
Mark J. Hallenbeck

213 Madsen Center


Sioux Falls, SD57197


Academic Degrees

Ph.D. MichiganStateUniversity 1997Special education

M.A.T. AugustanaCollege1980Special education

M.A. WebsterCollege1976Human relations

B.A. MichiganStateUniversity1970English

Professional Experience

1997-PresentAugustana College, associate professor of special education

1993-1994Spartan Village Elementary Professional Development School (East Lansing, MI), graduate

research assistant

1989-1995Graduate research/teaching assistant, MichiganStateUniversity

1980-1997WestLyonCommunitySchool District (Inwood, IA), secondary resource room teacher

1986-1993West Lyon Community School District (Inwood, IA), special education coordinator (part-time)

1970-1971,TrentonHigh School (Trenton, MI), English teacher


1971-1974Military journalist, U.S. Air Force

Faculty Load

Fall 2004Sabbatical leave

Interim 2005Sabbatical leave

Spring 2005SPED 260 3 c.h. teaching

SPED 301 3 c.h. teaching

Student teaching super-

vision (5 student teach-

ers, 9 placements) 3.375 c.h.

Courses Taught

SPED 260: Introduction to Learning Disabilities

SPED 360: Teaching Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

SPED 301: Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Disabilities

SPED 310: Assessment in Special Education

EDUC 340: Effective Mainstreaming

EDUC/SPED 110: Equality, Exceptionality, and Excellence

SPED 486: Student Teaching Supervision

EDUC 610: History and Philosophy of Education

SPED 597: School Change and Special Education (with Dr. Joan Bacon)

SPED 680: Mainstreaming: The Next Generation (with Dr. Joan Bacon)

SPED 280: Practicum-Children and Youth with Disabilities

Professional and Academic Association Memberships

Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Learning Disabilities, Teacher Education Division, Division for Research;

treasurer of South Dakota chapter; state delegate to international convention

Phi Delta Kappa, member & chapter secretary


Hallenbeck, M.J. (2004). Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers.

Teacher training video program. Eau Claire, WI: Otter Creek Institute.

Hallenbeck, M.J. (2002). Taking charge: Adolescents with learning disabilities assume responsibility for their own writing,

Learning Disability Quarterly, 25, 227-246.

Hallenbeck, M., Bockorny, J., Schnabel, G., Lantz, S., & TeGrootenhuis, S. (2000). First-Hand Knowledge of Learning

Disabilities: Online Mentoring for Preservice Teachers.Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children. (ERIC

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 442 249).

Hallenbeck, M.J. (1999). Taking charge: Adolescents with learning disabilities assume responsibility for their own writing.

Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 430 326).

Hallenbeck, M. (1998). A victory for the village, Reclaiming Children and Youth, 7, 182-186.

Hallenbeck, M.J. (1996). The Cognitive Strategy in Writing: Welcome relief for adolescents with learning disabilities,

Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 11, 107-119.

Roehler, L., Hallenbeck, M., McLellan, M., & Svoboda, N. (1996). Teaching skills through learning conversations in whole

language classrooms. In E. McIntyre & M. Pressley (Eds.), Balanced instruction: Strategies and skills in whole

language (pp. 193-212). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon.

Hallenbeck, M.J. (1995). The Cognitive Strategy in Writing: Welcome relief for adolescents with learning disabilities.

Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 381 981).

Hallenbeck, M.J., & McMaster, D. (1991). Disability simulation for regular education students, Teaching Exceptional

Children, 23, 12-15. Reprinted in K.L. Freiberg (Ed.) (1992), Educating Exceptional Children, Sixth Edition.

Guilford, CT: Dushkin.

Hallenbeck, M. (1990). Survival finances: A personal money management simulation. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch.

Hallenbeck, M., & Beernink, M. (1989). A support program for parents of children with mild handicaps, Teaching

Exceptional Children, 21, 44-47.

Hallenbeck, M.J., & Boetel, D.F. (1985). Teacher friendly: A BASIC programmingcourse just for classroom teachers.

Belmont, CA: Fearon.

Hallenbeck, M.J. (1983). A free reading journal for secondary LD students, Academic Therapy, 18, 479-485.

Papers Presented

Hallenbeck, M.J. (1999, April) Taking charge: Adolescents with learning disabilities assume responsibility for their own

writing. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Charlotte, NC.

Hallenbeck, M.J., & Smith, E.L. (1995, March). The Science and Literacy Project: Implementing scientific discourse on a

school-wide basis. Paper presented by the second author at the annual meeting of the National Association for

Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco, CA.


I don’t know what to write: Motivating reluctant writers through modeling and think sheets (2005, February). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Merrillville, IN.

I don’t know what to write: Motivating reluctant writers through modeling and think sheets (2005, February). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Fort Wayne, IN.

I don’t know what to write: Motivating reluctant writers through modeling and think sheets (2005, January). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Knoxville, TN.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2004, July). Invited

presentation at the Otter Creek Institute summer institute, Sioux City, IA.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2004, March). Presentation at

the Statewide Special Education Conference, Pierre, SD.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, November). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Minneapolis, MN.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, November). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Rochester, MN.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, November). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Fargo, ND.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, October). Invited

presentation at the 25th International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Seattle, WA.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, October). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Long Island, NY.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, October). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Albany, NY.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, October). Seminar

presented for Otter Creek Institute, Poughkeepsie, NY.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Developing writing teachers and student writers (2003, October). Inservice

presentation for the FreemanAcademy, Freeman, SD.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Teaching essay writing to struggling writers (2003, April). Presentation at the

annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Seattle, WA.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Teaching essay writing to struggling writers (2002, November). Convention chair

invited presentation at the annual convention of the New York State Council for Exceptional Children, Albany, NY.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: From struggle to success (2002, November). Seminar presented for Otter Creek

Institute, Chicago, IL.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Teaching essay writing to struggling writers (2002, November). Presentation at

the Statewide Special Education Conference, Pierre, SD.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: From struggle to success (2002, October). Seminar presented for Otter Creek

Institute, Cleveland, OH.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: From struggle to success (2002, October). Seminar presented for Otter Creek

Institute, Southfield, MI.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: A tool kit for struggling writers (2002, April), with Andrea Wiegers. Presentation at

the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, New York, NY.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW): A tool kit for struggling writers (2002, March). Inservice presentation for

the Sioux Falls, SD, School District.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW): A tool kit for struggling writers (2002, January). Inservice presentation for

the Beresford, SD, School District.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW): A tool kit for struggling writers (2001, October), with Andrea Wiegers.

Presentation at the Statewide Special Education Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing: Turning struggle into success (2001, April). Presentation at the annual

convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Kansas City, MO.

Snack Pack: Earning and learning with a concession stand fundraiser (2001, April), with Connie Rentschler. Poster

session presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Kansas City, MO.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW): Turning struggle into success (2000, November). Presentation at the

Statewide Special Education Conference, Pierre, SD.

Mediating learned helplessness in writing through theory, strategy instruction, and assessment (2000, April). Presentation

at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Vancouver, BC.

First-Hand knowledge of learning disabilities: Online mentoring for preservice teachers (2000, April), with Sandy Lantz

and Gwen Schnabel. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children,

Vancouver, BC.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW): Implementation and results (2000, March). Inservice presentation for the

Spirit Lake, IA, CommunitySchools.

Homework helps (1999, October). Breakout session presented at the Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Review,

Sioux Falls, SD.

Library support for the literacy development of adolescents with learning disabilities (1999, October). Inservice

presentation for the Sioux Falls Public Schools, Sioux Falls, SD.

Language-based literacy (1999, June), with Mary Friehe. Adult basic education workshop sponsored by the Nebraska

Department of Education, Lincoln and North Platte, NE.

Taking charge: Adolescents with learning disabilities assume responsibility for their own writing (1999, April). Presentation

at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Charlotte, NC.

Lessons from Littleton (1999, April). Panelist in press conference sponsored by the South Dakota Coalition for Children,

Sioux Falls, SD.

Strategic expository writing for adolescents with learning disabilities (1999, March). Presentation at the Statewide Special

Education Conference, Pierre, SD.

Assessing instructional practices(1999, March). Panelist in round table presentation at the Statewide Special Education

Conference, Pierre, SD.

The Cognitive Strategy in Writing: Welcome relief for adolescents with learning disabilities (1995, April). Poster session

presented at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, Indianapolis, IN.

Science and literacy as a whole school focus: Learning together in a learning community (1994, January). Panelist for

presentation at the Professional Development School Teacher Researcher Conference, Central Michigan

University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.

Survival Finances: A Personal Money Management Simulation (1989, October). Presented curriculum unit at Iowa Council

for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Des Moines, IA.

Workshop presenter/moderator (1987, October, to 1992, April). Presented and moderated numerous special education

workshops for parents, teachers, and students sponsored by Area Education Agency No. 4, Sioux Center, IA.


A study of writing instruction and student writing development in a heterogeneous fifth-grade classroom. 2004-2005.

A study of an online mentoring project involving classroom teachers and college students taking an introductory course

on learning disabilities. 1997-99.

A study investigating the application of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing to essay writing instruction for ten

normally achieving first-graders. 1997-98.

A classroom study of collaborative dialogue and writing development among four seventh-grade students with learning

disabilities (doctoral dissertation). 1995-97.

Coordinated school-wide classroom research on infusing science and literacy content in a professional development

school. 1993-94.

A classroom study of writing development among seven students with learning disabilities, grades 7-12. 1991-92.


Developing writing teachers and student writers in the elementary classroom (2004-2005), with Cynthia Nelson and

Annmarie Kowalczyk. Faculty Development Grant, $1,408. Grant used to support the participation of Kowalczyk,

an Augustana education major, in a year-long investigation of writing instruction in a fifth-grade classroom.

Developing writing teachers and student writers in the elementary classroom (Summer 2004). Augustana Research/Artist

Fund Grant, $1,606.36. Grant used to support the planning and implementation of a year-long investigation of

writing instruction in a fifth-grade classroom.

Web-based access to research and dialogue on Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (2000), with Perry Hanavan and

Sara Skrdlant (student). Bush Grant, $2,500. Grant used to support the development of a web page to more

effectively disseminate information about Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing.

Print-based access to research on Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (2000), with Andrea Wiegers (student). Bush

Grant, $1,500. Grant used to support travel for faculty member and student to MichiganStateUniversity to

collaborate with Dr. Carol Sue Englert, developer of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing (CSIW), on the

production of research-based materials designed to assist preservice and practicing teachers with implementing



Augustana College Community Service Day faculty team leader, 1998-present

AugustanaCollege team captain, Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk, 2001-present

Augustana College Regents Scholars interview team member, 1998-present

Augustana College Christmas Vespers usher, 1997-present

New Student Seminar Faculty Mentor, 2001-2002

Faculty sponsor, student presentation entitled “Research Into Practice: Connecting Teachers to the Cognitive Strategy

Instruction in Writing,” The Augustana Symposium, March 2001

FirstUnitedMethodistChurch, Sioux Falls, SD: audio operator, transportation provider for the elderly, 1994-present;

server at The Banquet, 1990-present; Confirmation teacher, 1990-92, 1996-98

Invited speaker at academic awards ceremony, West Lyon (IA) High School, August 1998

Mentor, EdisonMiddle School, Sioux Falls, SD, 1997-98

Writing enrichment instructor (first grade), GarfieldElementary School, Sioux Falls, SD, 1997-98

Career Day speaker, Pipestone (MN) High School, November 1997

YMCA basketball coach, 1988-92, 1994-98