Subject: POL Extensions

Licence Term Extension of Some Possession-Only Licences – Levelling of Work Load

The expiry dates of some Possession-Only Licences (POLs) are being extended this Fall, for a period of one to four years, on a one-time basis. Recent changes to the Firearms Act provided for this (as contained in Bill C-10A, passed by Parliament in May 2003).

These licence term extensions will stagger the expiry dates of POLs across a five-year period, evening out the workload for the processing of licence applications and renewals. It will enable the Firearms Program to renew licences more quickly and efficiently. It will also contribute to more efficient operations at the Canada Firearms Centre.

The POLs that are being extended were chosen at random from across the country. Roughly 770,000 POLs are being extended (out of a total of approximately 1.3 million POLs across the country). A notice explaining the process and a sticker with a new expiry date will be mailed to affected licence holders in three phases, through October and November. There is no cost to licence holders.

The planned schedule for the mail-outs is:

  • October 8 to 12 for British Columbia, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon;
  • November 1 to 4 for Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nunavut; and
  • November 22 to 25 for Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland-Labrador.

(No Possession and Acquisition Licences (PALs) are being extended.)

Renewal of Licences Not Subject to Term Extensions

If a POL holder does not receive a notice that his or her POL is extended, that person's licence will expire on the date shown on the front of their licence. In these cases, and with all PALs, a renewal notice and application form will be mailed to the person approximately three months before their current expiry date. It is important that individuals complete and submit the application as quickly as possible to ensure that their licence remains valid.

It is important to note that the renewal fee for a POL is $60, as set out in the 1998 Firearms Fees Regulations that came into effect in 2001. The $10 fee for a POL only applied during the early load-up period, to encourage firearm owners to apply early. The $60 fee will continue to apply to all persons renewing a POL (unless a person is eligible to have the fee waived because of a need to hunt or trap to sustain them self or their family).

If a person's licence is about to expire (a POL or a PAL), but they have not received a renewal notice or an extension notice, they should call 1 800 731-4000 to confirm the situation.

Licence holders should also remember that it is important to keep the CAFC informed of any change of address.


If a firearms licence holder has any questions about this process or about any other aspects of the Firearms Program, they should call 1-800-731-4000.

Jamie Deacon

Director, Policy and Consultations

Canada Firearms Centre

Tp: 613 952-5082

Fax: 613 954-9426