent to all those on our roll for their birthdays. Children who are baptised in our church, but who are not regular attenders are also sent a birthday card as a reminder of their baptism until they turn 12, at which time they are given a Bible.

Ø  Candle Ministry: continues to flourish, providing candles to our congregation and other groups around the Presbytery.

These groups allow access of different ages, expectations, needs and wants across the Mudgee community as well as our own people.

·  We have hosted some special events this year. The View Club Singers were well received with takings going to the work of the Community Garden. A discussion series ‘Exploring Open Christianity’ facilitated by Dr Val Webb has looked at new ways of understanding Christianity in our time.

·  The Facebook and Web site continue to spread the message of the gospel to a wider community.

·  As is always the case with an old building, maintenance issues have arisen and been dealt with in a speedy and professional way. Plumbing, electrical, ventilation problems, the water tank, bird intrusion matters have all been addressed. A grant has enabled air conditioning to be installed in the tea room and the hall. Heating was installed in the church. We are very grateful to all those who have helped to facilitate and resolve such issues. The front grounds are looking beautiful thanks to the work of some enthusiastic people.

·  The church is used by outside groups, eg Girl Guides, Amnesty, ABA, Musical Groups, Wellways, Barnardos. Each group is exposed to the church buildings and the spirit of the place. It has been good to work together with Amnesty on various projects like the jigsaw petition about juveniles in detention.

A big thank you to all who work so hard and faithfully to build up the life of our church. It is hard to single out people as we have all given of our time and gifts for the Kingdom. We could print out the roll for everyone there has been a part of the continuing flourishing of our community. We are small in number but our willingness to bring forward ideas and take on tasks makes us a living act of grace in the Uniting Church and the town of Mudgee.

The Ministry Team (with some new faces) looks forward to continuing to grow the church and bring the message of Christ to the world.

Jorie Ryan


Mudgee Congregation