10A – UNIT 3 – Parallel Structure


For this lesson, you will examine parallel structure. Parallel structures are formed when two or more words, phrases, or grammatical elements are repeated to form patterns. They are used to demonstrate that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Words, phrases, or clauses written with parallel structures are often connected with conjunctions such as or, and, but, both, but also, not only, either, or nor.

The examples below distinguish sentences with parallel structure from sentences without

parallel structure.

Example 1

Nonparallel: Paul does not like to shovel snow, to mow the lawn, or raking leaves.

Parallel: Paul does not like to shovel snow, to mow the lawn, or to rake leaves.


Paul does not like to shovel snow, mow the lawn, or rake leaves.

Underline or highlight the sentence that illustrates the use of proper parallel construction for each of the 3 pairs below. Each is worth 10 points.

a. Eva wanted three things out of college: to get an education, to meet new friends, and

Working on campus.

Eva wanted three things out of college: to get an education, to meet new friends, and to

Work on campus.

b. Kevin met his grandfather for an interactive day of making a picnic lunch, fishing for

Walleye, and to share family stories.

Kevin met his grandfather for an interactive day of making a picnic lunch, fishing for

Walleye, and sharing family stories.

c. In yoga class, Julia learned to manage and reduce stress and to increase her physical


In yoga class, Julia learned to manage and reduce stress and she increased her physical


The following sentences on the next page contain NONparallel structures. Rewrite the sentences correctly using parallel structure. Each is worth 20 points

1.  John fulfills his duties as class president by holding weekly meetings, advocating for

Students, and he informed school leaders of problems.

John fulfills his duties as class president, by holding weekly meetings, advocating for

Students, and he informed school leaders of problems.

2.  The house was dilapidated, the yard was excavated, and there was a garage that was falling down.

The house was dilapidated, the yard was excavated, and the garage was falling down.

2.  During her spring break, Debbie plans to clean the attic, finish her assignment, and to look for jobs near her school.

Debbie plans to clean the attic during spring break, finish her assignment, and to look for jobs near her school.